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Occupations (part 1), England and Wales, Vol. X, 1911

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Table of contents
(148 pages)Contract subtree Report
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(Page xiii) Table I. Administrative counties (with associated county boroughs). Increase or decrease per cent. Of population, 1901-1911  Download table
(Page xiii) Civil service. The numbers tabulated under the sub-order ''national government'' were as follows  Download table
(Page xiv) Table II. Civil service (excluding post office telegraphists, telephone operators)  Download table
(Page xv) Table III. Police: Number, increase per cent., And proportion to population, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page xix) Table IV. Proportions of Roman catholic priests and of ministers of other religious bodies to 100 clergymen of the established church in certain English counties, 1911  Download table
(Page xx) Barristers and solicitors  Download table
(Page xx) Law clerks  Download table
(Page xx) Physicians, surgeons, registered practitioners  Download table
(Page xxii) Table V. Ages of teachers, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page xxvi) Table VI. Ages of female domestic indoor servants, 1881, 1901, and 1911  Download table
(Page xxvi) Table VII. Ages of female domestic indoor servants in urban districts and rural districts, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page xxvii) Table VIII. Female domestic indoor servants per 1000 families in certain counties, 1911  Download table
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(Page xxxi) Table IX. Ages of charwomen, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page xxxii) Persons employed in laundries  Download table
(Page xxxii) Table X. Ages of laundry workers; washers, ironers, manglers, etc., 1901 And 1911  Download table
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(Page xxxiv) Commercial clerks  Download table
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(Page xxxvi) Table XI. Persons returned as "dealers" in various commodities, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page xxxvii) Table XII. Commercial travellers: Summary of distribution by industry or service  Download table
(Page xxxviii) Table XIII. Commercial clerks; summary of distribution by industry or service  Download table
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(Page xli) Table XIV. Persons employed in road transport services  Download table
(Page xlii) Table XV. Carmen and motor van drivers: Distribution by industry or service  Download table
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(Page xliii) Dock labourers, wharf labourers  Download table
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(Page xliv) Messengers, porters, watchmen (males)  Download table
(Page xliv) Table XVI. Messengers, porters, watchmen: Distribution by industry or service  Download table
(Page xlv) Table XVII. Persons engaged in agriculture, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page xlvii) Table XVIII. Area under crops and grass; numbers of horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs-1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
(Page xlix) Table XIX. Farmers and farm workers in counties, 1901 and 1911, and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
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(Page li) Table XX. Agricultural statistics for counties with rates of increase for male farm workers above the average rate for England and Wales  Download table
(Page li) Table XXI. Ages of male farm workers, 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
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(Page lii) Table XXII. Farmers' female relatives assisting in the work of the farm and other female farm workers; ratio to male workers and to farmers in the several counties, 1911  Download table
(Page liii) Table XXIII. Nurserymen, Market gardeners, and other non-domestic gardeners in certain counties, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages liv-lv) Table XXIV. Proportion per 1000 of male population aged 10 years and upwards engaged in agriculture, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page lv) Table XXV. Increase or decrease in proportion of population engaged in agriculture, and of total population in agricultural counties, 1891-1901 and 1901-1911  Download table
(Page lvii) Table XXV. Males engaged in mining at each census, 1851 to 1911, and increase or decrease per cent. In each intercensal period, 1881 to 1911  Download table
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(Page lviii) Coal and shale mine workers (excluding owners, agents, etc.)-males  Download table
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(Page lix) Iron miners, quarriers-(males)  Download table
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(Page lx) Stone-miners, carriers, cutters, dressers (males)  Download table
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(Page lxi) Table XXVI. Workers in metals, machines, and implements in certain counties, 1901 and 1911; and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
(Pages lxii-lxiii) Table XXVII. Iron and steel workers, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page lxvii) Table XXVIII. General engineering and machine making, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page lxix) Table XXIX. Manufacture of tools, etc., 1901 And 1911  Download table
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(Page lxx) Table XXX. Sundry workers in metals, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page lxxv) Table XXXI. Persons engaged in the construction of vehicles, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page lxxvi) Cycle and motor manufacture-males  Download table
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(Page lxxx) Table XXXII. Ages of males engaged in building trades, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page lxxxii) Table XXXIII. Persons working and dealing in furniture, fittings, and decorations, 1901 and 1911; and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
(Page lxxxiv) Brick, plan tile, terra-cotta-makers  Download table
(Page lxxxv) Earthenware, china, porcelain-manufacture  Download table
(Page lxxxvi) Earthenware, china, porcelain-manufacture  Download table
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(Page lxxxix) Saddlery and harness makers  Download table
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(Page xciv) Table XXXIV. Workers and dealers in textile fabrics (excluding elastic web manufacture, and drapers, linen drapers, mercers)  Download table
(Page xcv) Table XXXV. Textile manufactures; numbers employed, 1901 and 1911, and increase or decrease per cent. In 1891-1901 and 1901-1911  Download table
