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Summary tables, England and Wales, 1911

Table of Contents

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(Page 1, Pages 1-6) Title page and contents
(88 pages)Contract subtree Population
(Page 1) Table 1. England and Wales. Families or separate occupiers; population; decennial increase per cent. of population; and number of females to 1000 males at each census, 1801-1911  Download table
(Page 2) Table 2. England and Wales. Population, exclusive of the army, royal navy and marines, and merchant seamen, serving abroad, estimated to the middle of each year 1801 to 1911  Download table
(Page 3) Table 3. Parliamentary counties. Area, and population at each successive census  Download table
(Page 4) Table 4. England and Wales. Proportional area, and proportional population at each census, 1801 to 1911, in parliamentary counties, to the total of England and Wales  Download table
(Page 5) Table 5. Parliamentary counties, administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs), and registration counties. Area; families or separate occupiers and population, 1911  Download table
(Pages 6-10) Table 6. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; population 1891, 1901, and 1911; increase or decrease per cent. in population in intercensal periods; and number of females to 1000 males, 1911  Download table
(Page 10) Table 7. England and Wales. Aggregates of administrative counties and of county boroughs. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; population, 1891, 1901, and 1911; increase per cent. in population in intercensal periods; and number of females to 1000 males, 1911  Download table
(Page 11) Table 8. England and Wales and its sub-division into urban and rural districts, as existing at each census. Population, and proportion per cent. to total population, 1851-1911  Download table
(Page 11) Table 9. England and Wales and its sub-division into urban and rural districts, as constituted at the census of 1911. Area; families or separate occupiers 1911; population 1901 and 1911; and increase per cent. of population in intercensal period  Download table
(Pages 11-12) Table 10. Population in urban and rural portions of administrative counties 1901 and 1911. Increase or decrease per cent. of population in intercensal period; and proportion per cent. to total population of county, 1911  Download table
(Pages 13-43) Table 11. Urban districts, including county and other municipal boroughs. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1901 and 1911; population (persons, males, females), 1901 and 1911; and increase or decrease per cent. in population, 1901-11  Download table
(Pages 44-62) Table 12. Rural districts. Area; families or separate occupiers 1901 and 1911; population (persons, males, females) 1901 and 1911; and increase or decrease per cent. in population 1901-11  Download table
(Page 63) Table 13. Civil parishes in the several administrative counties, together with associated county boroughs, classified according to population, 1911  Download table
(Pages 64-65) Table 14. Large towns. Population at six successive censuses of London and each Metropolitan borough, of each county borough, and of each urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 66-67) Table 15. Large towns. Increase or decrease per cent. of population during each intercensal period 1861-1911, in London and in each Metropolitan borough, in each county borough, and in each urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 68-72) Table 16. County court circuits and districts. Families or separate occupiers and population, 1911  Download table
(Page 72) Table 17. Institutions in England and Wales. Persons enumerated in workhouse establishments, lunatic asylums, prisons, hospitals, certified reformatory and industrial schools, schools and institutions certified under the statute 25 and 26 Vict., c. 43, and certified inebriate reformatories and retreats, 1911  Download table
(Pages 73-74) Table 18. Administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs). Population enumerated in institutions, on board vessels, and in barns, sheds, caravans, or in the open air, 1911  Download table
(Page 74) Table 19. Administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs). Persons enumerated in military barracks, quarters, hospitals, &c., 1911  Download table
(Page 75) Table 20. Administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs). Persons enumerated in naval barracks, quarters, hospitals, &c., 1911  Download table
(Page 75) Table 21. Number and home ports of persons absent at sea on fishing vessels at the date of the census  Download table
(Pages 76-77) Table 22. Registration divisions and counties. Area; and population at each successive census  Download table
(Pages 78-79) Table 23. Registration divisions and counties. Increase or decrease per cent. of population in each intercensal period, 1801-1911  Download table
(Pages 80-81) Table 24. Registration divisions and counties. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; population 1891, 1901, and 1911, and intercensal increase or decrease per cent. in population  Download table
(Pages 82-83) Table 25. Registration divisions and counties. Aggregate numbers of marriages, births and deaths registered in each registration division and county during the intercensal period 1901-1911; increase or decrease of population compared with difference between births and deaths  Download table
(Page 84) Table 26. Ecclesiastical provinces and dioceses. Number of parishes (or districts) and of extra parochial places; families (or separate occupiers) and population, 1911  Download table
(Pages 85-87) Table 27. Constitution of dioceses. Families or separate occupiers and population of the administrative counties and county boroughs and parts of administrative counties and county boroughs comprised in each diocese, 1911  Download table
