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Nineteenth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-4) Title page & contents
(40 pages)Expand subtree Report
(160 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 2-25)Expand subtree Marriages registered in England in each of the divisions, counties, and districts in 1856; distinguishing those according and those not according to the rites of the established church; and distinguishing also persons married according to their conjugal condition, minority, and signature of the register by marks
(Pages 26-27) Ages of persons married in 1856, distinguishing those of bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows, and their ages
(Pages 28-82)Expand subtree Marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the divisions, counties, and districts in 1856; also births and deaths and excess of births over deaths in each of the sub-districts of England; showing illegitimate births, area, and population throughout
(Pages 83-84) Deaths in 1856 in the principal public institutions in London
(Pages 86-89) Births of all male and female children registered in the divisions and counties, in each of the four quarters of 1856
(Pages 90-93) Births of male and female children born out of wedlock registered in the divisions and counties, in each of the four quarters of 1856
(Pages 94-97) Deaths of males and females, registered in each of the four quarters of 1856, in divisions and counties
(Pages 98-119)Expand subtree Deaths of males and females at different ages registered in 1856 in divisions, counties, and districts
(Pages 120-123) Causes of deaths of males and females in England, at different periods of life, in 1856
(Pages 124-127) Causes of deaths of males and females in London, at different periods of life, in 1856
(Pages 128-143) Causes of deaths of males and females in England, and in each division and county, in 1856
(Pages 144-147) Supplementary table of causes of death of males and females at different ages in England
(Pages 148-159) Average annual rate of mortality from all causes in the ten years 1841-51, and also deaths from several causes in 1856, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(20 pages)Expand subtree Occasional tables
(42 pages)Expand subtree Apendix
(Pages 223-228) Index of districts, referring by numbers to the several tables of abstracts