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Population tables, England and Wales, Vol. I. [Ancient] counties, 1871

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-ii) Title and contents
(Pages iii-vii) Letter to the right Honourable h. A. Bruce, m. P., Her Majesty's principle secretary of state for the home department
(35 pages)Contract subtree Summary tables
(Page ix) Table I. Population of England and Wales, and of the Islands in the British Seas in 1871
(Page ix) Table II. Houses and population of England and Wales in 1871 and 1861
(Page x) Table III. Houses and population of England and Wales at each of the censuses 1801-71
(Page x) Table IV. Increase of the inhabited houses and population of England and Wales in the intervals between the censuses 1801-71
(Page xi) Table V. Area, houses, and population in 1871 of the counties in England and Wales-
(Pages xii-xvii) Table VI. Area, houses, and population in 1871 of the counties and parliamentary divisions of counties in England and Wales
(Pages xviii-xxxiii) Table VII. Inhabited houses and population in 1871 of cities, municipal and parliamentary boroughs, local board districts, improvement commissioners' districts, lighting-commissioners' districts, paving commissioners' districts, and other principal towns in England and Wales
(Page xxxiv) Table VIII. Inhabited houses and population of the provinces and dioceses in England and Wales in 1871
(Pages xxxv-xxxix) Table IX. Inhabited houses and population in 1871 of the counties and parts of counties comprised in each diocese
(Page xl) Table X. Numbers of persons in workhouses, hospitals, lunatic asylums, prisons, and other public institutions in England and Wales on 3rd April 1871
(Page xl) Table XI. Number of persons on board her Majesty's ships, or on board sea-going Merchant vessels in the harbours, rivers, and creeks of England and Wales on the night of 2nd April 1871
(Page xl) Table XII. Number of persons enumerated in barges, barns, &c. In England and Wales in 1871
(Page xl) Table XIII. Number of persons enumerated in her Majesty's ships, in sea-going Merchant vessels, and in barges, barns, &c. In England and Wales at each of the censuses 1851-1871
(Page xli) Table XIV. Houses and population of the Islands in the British Seas in 1871
(Page xli) Table XV. Population of the Islands in the British Seas at each of the censuses 1821-1871
(Page xli) Table XVI. Number of persons on board her Majesty's ships, or on board sea-going Merchant vessels in the harbours, rivers, and creeks of the Islands in the British Seas on the night of 2nd April 1871
(Page xlii) Table XVII. Number of emigrants from the united kingdom during the ten years 1861-70
(560 pages)Contract subtree Counties in England and Wales
(Page xliv) Index to counties
(Pages 1-5)Contract subtree Bedford
(Page 1) Entire county in 1871
(Page 1) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 2) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 2) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 2) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 3) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 3) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 3) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 3) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 4-5) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 5) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 6-14)Contract subtree Berks
(Page 6) Entire county in 1871
(Page 6) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 7) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 7) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 8) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 8) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 9) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 9) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 9) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 10-11) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 12-14) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 15-23)Contract subtree Bucks
(Page 15) Entire county in 1871
(Page 15) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 16) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 16) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 17) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 17) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 18) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 18) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 18) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 19-20) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 21-23) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 24-30)Contract subtree Cambridge
(Page 24) Entire county in 1871
(Page 24) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 25) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 25) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 26) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 26) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 26) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 27) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 27) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 27-28) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 29-30) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 31-45)Contract subtree Chester
(Page 31) Entire county in 1871
(Page 31) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 32) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 32) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 33) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 33) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 34) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 34) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 35) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 36-41) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 41-45) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 46-55)Contract subtree Cornwall
(Page 46) Entire county in 1871
(Page 46) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 47) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 47) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 48) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 48) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 49) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 50) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 50) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 51-52) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 53-55) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 56-64)Contract subtree Cumberland
(Page 56) Entire county in 1871
(Page 56) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 57) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 57) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 58) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 58) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 58) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 59) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 59) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 59-61) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 62-64) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 65-76)Contract subtree Derby
(Page 65) Entire county in 1871
(Page 65) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 66) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 66) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 67) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 67) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 67) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 68) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 68) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 69-72) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 72-76) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 77-91)Contract subtree Devon
(Page 77) Entire county in 1871
(Page 77) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 78) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 78-79) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 80) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 81) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Pages 81-82) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 82) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 83) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 84-87) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 87-91) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 92-99)Contract subtree Dorset
(Page 92) Entire county in 1871
(Page 92) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 93) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 93-94) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 94) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 95) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 95) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 96) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 96) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 96-98) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 99) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 100-112)Contract subtree Durham
(Page 100) Entire county in 1871
(Page 100) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 101) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 101) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 102) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 102) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 103) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 103) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 104) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 105-107) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 108-112) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Page 113) Entire county in 1871
(Page 113) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 114) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 114) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 115) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 115) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 116) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 116) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 116) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 117-119) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 120-122) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 123-135)Contract subtree Gloucester
(Page 123) Entire county in 1871
(Page 123) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 124) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 124) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 125) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 125) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 126) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 126) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 127) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 127-130) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 131-135) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 136-142)Contract subtree Hereford
(Page 136) Entire county in 1871
(Page 136) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 137) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 137) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 137) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 138) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 138) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 138) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 139) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 139-141) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 142) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 143-149)Contract subtree Hertford
(Page 143) Entire county in 1871
(Page 143) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 144) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 144) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 144) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 145) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 145) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 145) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 146) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 146-147) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 148-149) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 150-154)Contract subtree Huntingdon
