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England and Wales, Vol. IV. General report, 1881

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-v) Title page and contents
(76 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-5) Introduction
(Pages 6-12)Contract subtree I. Number of the population and rates of increase
(Page 6) 1. England and Wales
(Page 7) 2. Counties
(Pages 8-9) 3. Urban and rural districts
(Page 10) 4. Municipal and parliamentary boroughs
(Pages 11-12) 5. London and the other great towns
(Pages 13-14)Contract subtree II. Density of the population and habitations
(Page 13) 1. Density and proximity
(Page 14) 2. Habitations
(Pages 15-16) III. Sexes
(Pages 17-22) IV. Ages
(Pages 23-24) V. Condition as to marriage or civil condition
(Pages 25-49)Contract subtree VI. Occupations
(Pages 25-28) 1. Method of tabulation and its difficulties
(Page 29) 2. Female as compared with male occupations
(Pages 30-31) 3. Professional class
(Page 32) 4. Domestic class
(Pages 33-35) 5. Commercial class
(Pages 36-37) 6. Agricultural class
(Pages 38-48) 7. Industrial class
(Page 49) 8. Unoccupied class
(Pages 50-59)Contract subtree VII. Birthplaces of the population
(Page 50) 1. The general composition of the population
(Pages 50-51) 2. Natives of England and Wales
(Pages 52-54) 3. Natives of Scotland and Ireland
(Page 55) 4. Natives of other parts of the British Empire
(Pages 56-57) 5. Natives of foreign states
(Pages 58-59) 6. Population of London
(Pages 60-72)Contract subtree VIII. Infirmities
(Pages 60-61) 1. The blind
(Pages 62-65) 2. The deaf and dumb
(Pages 66-70) 3. The insane
(Pages 71-72) 4. Sickness and other infirmities
(Pages 73-74)Contract subtree IX. The United Kingdom
(Page 73) 1. Population of the United Kingdom
(Page 74) 2. Natives of the United Kingdom abroad at the time of the census
(Pages 74-75) X. The British Empire
(36 pages)Contract subtree Appendix a
(Pages 77-84)Contract subtree England and Wales. Population, houses, &c
(Page 77) Table 1. England and Wales. Houses and population at each successive census
(Page 77) Table 2. Increase of the inhabited houses and population in each intercensal period
(Page 77) Table 3. Average number of persons to a family, persons to an inhabited house, families to an inhabited house, persons to a square mile, inhabited houses to a square mile, and acres to an inhabited house, at each successive census
(Page 78) Table 4. Population, exclusive of the army, navy, marines, and merchant seamen, serving abroad estimated to the middle of each of the years 1801 to 1881
(Page 78) Table 5. Strength of the army, navy, marines, and merchant service abroad; the excess of females over males at home and abroad and over males at home; and the proportion of females to every 1, 000 males in England and Wales at each successive census
(Page 79) Table 6. Area and population of counties proper at each successive census
(Pages 80-81) Table 7. Area and population of registration divisions and counties at each, successive census
(Pages 82-83) Table 8. Increase per cent, of the population of registration divisions and counties in each inter-censal period
(Page 84) Table 9. Population of London, and of each urban sanitary district of which the population in 1881 exceeded 50, 000 persons, at each successive census
(Pages 85-93)Contract subtree England and Wales. Sex and age
(Page 85) Table 10. Estimated population living (1) at each year of age, and (2) at and above each year of age in the middle of the year 1881, including the natives of England and Wales serving abroad in the army, navy, marines, and merchant service
(Page 86) Table 11. Estimated population living (1) at each year of age, and (2) at and above each year of age in the middle of the year 1881, excluding the army, navy, marines, and merchant seamen serving abroad
(Page 87) Table 12. Estimated population in quinquennial, decennial, and vicennial periods of age at the middle of the years 1871 and 1881, including the natives of England and Wales serving abroad in the army, navy, marines, and merchant service
(Page 88) Table 13. Estimated population in quinquennial, decennial, and vicennial periods of age at the middle of the years 1871 and 1881, excluding the army, navy, marines, and merchant seamen serving abroad
(Page 89) Table 14. Enumerated population (persons, males, and females) at twelve groups of ages at each of the last five censuses
(Page 89) Table 15, ' proportion of males and females at twelve groups of ages to a million persons enumerated at each of the last five censuses
(Page 90) Table 16. Number of persons, males and females, returned as living at eleven groups of ages, at each of the last five censuses
