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General report, Ireland, 1901

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-18) Title page & contents
(8 pages)Expand subtree Introduction
(10 pages)Expand subtree I. Area, houses, and population
(2 pages)Expand subtree II. Ages of the people
(3 pages)Expand subtree III. Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(6 pages)Expand subtree IV. Occupations of the people
(2 pages)Expand subtree V. Birthplaces of the people
(2 pages)Expand subtree VI. Foreigners
(19 pages)Expand subtree VII. The sick and infirm
(3 pages)Expand subtree VIII. Public institutions
(8 pages)Expand subtree IX. Religious professions of the people
(16 pages)Expand subtree X. Religious professions and education of the people
(2 pages)Expand subtree XI. Irish-Speaking population
(2 pages)Expand subtree XII. Emigration
(2 pages)Expand subtree XIII. Miscellaneous tables
(2 pages)Expand subtree XIV. Maps and diagrams
(3 pages)Contract subtree Conclusion
(Page 76) Revised edition of topographical index
(Page 76) Magnitude of the work of the Irish census
(Pages 76-77) Acknowledgment of services of office superintendents and staff
(Pages 77-78) Thanks to public officers with whom the department was brought into relation
(Page 78) Addendum by the registrar-general and Doctor Brady respecting the services rendered by Mr. Brew as secretary to the census department
(41 pages)Expand subtree Maps and diagrams
(480 pages)Expand subtree General report detailed tables
(54 pages)Expand subtree Appendix. Copies of circulars, forms, &c
(Page 641) Acknowledgment