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Eighty-third annual report of the registrar-general. Including an appendix relating to marriages,

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-vii) Title page and contents
(103 pages)Contract subtree Review of the vital statistics of the year
(Pages viii-ix) Summary of main features
(Pages ix-xii)Contract subtree Population
(Page ix) 1921 Census population
(Pages ix-x) Estimated population by sex and age, 1920
(Pages x-xi) Civilian and non-civilian population
(Pages xi-xii) Local populations
(Page xii) Natural increase
(Pages xii-xxiii)Contract subtree Marriages
(Page xii) Number and rate
(Page xii) Changes in the marriage-rate
(Pages xii-xiii) Methods of calculating marriage-rates
(Pages xiii-xiv) First marriages and re-marriages
(Pages xiv-xv) The divorced
(Pages xv-xvii) Age at marriage: Bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows
(Pages xvii-xviii)Contract subtree Marriages of minors
(Page xviii) Proportion to all marriages in registration counties
(Pages xviii-xx) Mean age at marriage
(Page xx) Fluctuations of marriage-rate in different sections of the country and in registration counties
(Pages xx-xxiii) Geographical divisions employed (North, Midlands, South, Wales)
(Pages xxii-xxiii) Buildings in which marriages may be solemnized
(Page xxiii) Registered buildings under the operation of the marriage act, 1898
(Page xxiii) Number and rate
(Pages xxiii-xxiv) Changes in the birth-rate
(Pages xxiv-xxv) Birth-rates in different parts of the country
(Page xxv) Sex proportions at birth
(Page xxv) Illegitimate births
(Page xxv) Illegitimate birth-rates in different parts of the country
(Pages xxvi-lx)Contract subtree Deaths
(Page xxvi) Number and rate
(Page xxvi) Standardization of death-rates
(Page xxvi) International standard death-rate
(Pages xxvi-xxvii) Changes in the death-rate
(Page xxvii) Mortality of each sex
(Pages xxvii-liv)Contract subtree Infant mortality
(Pages xxviii-xxix) Mortality in terms of corresponding births
(Pages xxix-xxxi) Method of calculation
(Pages xxxi-xxxii) Comparison with conventional method
(Pages xxxii-xxxviii)Contract subtree Seasonal mortality
(Page xxxiii) Diagram I. Quarterly infant mortality (per 1000 corresponding births), in each year, 1911-20
(Page xxxvii) Diagram II. Seasonal distribution of infant mortality (per 1000 corresponding births) in the decennium, 1911-20
(Page xxxviii) Trend of mortality
(Pages xxxviii-xxxix) Diarrhoeal and non-diarrhoeal mortality
(Pages xxxix-xli) Distribution: Area, sex and age
(Pages xli-xliii) In weeks and months, showing legitimacy for England and Wales
(Pages xliii-xlviii) Of counties and county boroughs
(Pages xlviii-liii)Contract subtree Causes of infant mortality
(Pages xlviii-xlix) Increase or decrease at various ages as compared with 1911-14 and 1919
(Pages xlix-l) Developmental and wasting diseases, 1901-20
(Page l) By sex, age, and legitimacy, 1920
(Pages l-liii) Distribution throughout the country
(Pages liii-liv) Mortality in the quinquennium, 1916-20
(Pages liv-lv) Mortality at ages over one year
(Pages lv-lix)Contract subtree Mortality at ages 1-5
(Pages lvi-lvii) At each year of age
(Pages lvii-lix) In each month of the second year of life
(Pages lix-lx) Mortality of the aged
(Page lx) Centenarians
(Pages lxi-civ)Contract subtree Causes of death
(Page lxi) Details shown for various areas
(Pages lxi-lxii) Comparison of registrar-general's with international short list
(Pages lxii-lxiii)Contract subtree Enteric fever
(Page lxii) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxii-lxiii) Mortality, prevalence, and fatality, in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxiii) Mortality and prevalence in counties and county boroughs
(Pages lxiii-lxiv) Trend of mortality
(Page lxiv)Contract subtree Small-pox
(Page lxiv) Mortality and season
(Page lxiv)Contract subtree Measles
(Page lxiv) Trend of mortality
(Page lxiv) Mortality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxiv) Mortality in counties and county boroughs
