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Preliminary report, England and Wales, 1911

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-ii) Title page & contents
(18 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page iv) Area
(Pages iv-vi)Contract subtree Population and rates of increase
(Page iv) Table A showing population increase in England and Wales, 1801 to 1911  Download table
(Page vi) Table B showing the effect of migration on the population of England and Wales, 1871 to 1911  Download table
(Pages vi-viii)Contract subtree Population and rates of increase or decrease in county areas
(Page vii) Table C showing population and rates of increase or decrease in county areas, 1891 to 1911  Download table
(Pages viii-ix)Contract subtree Urban and rural districts
(Page viii) Table D showing population in urban and rural districts in 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page ix) Table E showing increase of decrease of population of 105 entirely rural registration districts in intercensal periods, 1801 to 1911  Download table
(Page ix) Table F showing proportion per cent. of population in urban and rural areas in England and Wales, 1881 to 1911  Download table
(Page ix)Contract subtree Urban districts classified by population
(Page ix) Table G showing urban districts classified by population numbers, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages x-xii)Contract subtree London and the great towns
(Pages x-xi) Table H showing large urban districts classified by population numbers, 1891 to 1911  Download table
(Pages xii-xiii)Contract subtree Difference between estimated and enumerated population
(Page xiii) Table I showing the error of the provisional population estimate for towns, 1911  Download table
(Page xiv) Table J showing metropolitan boroughs in order of increase or decrease of population, 1901 to 1911  Download table
(Pages xiv-xvi)Contract subtree Greater London and the outer ring
(Page xiv) Table K showing rates of increase or decrease of the population of Greater London in per cent. from 1861 to 1911  Download table
(Page xv) Table L showing the constitution of London's "outer ring"  Download table
(Pages xvi-xvii)Contract subtree Parliamentary areas
(Page xvi) Table M showing parliamentary constituency populations and representatives  Download table
(Page xvii) Table N showing some parliamentary constituencies with more than 100, 000 inhabitants per representative  Download table
(Page xvii) Numbers and families
(Page xvii)Contract subtree Sexes
(Page xvii) Registration counties with lowest and highest proportion of females to 1000 males  Download table
(Pages xviii-xix)Contract subtree The United Kingdom
(Page xviii) Table O showing increase or decrease of the population of the United Kingdom in each intercensal period, 1821 to 1911  Download table
(Page xix) Table P showing proportion per cent. of the population of the United Kingdom in its division, 1821 to 1911  Download table
(Page xix)Contract subtree Islands in the British seas
(Page xix) Table Q showing increase or decrease of the population of islands in the British seas, 1821 to 1911  Download table
(Pages xix-xx) Form of presentation of census results
(Page xx) Census of the British empire
(119 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Page 1) Table I. England and Wales. Families or separate occupiers; population; decennial increase per cent. of population; and number of females to 1, 000 males at each census, 1801-1911  Download table
(Pages 2-4) Table II. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 4) Table III. England and Wales and its sub-division into urban and rural districts. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 5-25) Table IV. Urban districts, including county and other municipal boroughs. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 25-39) Table V. Rural districts. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 39-40) Table VI. Registration divisions and counties. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 41-101) Table VII. Registration districts and sub-districts. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 102-114) Table VIII. Parliamentary counties and boroughs and their several divisions. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 114) Table IX. Administrative county of London. Population at each successive census with decennial increase per cent. of population  Download table
(Page 115) Table X. Metropolitan and city of London police districts. Area; families or separate occupiers, 1911; and population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 116) Table XI. Population of the United Kingdom and each of its divisions at each successive censuses, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 116) Table XII. Islands in the British Seas. Population enumerated at each of the censuses, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 117) Table XIII. United Kingdom. Number and nationality of passengers leaving the United Kingdom for places out of Europe in each of the ten years, 1901-1910  Download table
(Page 117) Table XIV. Number and nationality of passengers leaving the United Kingdom for places out of Europe during the intercensal period, 1901-1911  Download table
(Page 117) No original table title  Download table
(Page 118) Table XV. United Kingdom. Number and nationality of passengers arriving in the United Kingdom from places out of Europe in each of the ten years, 1901-1910  Download table
(Page 118) Table XVI. Number and nationality of passengers arriving in the United Kingdom from places out of Europe during the intercensal period, 1901-1911  Download table
(Page 118) No original table title  Download table
(Page 119) Table XVII. Balance inward or outward on passenger movement into and out of the United Kingdom, 1901-1910  Download table
(23 pages)Contract subtree Index
(Pages 120-141) Alphabetical index of administrative counties, registration counties, parliamentary areas, urban districts (including county boroughs and municipal boroughs), rural districts, registration districts, and registration sub-districts  Download table