(Page 91) Table 17. Females to 1, 000 males at each of the last five censuses in registration counties, arranged in order of the proportions in 1881; and the number of female births to 1, 000 male births in each of the last four decades
(Page 92) Table 18. Females to 1, 000 males at twelve groups of ages, at each of the last five censuses
(Page 92) Table 19. Females to 1, 000 males in London, and in each urban sanitary district having a population exceeding 50, 000 persons
(Page 93) Table 20. Distribution by sex and age of the population of registration counties in 1881
(Pages 94-95)Contract subtree England and Wales. Conjugal condition
(Page 94) Table 21. Unmarried, married, and widowed in 100, 000 of each sex at each of the last four censuses
(Page 94) Table 22. Unmarried, married, and widowed in 100, 000 of each sex aged 15 years and upwards at each of the last four censuses
(Page 94) Table 23. Married persons in 100, 000 living at successive age periods, at each of the last four censuses
(Page 94) Table 24. Unmarried, married, and widowed in 100, 000 of each sex living at successive age periods in 1881
(Page 95) Table 25. Unmarried, married, and widowed in 100, 000 of each sex in registration counties in 1881
(Pages 96-101)Contract subtree England and Wales. Birth places
(Page 96) Table 26. Natives of England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and other parts, enumerated in England and Wales, at each of the last five censuses
(Page 96) Table 27. Natives of England, and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and other parts, in 100, 000 persons, enumerated in England and Wales, at each of the last five censuses
(Page 96) Table 28. Natives of England and Wales enumerated in Scotland, Ireland, the Islands in the British Seas, and in the United States, at each of the last five censuses
(Page 97) Table 29. England and Wales. Natives of England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and other parts in 100, 000 persons enumerated in 1881 in each county
(Page 98) Table 30. Amount of migration from and into counties proper; with the natural and actual increase or decrease of population in registration counties
(Page 99) Table 31. Persons returned as blind, deaf and dumb, and insane, in 1, 000, 000 of the population of each registration county
(Pages 100-101) Table 32. Analysis of census statistics for registration counties
(Pages 102-111)Contract subtree United Kingdom
(Page 102) Table 33. United Kingdom. Area and population of the United Kingdom and of the Islands in the British Seas in 1881
(Page 102) Table 34. Population of the United Kingdom, of the Isle of Man, and of the Channel Islands at each of the last seven censuses
(Page 102) Table 35. Increase or decrease of population in the United Kingdom in each intercensal period since 1821
(Page 102) Table 36. Percentage of population residing in the several divisions of the United Kingdom at each of the last seven censuses
(Page 103) Table 37. Number and nationality of the officers and men serving at home and abroad in the several branches of the British army at the time of the census, 1881
(Page 103) Table 38. Number and nationality of the officers and men serving abroad in the army, the royal navy, and the royal marines at the time of the census, 1881
(Page 104) Table 39. Number and nationality of mariners serving abroad in foreign trading British merchant vessels at the time of the census, 1881
(Page 104) Table 40. Ages of the army, navy, marines, and merchant seamen in 1881
(Page 104) Table 41. Number and ages of mariners serving abroad in foreign trading British merchant vessels, at the time of the census, 1881
(Page 105) Table 42. Number and nationality of emigrants who left the United Kingdom for places out of Europe during the ten years, 1871 to 1880
(Page 106) Table 43. Summary of returns relating to natives of the United Kingdom residing in foreign countries at or about the time of the census, 1881
(Pages 106-110) Table 44. Abstract of returns relating to natives of the United Kingdom residing in foreign countries at or about the time of the census, 1881
(Page 111) Table 45. Distribution of natives of the United Kingdom enumerated in the United States on 1st June 1880
(Page 111) Table 46. Natives of the United Kingdom enumerated in the United States at each of the last four censuses
(Page 112)Contract subtree British Empire
(Page 112) Table 47. British Empire. Area and population of the British Empire at the census of 1881
(Page 112) Table 48. Area and population of the British colonies and dependencies
(6 pages)Contract subtree Appendix b
(Pages 113-118) The census act and form of householder's schedule