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Decennial supplement to registrar-general's sixty-fifth annual report [Part I]

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(6 pages)Contract subtree Title page & contents
(Page iii) Letter
(Pages v-vi) Table of contents
(123 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages vii-ix) Preliminary remarks
(Page ix) Contents of present supplement
(Pages ix-x) Modifications adopted in part I
(Pages x-xii) Improvement in public health
(Pages xii-xiv, Page 1)Contract subtree Changes in age constitution of population
(Page 1) Chart of mortality from all causes, 1838-1905
(Pages xv-lxiii)Contract subtree Life tables
(Pages xvi-xxviii) Methods of construction
(Pages xxviii-xxx) New English life table
(Pages xxx-xli) New healthy district life table
(Pages xlii-li) New English life tables
(Pages lii-lxiii) New healthy district life tables
(Page lxiv) Local variations of death-rate
(Pages lxiv-lxviii) Overlapping areas
(Pages lxviii-lxx) Density of population in relation to mortality
(Pages lxx-lxxi) Certification of causes of death
(Page lxxi) Medical inquiries for correction of statistics
(Page lxxi) Deaths from specified causes
(Page lxxi) Balance of loss and gain from particular diseases
(Pages lxxi-lxxii) Analysis of causes of death
(Pages lxxii-lxxiv) Mortality from small-pox
(Page lxxiv) Mortality from measles
(Pages lxxiv-lxxv) Mortality from scarlet fever
(Pages lxxv-lxxvi) Mortality from influenza
(Pages lxxvi-lxxvii) Mortality from whooping cough
(Pages lxxvii-lxxix) Mortality from diphtheria
(Pages lxxix-lxxx, Page 1, Pages lxxxi-lxxxiii)Contract subtree Mortality from enteric fever
(Page 1) Chart of enteric fever mortality, 1869-1905
(Pages lxxxiii-lxxxv) Mortality from diarrhoeal diseases
(Pages lxxxv-lxxxvii) Mortality from puerperal fever and childbirth
(Pages lxxxvii-lxxxviii) Mortality from pneumonia
(Page lxxxviii) Mortality from tuberculosis
(Pages lxxxviii-xc, Page 1, Pages xci-xciv)Contract subtree Summary of second interim report of royal commission on tuberculosis
(Page 1) Chart of mortality from tuberculosis, 1851-1905
(Page xciv, Page 1, Pages xcv-xcvi)Contract subtree Age of maximum mortality from phthisis
(Page 1) Chart of mortality from phthisis, 1851-1905
(Page xcvii) Mortality from tuberculous meningitis
(Pages xcvii-xcviii) Mortality from tuberculous peritonitis
(Page xcviii) Mortality from other tuberculous diseases
(Page xcviii, Page 1, Page xcix)Contract subtree Mortality from rheumatic fever
(Page 1) Chart of cancer mortality, 1851-1905
(Pages xcix-cii) Mortality from cancer
(Page cii) Mortality from diabetes mellitus
(Pages cii-ciii) Mortality from laryngitis
(Pages ciii-civ) Mortality from bronchitis
(Page civ) Mortality from pleurisy
(Page civ) Mortality from Bright's disease
(Pages civ-cxvi) Mortality in infants and young children
(Pages cxvii-cxxiv) Method of estimating populations
(827 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Page cxxv) List and explanation of tables
(Pages cxxvi-clxiii)Contract subtree Table 1. Crude and corrected death-rates, infantile mortality, birth-rate per 1000 population and per 1000 females aged 15-45 years; marriage-rate, percentage of tenements of fewer than 5 rooms, and percentage of these overcrowded in registration counties and districts. Sexes not distinguished
(Pages cxxvi-cxxix) Registration counties
(Pages cxxx-clxiii)Contract subtree Registration divisions
(Pages cxxx-cxxxi) I. London
(Pages cxxxi-cxxxv) II. South Eastern counties
(Pages cxxxv-cxxxviii) III. South Midland counties
(Pages cxxxix-cxli) IV. Eastern counties
(Pages cxli-cxlv) V. South Western counties
(Pages cxlv-cxlix) VI. West Midland counties