(Page xcv) Cotton manufacture  Download table
(Page xcvi) Table XXXVI. Ages of males and females engaged in cotton manufacture, 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
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(Page xcvii) Wool and worsted manufacture  Download table
(Page xcviii) Table XXXVII. Ages of males and females engaged in wool and worsted manufacture, 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
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(Page c) Hosiery manufacture  Download table
(Page c) Lace manufacture  Download table
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(Page ciii) Table XXXVIII. Persons returned as working and dealing in dress, 1901 and 1911; and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
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(Page cx) Table XXXIX. Boot and shoe makers; numbers returned in 1901 and 1911, and increase or decrease per cent. In intercensal periods, 1881 to 1911  Download table
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(Page cxii) Table XL. Males and females returned as working and dealing in food, 1901 and 1911, and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
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(Page cxiv) Table XLI. Ages of milksellers, butchers, grocers, greengrocers, and bakers, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page cxvi) Table XLII. Persons returned as dealing in spirituous drinks and providing board and lodging, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page cxxiii) Table XLIII. Persons without specified occupations or unoccupied; 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
(Page cxxv) Table XLIV. "Pensioners" and "retired" per 100 occupied at age-groups, 1901 and 1911  Download table
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(Page cxxvi) Table XLV. "Pensioners" and "retired" according to former occupation-males, 1911  Download table
(Page cxxvii) Table XLVI. "Pensioners" and "retired" according to former occupation. Females, 1911  Download table
(Page cxxvii) Table XLVII. Pensioners and retired at several age-groups: Numbers and proportion per cent. Of occupied females, unmarried, married, and widowed  Download table
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(Page cxxxii) Table L. Males per 10000 living aged 10 years and upwards in groups of occupations; England and Wales, aggregate of urban districts and aggregate of rural districts, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages cxxxiii-cxxxiv) Table LI. Males, per 10000 living at various ages, in groups of occupations, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page cxxxv) Table LII. Occupied females, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page cxxxvi) Table LIII. Proportions of females occupied per 1000 at various age-groups, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page cxxxvi) Table LIV. Proportions of females occupied per 1000 at age-groups in two classes of occupations, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page cxxxvii) Table LV. Proportions of females occupied per 1000 living at various age-groups in the aggregates of urban and rural districts  Download table
(Page cxxxviii) Table LVI. Females (unmarried, married, and widowed) per 10000 living aged 10 years and upwards, in groups of occupations, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page cxxxix) Table LVII. Females (unmarried, married, and widowed) per 10000 living aged 10 years and upwards, in groups of occupations in the aggregates of urban and of rural districts  Download table
(Pages cxxxix-cxl) Table LVIII. Females (unmarried, and married or widowed) per 10000 in each age-group, 1901 and 1911, in certain occupations  Download table
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(Page cxliv) Table LIX. Principal occupations of boys aged 10-14 years, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page cxlv) Table LX. Principal occupations of girls aged 10-14 years, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page cxlvi) Table LXI. Occupations showing a high proportion occupied at ages under 20 to total occupied aged 20 and upwards. Males  Download table
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(Page cxlviii) Table LXII. Age-constitution of males under 21 in certain occupations  Download table
(Page cxlix) Table LXIII. Numbers returned as "apprentices" in certain occupations  Download table
(Page cl) Table LXIV. Summary of principal industries or services  Download table
(851 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 2-5) Table 1. Occupations of persons, males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 6-11) Table 2. England and Wales. Occupations of persons, males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, 1911, arranged in alphabetical order  Download table
(Pages 12-24) Table 3. Occupations of males aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 13-25) Table 3. Occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 26-38) Table 4. Occupations of males aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. London (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 27-39) Table 4. Occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. London (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 40-52) Table 5. Occupations of males aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. Lancashire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 41-53) Table 5. Occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. Lancashire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 54-66) Table 6. Occupations of males aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. Yorkshire (administrative counties of the East, North, and West Ridings, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 55-67) Table 6. Occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. Yorkshire (administrative counties of the East, North, and West Ridings, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 68-74) Table 7. Occupations of married males at nine groups of ages, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 75-88) Table 8. Occupations of females (unmarried, married, and widowed) aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, in England and Wales, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 89-100) Table 9. Occupations of females (unmarried, married, and widowed) aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, in the county of London, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. London (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 101-112) Table 10. Occupations of females (unmarried, married, and widowed) aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, in Lancashire, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. Lancashire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 113-124) Table 11. Occupations of females (unmarried, married, and widowed) aged 10 years and upwards, at nine groups of ages, in Lancashire, distinguishing for those engaged in certain industries the numbers returned as "employers", "working for employers", "working on own account", and "others"; also as "working at home", 1911. Yorkshire (administrative counties of the East, North, and West Ridings, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 125-312)Contract subtree Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911 administrative counties, with associated county boroughs-england