(Pages lxiv-lxv)Contract subtree Scarlet fever
(Pages lxiv-lxv) Trend of mortality
(Page lxv) Mortality, prevalence, and fatality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxv) Mortality in county boroughs
(Pages lxv-lxvi)Contract subtree Whooping cough
(Pages lxv-lxvi) Trend of mortality
(Page lxvi) Mortality, at all ages and under one year of age, in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxvi) Mortality in counties and county boroughs
(Pages lxvi-lxviii)Contract subtree Diphtheria and croup
(Pages lxvi-lxvii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxvii) Mortality, prevalence, and fatality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Pages lxvii-lxviii) Mortality in counties and county boroughs
(Pages lxviii-lxix)Contract subtree Influenza
(Page lxviii) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxviii-lxix) Age and sex incidence
(Page lxix)Contract subtree Dysentery
(Page lxix) Trend of mortality
(Page lxix) Deaths in asylums and hospitals
(Page lxix) Vaccinia
(Pages lxix-lxxii)Contract subtree Tuberculosis
(Pages lxix-lxx) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxx-lxxi)Contract subtree Effect of influenza epidemic
(Pages lxx-lxxi) Diagram III. Tuberculosis (all forms) and phthisis: Standardized mortality in each year, 1860-1920
(Page lxxi) Crude and standardized death-rates
(Pages lxxi-lxxii) Mortality by sex and age
(Page lxxii)Contract subtree Phthisis
(Page lxxii) The title more comprehensive than in old list
(Page lxxii) Crude and standardized death-rates
(Page lxxii) Mortality by sex and age
(Page lxxii) Change in age distribution of mortality
(Pages lxxii-lxxiii)Contract subtree Tuberculous meningitis
(Pages lxxii-lxxiii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxiii)Contract subtree Tubercle of the peritoneum and intestines
(Page lxxiii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxiii)Contract subtree Syphilis
(Page lxxiii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxiii) Effect of including tabes dorsalis, general paralysis of the insane, and aneurysm
(Pages lxxiii-lxxiv) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxiv) Crude and standardized mortality
(Pages lxxiv-lxxv) Mortality by sex and age
(Pages lxxv-lxxvi) Sites of fatal cancer at ages in each sex
(Pages lxxvi-lxxvii) Mortality by sex and age from cancer of various parts of the body
(Pages lxxvii-lxxviii) Frequency of fatal cancer of various sites in institutions and elsewhere, with distinction of sex and age
(Pages lxxviii-lxxix) Age distribution of deaths from cancer of various sites in institutions and elsewhere
(Pages lxxix-lxxx)Contract subtree Tumours (not returned as malignant)
(Pages lxxix-lxxx) Classification by sex, age, and part of the body affected
(Pages lxxx-lxxxii)Contract subtree Alcoholism
(Page lxxx) The title less comprehensive than in old list
(Pages lxxx-lxxxii) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxxxi-lxxxii)Contract subtree Alcoholism as a secondary cause of death
(Pages lxxxi-lxxxii) Classification of deaths by sex, age, and primary cause
(Page lxxxii) Deaths from alcoholism and from the principal causes associated with it
(Page lxxxii)Contract subtree Encephalitis
(Page lxxxii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxxii) Encephalitis lethargica
(Pages lxxxii-lxxxiii)Contract subtree Cerebro-spinal fever
(Pages lxxxii-lxxxiii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxxiii)Contract subtree Poliomyelitis, polioencephalitis
(Page lxxxiii) New title in list: Less comprehensive than in text table in reports
(Page lxxxiii) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxxxiii-lxxxiv) Forms of pneumonia
(Page lxxxiv) Bronchitis and pneumonia
(Pages lxxxiv-lxxxv) Seasonal distribution
(Pages lxxxv-xci)Contract subtree The puerperal state
(Pages lxxxv-lxxxvi) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxxxvi-lxxxvii) Septic and non-septic diseases, 1891-1920
(Page lxxxvii) Septic and non-septic diseases, in different classes of areas and parts of the country, 1920