(Pages cxlix-clii) VII. North Midland counties
(Pages clii-cliv) VIII. North Western counties
(Pages cliv-clvii) IX. Yorkshire
(Pages clvii-clix) X. Northern counties
(Pages clx-clxiii) XI. Monmouthshire and Wales
(Pages clxiv-clxxviii) Table 2. Annual rates of mortality from all causes and from several causes, per million children living under five years of age, in registration counties and districts. Sexes not distinguished
(Pages clxxix-clxxxi) Table 3. Annual rates of mortality from all causes per 1000 living at all ages, and at twelve groups of ages, in registration counties. Persons, males, and females
(Pages clxxxii-clxxxix) Table 4. Annual rates of mortality from several causes per million living at all ages, in registration counties. Persons, males, and females
(Pages cxc-cxcvii) Table 5. Annual rates of mortality from several causes per million living, at all ages and at eleven groups of ages, in each of the last four decennia, persons, males, and females
(Pages cxcviii-cci) Table 6. Annual rates of mortality from several causes per million living at all ages and at eleven groups of ages in England and Wales and in urban and in rural counties. Persons, males, and females
(Pages ccii-cciv) Table 7. Annual marriage-rates, birth-rates, and death-rates from all causes and from several causes, per 1000 persons living, in registration counties, 1891-1900. Sexes not distinguished
(Pages 1-731)Contract subtree Mean population, marriages, births and deaths, with annual rates per 1000 during the ten years 1891-1900, in England and Wales, and in registration counties and districts
(Pages 1-2) Explanatory notes
(Pages 3-5) England and Wales
(Pages 6-95)Contract subtree Deaths in registration counties
(Pages 6-7) I. London
(Pages 8-17) II. South Eastern counties
(Pages 18-33) III. South Midland counties
(Pages 34-39) IV. Eastern counties
(Pages 40-49) V. South Western counties
(Pages 50-61) VI. West Midland counties
(Pages 62-71) VII. North Midland counties
(Pages 72-75) VIII. North Western counties
(Pages 75-81) IX. Yorkshire
(Pages 82-89) X. Northern counties
(Pages 90-95) XI. Monmouthshire and Wales
(Pages 97-731)Contract subtree Deaths in registration districts in the ten years 1891-1890
(Pages 97-126) London
(Pages 127-137) Surrey
(Pages 164-183) Sussex
(Pages 184-208) Hampshire
(Pages 209-220) Berkshire
(Pages 221-226) Middlesex
(Pages 227-236) Hertfordshire
(Pages 237-243) Buckinghamshire
(Pages 244-252) Oxfordshire
(Pages 253-264) Northamptonshire
(Pages 265-267) Huntingdonshire
(Pages 268-272) Bedfordshire
(Pages 273-281) Cambridgeshire
(Pages 298-314) Suffolk
(Pages 315-336) Norfolk
(Pages 337-353) Wiltshire
(Pages 354-364) Dorsetshire
(Pages 365-384) Devonshire
(Pages 385-398) Cornwall
(Pages 399-415) Somersetshire
(Pages 416-432) Gloucestershire
(Pages 433-439) Herefordshire
(Pages 440-454) Shropshire
(Pages 455-470) Staffordshire
(Pages 471-481) Worcestershire
(Pages 482-495) Warwickshire
(Pages 496-506) Leicestershire
(Pages 507-508) Rutlandshire
(Pages 509-523) Lincolnshire
(Pages 524-531) Nottinghamshire
(Pages 532-540) Derbyshire
(Pages 541-550) Cheshire
(Pages 551-580) Lancashire
(Pages 581-614) Yorkshire, West Riding
(Pages 615-624) Yorkshire, East Riding
(Pages 625-640) Yorkshire, North Riding
(Pages 641-655) Durham
(Pages 656-667) Northumberland
(Pages 668-676) Cumberland
(Pages 677-679) Westmorland
(Pages 680-685) Monmouthshire
(Pages 686-712) South Wales
(Pages 713-731) North Wales
(Pages 732-747) Changes of boundaries of registration districts, 1891-1900
(13 pages)Contract subtree Indices
(Pages 748-751) Alphabetical index of registration districts
(Page 752) Alphabetical index of certain urban districts
(Pages 753-760) General alphabetical index