(Page 150) Entire county in 1871
(Page 150) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 151) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 151) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 151) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 152) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 152) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 152) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 152) Local board districts and towns
(Page 153) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 154) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Page 155) Entire county in 1871
(Page 156) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 156) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 157-158) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 159) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 160) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Pages 160-161) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 161) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 162) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 163-166) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 166-180) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 181-206)Contract subtree Lancaster
(Page 181) Entire county in 1871
(Page 182) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 182) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 183) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Pages 183-184) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 184) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Pages 185-186) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 187) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Pages 187-190) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 190-195) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 195-206) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 207-215)Contract subtree Leicester
(Page 207) Entire county in 1871
(Page 207) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 208) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 208) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 208) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 209) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 209) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 209) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 210) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 210-213) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 214-215) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 216-231)Contract subtree Lincoln
(Page 216) Entire county in 1871
(Page 216) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 217) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 217-218) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 218) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 219) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 220) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 220) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 221) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 221-227) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 228-231) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 232-246)Contract subtree Middlesex
(Page 232) Entire county in 1871
(Page 232) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 232) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 233) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 233) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 233) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 234) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 235) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 235) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 236-237) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 238-246) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 247-253)Contract subtree Monmouth
(Page 247) Entire county in 1871
(Page 247) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 248) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 248) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 249) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 249) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 250) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 250) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 250) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 251-252) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 252-253) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 254-265)Contract subtree Norfolk
(Page 254) Entire county in 1871
(Page 255) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 255) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 256) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Pages 256-257) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 257) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 258) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 258) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 259) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 259-264) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 265) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 266-273)Contract subtree Northampton
(Page 266) Entire county in 1871
(Page 266) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 267) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 267) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 268) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 268) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 269) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 269) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 269) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 270-272) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 273) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 274-285)Contract subtree Northumberland
(Page 274) Entire county in 1871
(Page 274) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 275) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 275) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 276) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 276) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 277) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 277) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 278) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 278-283) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 284-285) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 286-294)Contract subtree Nottingham
(Page 286) Entire county in 1871
(Page 286) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 287) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 287) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 288) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 288) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 289) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 289) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 290) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 290-293) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 293-294) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 295-303)Contract subtree Oxford
(Page 295) Entire county in 1871
(Page 295) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 296) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 296) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 296) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 297) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 297) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 297) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 298) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 298-301) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 301-303) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 304-306)Contract subtree Rutland
(Page 304) Entire county in 1871
(Page 304) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 305) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 305) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 305) Local board districts and towns
(Page 306) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 307) Entire county in 1871
(Page 307) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 308) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 308) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 309) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 309) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 310) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 310) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 310) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 311-313) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 313-317) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 318-330)Contract subtree Somerset
(Page 318) Entire county in 1871
(Page 318) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 319) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 319-320) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 320) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 321) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 321) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 321) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 322) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 322-326) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 326-330) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 331-343)Contract subtree Southampton
(Page 331) Entire county in 1871
(Page 331) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 332) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 332-333) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 333) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 334) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 334) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 335) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 335) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 336-338) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 339-343) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 344-360)Contract subtree Stafford
(Page 344) Entire county in 1871
(Page 344) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 345) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 345) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 346) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 346) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 347) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 348) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Pages 348-349) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 350-352) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 353-360) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 361-370)Contract subtree Suffolk
(Page 361) Entire county in 1871
(Page 362) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 362) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 363) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 364) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 364) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 365) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 365) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 365) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 366-369) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 370) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 371-384)Contract subtree Surrey
(Page 372) Entire county in 1871
(Page 372) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 372) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 373) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 374) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 374) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 375) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 375) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 376) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 376-377) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 378-384) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 385-396)Contract subtree Sussex
(Page 385) Entire county in 1871