(Pages lxxxvii-lxxxviii) Prevalence and fatality of puerperal fever
(Pages lxxxviii-xc) Details of cause of death, distinguishing age
(Pages xc-xci) Deaths at ages from various causes associated with pregnancy and childbirth
(Pages xci-xciii)Contract subtree Anaesthetics
(Pages xci-xcii) Difference from former practice in tabulation
(Page xcii) Deaths connected with the administration of various anaesthetics, distinguishing sex and age
(Pages xcii-xciii) Conditions for which anaesthetics were administered
(Pages xciii-xciv) Status lymphaticus
(Page xciv)Contract subtree Suicide
(Page xciv) Trend of mortality
(Pages xciv-xcvi)Contract subtree Ill-defined causes of death
(Page xciv) Deaths so classified and comparison with previous years
(Page xciv) Effects upon tabulation of the inquiries addressed to medical practitioners and coroners
(Pages xciv-xcvi) Ambiguity of certain forms of return
(Pages xcvi-civ)Contract subtree Certification of causes of death
(Pages xcvi-xcviii) Trend of certification
(Pages xcviii-c) Inquests by sex, age, area, and cause
(Pages c-ciii) Uncertified deaths by sex, age, area, and cause
(Pages ciii-civ) Proportions of inquest cases and of uncertified deaths in registration counties
(Page civ)Contract subtree Deaths in institutions for the sick or infirm
(Page civ) Proportion of total mortality occurring in various classes of institutions
(Pages cv-cvi)Contract subtree United Kingdom
(Page cv) Population
(Page cv) Marriages
(Page cv) Births
(Page cvi) Deaths
(Page cvi) Infant mortality
(Pages cvi-cvii) Births and deaths at sea
(Page cvii) Progress of registration
(Page cvii) Offences against the registration acts
(Pages cvii-cviii) Searches and certificates
(Pages cix-cx) Meteorology of the year 1920
(70 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Page 1) List of tables temporarily discontinued
(Pages 2-3) 1. United Kingdom: Population of its several divisions estimated to the middle of each of the years 1871-1920
(Page 4) 2. England and Wales: Marriages, births, and deaths, 1838-1920
(Page 5) 3. Annual marriage-, birth-, and death-rates, and infant mortality, 1838-1920
(Page 6) 4. Annual marriage-, birth-, and crude death-rates in each quarter, in groups of years, 1838-1920, and in each year, 1911-1920
(Page 6) 5. Churches and chapels of the Established Church, and registered buildings in which marriages could be legally solemnized, 31st December, 1920
(Page 7) 6. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex and age constitution of population, and infant mortality. 1838-1920, Males
(Page 8) 7. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex and age constitution of population, and infant mortality. 1838-1920, Females
(Page 9) 8. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex and age constitution of population, and infant mortality. 1838-1920, Persons
(Pages 10-19) 9. Deaths from various causes at all ages, 1906-1920, males, females, and persons (list of causes as in use prior to 1911)
(Pages 20-29) 10. Crude annual death-rates from various causes at all ages to a million living, 1906-1920, males, females, and persons (list of causes as in use prior to 1911)
(Pages 30-34) 11. Crude death-rates at all ages from various causes 1920, males, females, and persons (international list of causes)
(Page 35) 12. Annual death-rates from the principal epidemic diseases, 1838-1920
(Pages 36-40) 13. Administrative counties and county boroughs: Mortality from the principal epidemic diseases and from certain other causes, 1919 and 1920
(Page 41) 14. Deaths from various causes under one year of age, 1906-1920
(Page 42) 15. Infant mortality from various causes, 1906-1920
(Pages 43-44) 16. Infant mortality by sex, age, cause, and legitimacy, 1920
(Pages 45-49) 17. Infant mortality by age, cause, and legitimacy, 1920, classes of administrative areas
(Pages 50-51) 18. Infant mortality in different parts of England and Wales, 1920
(Pages 52-53) 19. Infant mortality by sex, age, cause, and legitimacy, 1916-20
