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Sixty-second annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(140 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages v-vi) Population. Natural increase and estimated increase
(Pages vi-xiv) Marriages. Marriage-rate; marriage rate and commercial activity; certified places of worship; buildings registered for the solemnization of marriages; forms of marriage; first marriages and re-marriages; ages at marriage; signature in marriage register
(Pages xiv-xv) Births. Number; rates; sex; illegitimate births
(Pages xv-xliii) Deaths. General death-rate; county death-rates; sex; ages; infantile mortality; urban and rural mortality; registered causes of death; changes of classification; zymotic, or specific febrile diseases, including small-pox, measles scarlet fever, enteric fever, diphtheria, diphtheria and croup, whooping-cough, epidemic influenza, diarrhoeal diseases, hydrophobia, and puerperal fever; parasitic diseases; dietetic diseases; constitutional diseases, including cancer, tubercular diseases and diabetes; developmental diseases; local diseases: Deaths from violence; deaths from ill-defined and not specified causes; certification of causes of death, reference of uncertified deaths to coroners, inquests, and assigned causes of uncertified deaths
(Page xliii) Offences against the registration acts
(Pages xliii-xliv) Progress of registration. Aggregate number of names on the registers; number of searches in the registers and of certificates granted at the central office; fees received
(Page xliv) Army and navy. Strength and mortality of the army at home and abroad; strength and mortality of the navy
(Pages xliv-xlv) Births and deaths at sea. Marine register book; mortality of mercantile marine
(Page xlv) International vital statistics
(Pages xlvi-xlix) Marriage act, 1898
(Pages l-liii) Meteorology; remarks by James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(263 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts
(45 pages)Expand subtree Indexes