(Page 385) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 386) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 386-387) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 388) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 388) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 389) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 390) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 390) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 390-393) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 393-396) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 397-406)Contract subtree Warwick
(Page 397) Entire county in 1871
(Page 397) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 398) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 398) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 399) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 399) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 400) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 400) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 400) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 401-403) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 404-406) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 407-412)Contract subtree Westmorland
(Page 407) Entire county in 1871
(Page 407) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 408) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 408) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 408) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 409) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 409) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 409) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 409) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 410-411) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 411-412) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Page 413) Entire county in 1871
(Page 413) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 414) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 415) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 416) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 416) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 417) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 418) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 418) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 419-421) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 422-424) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 425-434)Contract subtree Worcester
(Page 425) Entire county in 1871
(Page 425) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 426) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 426) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 427) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 427) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 428) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 429) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 429) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 430-432) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 432-434) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Page 436) Entire county in 1871
(Page 437) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Pages 438-439) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Pages 439-440) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Pages 441-442) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 443) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Pages 444-446) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 447) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Pages 447-451) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 452-474)Contract subtree Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 452-456) East Riding
(Pages 457-464) North Riding
(Pages 464-474) West Riding
(Pages 475-490) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 491-494)Contract subtree Anglesey
(Page 491) Entire county in 1871
(Page 491) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 492) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 492) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 492) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 493) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 493) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 493) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 493) Local board districts and towns
(Page 494) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 494) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 495-499)Contract subtree Brecon
(Page 495) Entire county in 1871
(Page 495) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 496) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 496) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 496) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 497) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 497) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 497) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 497) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 498-499) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 499) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 500-505)Contract subtree Cardigan
(Page 500) Entire county in 1871
(Page 500) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 501) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 501) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 502) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 502) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 503) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 503) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 503) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 504-505) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 505) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 506-511)Contract subtree Carmarthen
(Page 506) Entire county in 1871
(Page 506) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 507) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 507) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 508) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 508) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 509) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 509) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 509) Local board districts and towns
(Page 510) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 511) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 512-516)Contract subtree Carnarvon
(Page 512) Entire county in 1871
(Page 512) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 513) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 513) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 513) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 514) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 514) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 514) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 514) Local board districts and towns
(Page 515) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 516) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 517-522)Contract subtree Denbigh
(Page 517) Entire county in 1871
(Page 517) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 518) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 518) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 518) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 519) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 519) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 519) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 520) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 520-521) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 521-522) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Page 523) Entire county in 1871
(Page 523) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 524) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 524) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 524) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 525) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 525) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 525) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 526) Local board districts and towns
(Page 526) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 527-528) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 529-536)Contract subtree Glamorgan
(Page 529) Entire county in 1871
(Page 529) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 530) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 530) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 531) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 531) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 532) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 532) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 533) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 533-534) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 535-536) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 537-540)Contract subtree Merioneth
(Page 537) Entire county in 1871
(Page 537) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 538) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 538) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 538) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 538) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 539) Local board districts and towns
(Page 539) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 540) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 541-546)Contract subtree Montgomery
(Page 541) Entire county in 1871
(Page 541) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 542) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 542) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 542) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 543) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 543) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 543) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 544) Local board districts and towns
(Page 544) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 545-546) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 547-552)Contract subtree Pembroke
(Page 547) Entire county in 1871
(Page 547) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 548) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 548) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 549) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 549) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 550) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 550) Municipal boroughs in 1861 and 1871
(Page 550) Local board districts and towns
(Pages 551-552) Civil parishes and townships
(Page 552) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Pages 553-558)Contract subtree Radnor
(Page 553) Entire county in 1871
(Page 553) Entire county in the years 1801-1871
(Page 554) Parliamentary divisions and boroughs
(Page 554) Hundreds, wapentakes, wards, liberties etc
(Page 554) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 555) Lieutenancy subdivisions
(Page 555) Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Page 555) Local board districts and towns
(Page 556) Civil parishes and townships
(Pages 557-558) Ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(12 pages)Contract subtree Islands in the British Seas
(Page 563) Area, houses, and population of the Islands in the British Seas, 1861 and 1871
(Page 563) Houses and population at each of the six censuses, 1821-71
(Page 564) Isle of Man. Area, houses, and population 1861 and 1871
(Page 564) Isle of Man. Area, houses, and population of the parishes, places, &c, 1861 and 1871
(Page 565) Jersey. Area, houses, and population 1861 and 1871
(Page 565) Jersey. Area, houses, and population of the parishes, places, &c, 1861 and 1871
(Page 566) Guernsey and adjacent Islands. Area, houses, and population 1861 and 1871
(Page 566) Guernsey and adjacent Islands. Area, houses, and population of the parishes, places, &c, 1861 and 1871
(Page 567) Area, houses, and population of the ecclesiastical districts or new parishes
(Page 568) Area, houses, and population of the towns, 1861 and 1871
(Page 568) Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, and of fishermen belonging to certain ports
(Page 569) Acreage of land and water in the parishes, &c. In the Isle of Man
(Page 569) Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore in the Islands in the British Seas
(Page 569) Number of births and deaths registered during the ten years 1861-70 in the Islands in the British Seas