(Pages 125-128)Contract subtree Bedfordshire
(Pages 125-128) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Bedfordshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 129-132)Contract subtree Berkshire
(Pages 129-132) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Berkshire (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Pages 133-136)Contract subtree Buckinghamshire
(Pages 133-136) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Buckinghamshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 137-140)Contract subtree Cambridgeshire; (including the Isle of Ely)
(Pages 137-140) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Cambridgeshire (administrative counties of Cambridge, and the Isle of Ely)  Download table
(Pages 141-154)Contract subtree Cheshire
(Pages 141-144) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Cheshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 145-146) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Cheshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 147-150)Contract subtree Cornwall
(Pages 147-150) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Cornwall (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 151-154)Contract subtree Cumberland
(Pages 151-154) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Cumberland (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 155-159)Contract subtree Derbyshire
(Pages 155-158) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Derbyshire (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Page 159) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Derbyshire (administrative county, with associated county borough). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 160-163)Contract subtree Devonshire
(Pages 160-163) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Devonshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 164-167)Contract subtree Dorsetshire
(Pages 164-167) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Dorsetshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 168-172)Contract subtree Durham
(Pages 168-171) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Durham (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Page 172) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Durham (administrative county, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 173-176) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Essex (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Page 177) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Essex (administrative county, with associated county borough). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 178-182)Contract subtree Gloucestershire
(Pages 178-181) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Gloucestershire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Page 182) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Gloucestershire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 183-187)Contract subtree Hampshire (including the Isle or Wight)
(Pages 183-186) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Hampshire (administrative counties of Southampton, with associated county boroughs, and the Isle of Wight)  Download table
(Page 187) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Hampshire (administrative counties of Southampton, with associated county boroughs, and the Isle of Wight). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 188-191)Contract subtree Herefordshire
(Pages 188-191) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Herefordshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 192-195)Contract subtree Hertfordshire
(Pages 192-195) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Hertfordshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 196-199)Contract subtree Huntingdonshire
(Pages 196-199) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Huntingdonshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 200-203) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Kent (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Page 204) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Kent (administrative county, with associated county borough). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 205-208)Contract subtree Lancashire
(Pages 205-208) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Lancashire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 209-212)Contract subtree Leicestershire
(Pages 209-212) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Leicestershire (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Pages 213-217)Contract subtree Lincolnshire (the parts of Holland, Kesteven, and Lindsey)
(Pages 213-216) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Lincolnshire (administrative counties of Holland, Kesteven and Lindsey, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Page 217) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Lincolnshire (administrative counties of Holland, Kesteven and Lindsey, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 218-221)Contract subtree London
(Pages 218-221) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. London (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 222-225)Contract subtree Middlesex
(Pages 222-225) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Middlesex (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 226-229)Contract subtree Monmouthshire
(Pages 226-229) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Monmouthshire (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Pages 230-233)Contract subtree Norfolk
(Pages 230-233) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Norfolk (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 234-237)Contract subtree Northamptonshire (including the Soke of Peterborough)
(Pages 234-237) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Northamptonshire (administrative counties, of Northampton, with associated county borough, and the Soke of Peterborough)  Download table
(Pages 238-242)Contract subtree Northumberland
