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Forty-third annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(150 pages)Expand subtree Report
(222 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 1-28)Expand subtree Marriages
(Pages 29-84)Expand subtree Marriages, in the divisions, counties, and districts of England in the year 1880. Births and deaths, in the divisions, counties, districts, and sub-districts of England, in the year 1880
(Pages 85-97)Expand subtree Births, illegitimate births, and deaths, registered in each of the four quarters of the year 1880, in divisions and counties
(Pages 99-120)Expand subtree Deaths in public institutions, 1880
(Pages 121-143)Expand subtree Deaths at different ages, 1880, in divisions, counties, and districts, distinguishing males and females
(Pages 145-221)Contract subtree Causes of death at different ages in England and London. Causes of death in divisions and counties. Deaths from several causes in divisions, counties, and districts. Violent deaths
(Pages 146-155) Causes of death of males and females in England at different periods of life
(Pages 156-161) Causes of death of males and females in London at different periods of life
(Pages 162-185)Expand subtree Causes of death of males and females in England, and in each of the divisions and counties
(Pages 186-197) Deaths from several zymotic and other causes, and inquest cases, in the divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 198-204) Violent deaths in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Pages 205-211) Violent deaths in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(Pages 212-213) Deaths returned as having occurred from suicide in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Pages 214-215) Deaths returned as having occurred from suicide in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(Pages 216-217) Deaths returned as having occurred from murder and infanticide in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Page 218) Deaths returned as having occurred from murder and infanticide in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(Pages 219-220) Deaths returned as having occurred from manslaughter in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Page 221) Deaths returned as having occurred from manslaughter in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(34 pages)Expand subtree Indexes