(Page 88) Table 28. Ecclesiastical parishes or districts in the several dioceses, classified according to population, 1911  Download table
(44 pages)Contract subtree Ages and condition as to marriage
(Pages 90-91) Table 29. England and Wales. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, at each year of age and in quinquennial age groups, 1911  Download table
(Pages 92-93) Table 30. Aggregate of administrative counties. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, at each year of age and in quinquennial age groups, 1911  Download table
(Pages 94-95) Table 31. Aggregate of county boroughs. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, at each year of age, and in quinquennial age groups, 1911  Download table
(Pages 96-97) Table 32. Aggregate of urban districts (inclusive of London and the county boroughs). Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, at each year of age and in quinquennial age groups, 1911  Download table
(Pages 98-99) Table 33. Aggregate of urban districts (exclusive of London and the county boroughs). Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, at each year of age and in quinquennial age groups, 1911  Download table
(Pages 100-101) Table 34. Aggregate of rural districts. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, at each year of age and in quinquennial age groups, 1911  Download table
(Page 102) Table 35. England and Wales. Condition as to marriage and ages of pauper inmates of workhouse establishments, 1911  Download table
(Page 102) Table 36. England and Wales. Condition as to marriage and ages of inmates or lunatic asylums, 1911  Download table
(Page 102) Table 37. England and Wales. Conditions as to marriage and ages of inmates of prisons, 1911  Download table
(Pages 103-114) Table 38. Administrative counties, county boroughs and other large towns. Sex and age constitution of the population per 100000 persons in each administrative county, county borough, and Metropolitan borough, and in each urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons in 1911  Download table
(Page 115) Table 38a. Administrative counties, county boroughs, &c., which were altered in area since the date of the census. Sex and age constitution of the population per 100000 persons  Download table
(Pages 116-123) Table 39. Administrative counties, county boroughs and other large towns. Sex and age constitution of the population in each administrative county, county borough, and Metropolitan borough, and in each urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons in 1911. Proportions of male and female population at each quinquennial age group compared with the corresponding proportions in England and Wales taken as 100  Download table
(Page 124) Table 39a. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc., which were altered in area since the date of the census. Sex and age constitution of the population. Proportions of male and female population at each quinquennial age group compared with the corresponding proportions in England and Wales taken as 100  Download table
(Page 125) Table 40. England and Wales. Sex and age constitution of the population in urban and in rural districts, and proportion of females to males, 1911, 1901 and 1891  Download table
(Page 126) Table 41. England and Wales. Estimated births in the ten years preceding each census, 1851 to 1911; enumerated population (persons, males, and females) at quinquennial groups of ages at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 127) Table 42. England and Wales. Males and females at quinquennial groups of ages in a million persons at all ages, enumerated at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 128) Table 43. England and Wales. Females to 1000 males at quinquennial groups of ages, and at each year of age under five years, at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 129) Table 44. England and Wales. In a million persons living at each census, 1851 to 1911, the proportions of each sex unmarried, married, and widowed, at ten groups of ages  Download table
(Page 130) Table 45. England and Wales. In 1000 males aged 20 years and upwards at each census, 1851 to 1911, the proportions unmarried, married, and widowed, at eight groups of ages  Download table
(Page 130) Table 46. England and Wales. In 1000 females aged 20 years and upwards at each census, 1851 to 1911, the proportions unmarried, married, and widowed, at eight groups of ages  Download table
(Page 131) Table 47. Administrative counties and county boroughs. of 1000 males and 1000 females, aged 20 years and upwards, the proportions unmarried, married and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Page 132) Table 47. Administrative counties and county boroughs. of 1000 males and 1000 females, aged 20 years and upwards, the proportions unmarried, married and widowed, 1911  Download table
(183 pages)Contract subtree Occupations and industries
(Page 134) Table 48. England and Wales. Occupations of persons, males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 134-137) Table 48. England and Wales. Occupations of persons, males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 138-143) Table 49. England and Wales. Occupations of persons, males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, 1911, arranged in alphabetical order  Download table
(Page 144) Table 50. England and Wales. Occupations of males aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Pages 144-156) Table 50. England and Wales. Occupations of males aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Page 145) Table 50. England and Wales. Occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Pages 145-157) Table 50. England and Wales. Occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Page 158) Table 51. England and Wales. Occupations of married males at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Pages 158-164) Table 51. England and Wales. Occupations of married males at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Page 165) Table 52. England and Wales, Occupations of females (unmarried, married, and widowed) aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Pages 165-178) Table 52. England and Wales. Occupations of females (unmarried, married, and widowed) aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911  Download table