(Pages 54-58) 20. Infant mortality by age, cause, and legitimacy, 1916-20, classes of administrative areas
(Page 59) 21. Mortality of infants and young children, 1901-10, 1911-15, and 1916-20
(Page 60) 22. Names on the registers, searches, and fees received at the general register office, 1871-1920
(Page 61) 23. Islands in the British Seas. Area and population; and births and deaths, 1896-1920
(Page 61) 24. Balance inward or outward on passenger movement into and out of the United Kingdom, 1901-1920
(Pages 62-63) 25. United Kingdom and its several divisions. Vital statistics, 1896-1920
(Pages 64-65) 26. Meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1871-1920
(Page 66) 27. Meteorological elements, Greenwich, quarterly, 1920
(Page 67) 28. Meteorological elements, England and Wales, 1920
(450 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 69-86)Contract subtree Marriages
(Pages 69-71) In registration counties and districts
(Pages 72-73) In England and Wales: Civil condition of persons married at each year of age
(Page 73) Of divorced persons
(Pages 74-82)Contract subtree Ages in combination
(Pages 74-79)Contract subtree At each year of age
(Pages 74-76) All marriages
(Pages 77-79) Bachelors and spinsters
(Pages 80-82)Contract subtree At groups of ages
(Page 80) Bachelors and widows
(Page 81) Widowers and spinsters
(Page 82) Widowers and widows
(Pages 83-86) In England and Wales and registration counties by age and condition
(Pages 87-119) Estimated population, births (legitimate and illegitimate), birth-rate, deaths, crude death-rate, and infant mortality in Greater London, in each administrative area, and in summarised areas
(Pages 120-518)Contract subtree Deaths
(Pages 120-124) Of all infants and of illegitimate infants in various portions of the first year of life; and mortality (per 1000 births) of the first four weeks and of the first year of life in administrative areas
(Page 125) By sex, and for females by condition as to marriage, at each year of age
(Pages 126-139)Contract subtree By sex and age
(Pages 126-127) Greater London and Metropolitan boroughs
(Pages 128-132) County boroughs
(Pages 133-139) Urban and rural portions of counties
(Pages 140-241)Contract subtree From various causes by sex and age
(Pages 140-169) England and Wales
(Pages 170-187) London
(Pages 188-241)Contract subtree Aggregates of
(Pages 188-205) County boroughs
(Pages 206-223) Other urban districts
(Pages 224-241) Rural districts
(Pages 242-259) In each quarter of the year, distinguishing sex and cause, in different classes of areas
(Page 260) Of non-civilians in England and Wales, distinguishing age and cause
(Pages 261-275) In various classes of institutions, distinguishing cause and place of occurrence
(Pages 276-403)Contract subtree By sex and short list of causes and ages
(Pages 276-286) Summarised areas
(Pages 287-301) Greater London and Metropolitan boroughs
(Pages 302-342) County boroughs
(Pages 343-403) Urban and rural portions of counties
(Pages 404-502) By sex and short list of causes in other administrative areas
(Pages 503-518)Contract subtree Violent deaths
(Pages 504-514) Deaths from accident, negligence, battle, and execution in England and Wales, distinguishing age, and cause or nature of accident; males and females
(Pages 515-516) Deaths from suicide in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Page 517) Deaths from murder in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Page 518) Deaths from manslaughter and justifiable homicide in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(14 pages)Contract subtree Appendix: Marriages, 1915
(Pages 520-521) Civil condition of persons married at each year of age
(Page 521) Of divorced persons
(Pages 522-527)Contract subtree Ages in combination
(Pages 522-524) At each year of age, all marriages
(Pages 525-527)Contract subtree At groups of ages
(Page 525) Bachelors and widows
(Page 526) Widowers and spinsters
(Page 527) Widowers and widows
(Pages 528-531) In England and Wales and registration counties, by age and condition