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Twentieth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-4) Title page & contents
(52 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages i-iii) Marriages, births, and deaths; their numbers and proportions to the population, also the emigration during the tear 1857
(Pages iii-vi) Marriages in 1857. Number celebrated according and not according to the rites of the established church; facilities for marriage; marriages by licence and banns, or otherwise; effect of prices of food on the marriages
(Pages vi-vii) Marriages of minors
(Pages vii-ix) Re-marriages
(Pages ix-x) Signatures of persons married
(Page x) Buildings registered for the solemnization of marriages
(Pages xi-xvi) Births in 1857. Birth-rate; sex; seasons; children born out of wedlock
(Pages xvi-xxi) Deaths in 1857. Death-rate; sex; localities; ages; seasons
(Pages xxi-xl)Contract subtree Summary of the quarterly reports, 1857
(Pages xxi-xxv) First quarter, ending March 31st
(Pages xxv-xxviii) Second quarter, ending June 30th
(Pages xxix-xxxiii) Third quarter, ending September 30th
(Pages xxxiii-xl) Fourth quarter, ending December 31st
(Pages xl-xliii) Health of London in 1857
(Pages xliii-xliv) Great Britain; population, marriages, births, and deaths
(Pages xliv-xlv) Deaths in the British army at home and abroad
(Page xlvi) Marriages, births, deaths in England and France
(Pages xlvi-xlvii) Births and deaths of English subjects at sea; mortality of merchant seamen
(Pages xlviii-xlix) Certified places of meeting for public worship
(Pages xlix-lii) Non-parochial registers
(160 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 2-25) Marriages registered in England in each of the divisions, counties, and districts in 1857; distinguishing those according and those not according to the rites of the established church; and distinguishing also persons married according to their conjugal condition, minority, and signature of the register by marks
(Pages 26-27) Ages of 187, 910 persons married in 1857, distinguishing those of bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows
(Pages 28-82)Contract subtree Marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the divisions, counties, and districts in 1857; also births and deaths and excess of births over deaths in each of the sub-districts of England; distinguishing the sexes and illegitimate births throughout
(Pages 28-29) Summary of England and Wales
(Pages 30-38)Contract subtree Counties and districts
(Page 30) London
(Pages 30-31) South Eastern counties
(Pages 31-32) South Midland counties
(Pages 32-33) Eastern counties
(Pages 33-34) South Western counties
(Pages 34-35) West Midland counties
(Pages 35-36) North Midland counties
(Page 36) North Western counties
(Pages 36-37) Yorkshire
(Page 37) Northern counties
(Page 38) Monmouthshire and Wales
(Pages 39-82)Contract subtree Counties, districts and sub-districts
(Pages 39-41) London
(Pages 41-47) South Eastern counties
(Pages 47-51) South Midland counties
(Pages 51-55) Eastern counties
(Pages 55-60) South Western counties
(Pages 60-66) West Midland counties
(Pages 66-69) North Midland counties
(Pages 69-72) North Western counties
(Pages 72-76) Yorkshire
(Pages 77-79) Northern counties
(Pages 79-82) Monmouthshire and Wales
(Pages 83-84) Deaths in 1857 in the principal public institutions in London
(Pages 86-89) Births registered in the divisions and counties (distinguishing males and females) in each of the four quarters of 1857
(Pages 90-93) Births of children born out of wedlock registered in the divisions and counties, in each of the four quarters of 1857
(Pages 94-97) Deaths registered in each of the four quarters of 1857 (distinguishing males and females), in divisions and counties
(Pages 98-119) Deaths of males and females at different ages registered in 1857 in divisions, counties, and districts
(Pages 120-123) Causes of deaths of males and females in England, at different periods of life, in 1857
(Pages 124-127) Supplementary table of causes of death of males and females at different periods of life
(Pages 128-131) Causes of deaths of males and females in London, at different periods of life, in 1857
(Pages 132-147) Causes of deaths of males and females in England, and in each of the divisions and counties, in 1857
(Pages 148-159) Average annual rate of mortality from all causes in the ten years 1841-50, and deaths from several causes in 1857, in the divisions, counties, and districts of England
(44 pages)Contract subtree Appendix
(Page 162) Contents of Appendix
(Pages 163-176)Contract subtree Letter to the registrar-general on the causes of death in England in 1857, by William Farr, Esq., M. D., F. R. S
(Page 163) Public health, meteorology, and prices of food in 1857
(Pages 163-171)Contract subtree I. Causes of death
(Pages 164-167) (1) zymotic diseases
(Page 168) (2) constitutional diseases
(Pages 168-170) (3) local diseases
(Page 171) (4) developmental diseases
(Page 171) (5) violent deaths
(Pages 171-174) Prevalence of epidemics
(Pages 174-176) Method of comparing the local rates of mortality with the standard rate
(Page 176) New female life table
(Pages 177-204)Contract subtree English life table, no. 2. Females, with tables values of life annuities, premiums, &c
(Pages 178-179) Table 1. Summary of results deduced from the English life table, no. 2. Females
(Pages 180-181) Table 2. English life table, no. 2. Females
(Pages 182-183) Table 3. The columns Dx, Qx, Yx, and their logarithms
(Pages 184-185) Table 4. Mortality of males and females in England
(Pages 186-187) Table 5. The mean afterlifetime of females; also mean ages of the living and mean age at death
(Pages 188-189) Table 6. Columns for determining the value of annuities, insurances, &c. on female lives
(Pages 190-191) Table 7. Logarithms of the columns Dx, Nx, Mx (interest 3 per cent)
(Pages 192-193) Table 8. Values of annuities; single and annual premiums to insure £1 on a female life
(Pages 194-195) Table 9. Life annuities, males and females; present value of £1 at three rates of interest, 3, 4, and 5 per cent
(Pages 196-197) Table 10. Life annuities, males, and females; annuity which £1 will purchase at 3, 4, 5 per cent. interest of money
(Pages 198-199) Table 11. Values of life annuities, males and females, in pounds, shillings, and pence
(Pages 200-201) Table 12. Single and annual premiums, females, in pounds, shillings, and pence
(Pages 202-203) Table 13. Columns for determining the value of annuities, &c. in a stationary population
(Page 204) Table 14. Population, 1841, and deaths and mortality in England, 1838-44
(Pages 205-208) Index of districts, referring by numbers to the several tables of abstracts