(Pages 179-185) Table 53. England and Wales. Former occupations of "pensioners" and "retired", distinguishing those enumerated in workhouses and lunatic asylums, and also, for females, the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 186-192) Table 54. England and Wales. Occupations of males and females aged 10 and under 21 years, 1911  Download table
(Pages 193-195) Table 55. England and Wales. Occupations or former occupations of pauper inmates of workhouse establishments, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 196-197) Table 56. England and Wales. Occupations of inmates of local and convict prisons, distinguishing the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Page 198) Table 57 (a). Urban districts. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards in the aggregate of urban districts (inclusive of county boroughs), 1911  Download table
(Pages 198-203) Table 57 (a). Urban districts. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards in the aggregate of urban districts (inclusive of county boroughs), 1911  Download table
(Page 204) Table 57 (b). Rural districts. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards in the aggregate of rural districts, 1911  Download table
(Pages 204-209) Table 57 (b). Rural districts. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards in the aggregate of rural districts, 1911  Download table
(Pages 210-216) Table 58. England and Wales. Occupations. Proportion per 1000 males aged 20 years and upwards at various groups of ages, and proportion married in each age group, for each occupational heading, 1911  Download table
(Pages 217-225) Table 59. Administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons. Proportion per 1000 at various groups of ages of unmarried, married, widowed, and of married and widowed females engaged in occupations, 1911  Download table
(Pages 226-233) Table 60. Administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons. Proportion per 10000 of males aged 10 years and upwards, engaged in certain groups of occupations, 1911  Download table
(Pages 234-241) Table 61. Administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons. Proportion per 10000 of females aged 10 years and upwards, engaged in certain groups of occupations, 1911  Download table
(Pages 242-244) Table 62. Administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons. Proportion per 1000 at various ages of males and females aged 10 and under 20 years engaged in occupations, 1911  Download table
(Pages 246-261) Table 63. Differences in classification of occupations as between 1911 and 1901 and as between 1901 and 1891  Download table
(Pages 262-273) Table 64. England and Wales. Occupations of males and females at each of the four censuses, 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
(Pages 274-279) Table 65. England and Wales. Occupations (condensed list) of persons, males, and females, aged 10 years and upwards and proportions per million of such population engaged in the several occupations, 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
(Pages 282-315) Table 66. England and Wales. Occupations of males and females in various industries or services; summary of occupational distribution, 1911  Download table
(45 pages)Contract subtree Tenements
(Pages 317-319) Table 67. England and Wales. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Classified by numbers of rooms and by numbers of occupants in England and Wales and in the aggregates of administrative counties, county boroughs, urban districts (inclusive and exclusive of London and the county boroughs) and rural districts, 1911  Download table
(Pages 320-328) Table 68. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion, per 1000 tenements, of tenements of various sizes in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs, and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 329-336) Table 69. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion, per 1000 persons, enumerated in tenements of various sizes in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 337-344) Table 70. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion, per 1000 families, of families of various sizes in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 345-352) Table 71. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Average number of occupants per room in tenements of various sizes, in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 353-360) Table 72. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion per 1000 persons of those enumerated in tenements having various average numbers of persons per room, in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(7 pages)Contract subtree Buildings of various kinds
(Page 361) Table 73. England and Wales. Aggregates of urban districts, rural districts, administrative counties, and county boroughs. Classification of buildings; houses, separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911, distinguishing for 1911 the various kinds of buildings and the population enumerated therein and also buildings not used as dwellings  Download table
(Pages 362-367) Table 74. England and Wales. Administrative counties. Aggregates of urban districts (exclusive of county boroughs) and of rural districts in each administrative county; county boroughs, and other urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 person at the census of 1911. Average number of persons per inhabited building, and of persons per family, 1901 and 1911; distinguishing for 1911 the average number of persons per family in ordinary dwelling houses  Download table
(30 pages)Contract subtree Birthplaces
(Pages 369-370) Table 75. England and Wales. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, enumerated in England and Wales, 1911  Download table
(Page 371) Table 76. Administrative counties and large towns. Natives of each administrative county, county borough, and other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons in 1911, enumerated in the county or town where born  Download table
(Page 372) Table 77. England and Wales. Country of birth of males and females born in foreign countries, and numbers or males and females born at sea and enumerated in England and Wales, distinguishing British subjects by parentage and naturalisation and persons of foreign nationality, 1911  Download table
(Pages 373-375) Table 78. England and Wales. Country of birth, condition as to marriage, and ages of males and females of foreign nationality enumerated in England and Wales, 1911  Download table
(Pages 376-389) Table 79. England and Wales. Country of birth and occupations of foreigners (males and females), aged 10 years and upwards, enumerated in England and Wales. 1911  Download table
(Page 390) Table 80. England and Wales. Males and females born in Scotland, Ireland, Islands in the British Seas, India, and British colonies and dependencies and enumerated in England and Wales, distinguishing those visiting from those resident in England and Wales, 1911  Download table
(Page 391) Table 81. England and Wales. Natives of England and Wales enumerated in the several parts of the United Kingdom and in the Islands in the British Seas at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 391) Table 82. England and Wales. Natives of the several parts of the United Kingdom and elsewhere enumerated in England and Wales at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 391) Table 83. England and Wales. Natives of the several parts of the United Kingdom and elsewhere per 100000 persons enumerated in England and Wales at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Pages 392-395) Table 84. Administrative counties and large towns. Natives of the several parts of the United Kingdom and elsewhere per 100000 of each sex enumerated in England and Wales, in each administrative county, in each county borough, and in each urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 396-397) Table 85. Administrative counties and large towns. Relation between birthplace and residence in administrative counties, county boroughs, and urban districts of which the populations exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(15 pages)Contract subtree Infirmities
(Pages 398-399) Table 86. England and Wales. Males and females returned as totally blind, totally deaf, deaf and dumb, lunatic, imbecile, and feeble-minded-ages and condition as to marriage, 1911  Download table
(Pages 400-402) Table 87. Administrative counties and large towns. Males and females returned as totally blind, totally deaf, deaf and dumb, lunatic, imbecile, and feeble-minded, in each administrative county, county borough, Metropolitan borough, and other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911  Download table
(Pages 403-404) Table 88. Administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs). Males and females returned as suffering from certain infirmities, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 405-412) Table 89. England and Wales. Occupations of the blind, and of the deaf and dumb, aged 10 years and upwards; distinguishing for males the married and unmarried or widowed, and for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(2 pages)Contract subtree Language spoken in Wales and Monmouthshire
(Page 414) Table 90. Wales and Monmouthshire. Numbers of males and females, aged three years and upwards, returned as speaking English only, Welsh only, both English and Welsh, and other languages, 1911  Download table
(Page 414) Table 91. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportion of persons to 1000 of the population aged three years and upwards, returned as speaking English only, Welsh only, both English and Welsh, and other languages, 1901 and 1911, in each administrative county, in each county borough, and in each other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons  Download table
(10 pages)Contract subtree Miscellaneous
(Pages 416-417) Table 92. England and Wales. Summary of census statistics for counties, 1911  Download table
(Page 418) Table 93. United Kingdom and Islands in the British Seas. Area and population (persons, males, females) at each census, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 419) Table 94. United Kingdom and Islands in the British Seas. Increase or decrease per cent. of population in each intercensal period, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 419) Table 95. United Kingdom. Proportions in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland respectively, of a million persons living in the United Kingdom, 1821-1911  Download table
(Pages 420-421) Table 96. Summary of returns relating to natives of the United Kingdom, residing in foreign countries at or about the date of the census, 1911  Download table
(Page 422) Table 97. Distribution of natives of the United Kingdom enumerated in the united states in April, 1910. (Derived from united states census report.)  Download table
(Page 422) Table 98. Natives of the United Kingdom enumerated in the united states at each census, 1850 to 1910  Download table
(Pages 423-424) Table 99. British Empire. Area and population of the United Kingdom and of the British colonies, dependencies, &c., distinguishing the natives of the United Kingdom  Download table