(Pages 238-241) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Northumberland (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Page 242) Table 12. Occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Northumberland (administrative county, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 243-247)Contract subtree Nottinghamshire
(Pages 243-246) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Nottinghamshire (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Page 247) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Nottinghamshire (administrative county, with associated county borough). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 248-251)Contract subtree Oxfordshire
(Pages 248-251) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Nottinghamshire (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Pages 252-255)Contract subtree Rutlandshire
(Pages 252-255) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Rutlandshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 256-259)Contract subtree Shropshire
(Pages 256-259) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Shropshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 260-263)Contract subtree Somersetshire
(Pages 260-263) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Somersetshire (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Pages 264-269)Contract subtree Staffordshire
(Pages 264-267) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Staffordshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 268-269) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Staffordshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 270-273)Contract subtree Suffolk (East and West Suffolk)
(Pages 270-273) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Suffolk (administrative counties of East Suffolk, with associated county borough, and West Suffolk)  Download table
(Pages 274-277)Contract subtree Surrey
(Pages 274-277) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Surrey (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Pages 278-281)Contract subtree Sussex (East and West Sussex)
(Pages 278-281) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Sussex (administrative counties of East Sussex, with associated county boroughs, and West Sussex)  Download table
(Pages 282-287)Contract subtree Warwickshire
(Pages 282-285) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Warwickshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 286-287) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Warwickshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 288-291)Contract subtree Westmorland
(Pages 288-291) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Westmorland (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 292-295)Contract subtree Wiltshire
(Pages 292-295) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Wiltshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 296-300)Contract subtree Worcestershire
(Pages 296-299) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Worcestershire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Page 300) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Worcestershire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 301-312)Contract subtree Yorkshire
(Pages 301-304)Contract subtree East Riding (with York c. B.)
(Pages 301-304) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Yorkshire (East Riding) (administrative county, with the county boroughs of Kingston upon Hull (city) and York (city)  Download table
(Pages 305-308)Contract subtree North Riding
(Pages 305-308) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Yorkshire (North Riding) (administrative county, with associated county borough)  Download table
(Pages 309-312)Contract subtree West Riding
(Pages 309-312) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Yorkshire (West Riding) (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 313-361)Contract subtree Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911 administrative counties, with associated county boroughs-wales
(Pages 313-316)Contract subtree Anglesey
(Pages 313-316) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Anglesey (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 317-320)Contract subtree Brecknockshire
(Pages 317-320) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Brecknockshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 321-324)Contract subtree Cardiganshire
(Pages 321-324) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Cardiganshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 325-328)Contract subtree Carmarthenshire
(Pages 325-328) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Carmarthenshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 329-332)Contract subtree Carnarvonshire
(Pages 329-332) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Carnarvonshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 333-336)Contract subtree Denbighshire
(Pages 333-336) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Denbighshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 337-340)Contract subtree Flintshire
(Pages 337-340) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Flintshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 341-345)Contract subtree Glamorganshire
(Pages 341-344) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Glamorganshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Page 345) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Glamorganshire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs). Additional details  Download table
(Pages 346-349)Contract subtree Merionethshire
(Pages 346-349) Table 12. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Merionethshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 350-353)Contract subtree Montgomeryshire
(Pages 350-353) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Montgomeryshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 354-357)Contract subtree Pembrokeshire
(Pages 354-357) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Pembrokeshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 358-361)Contract subtree Radnorshire
(Pages 358-361) Table 12. Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. Radnorshire (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 362-368) Table 14 (a). Occupations of males and females aged 10 and under 21 years, 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 369-373) Table 14 (b). Occupations of males and females aged 10 and under 21 years, 1911. London (administrative county)  Download table
(Pages 374-379) Table 14 (c). Occupations of males and females aged 10 and under 21 years, 1911. Lancashire (administrative county, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 380-385) Table 14 (d). Occupations of males and females aged 10 and under 21 years, 1911. Yorkshire (administrative counties of the East, North, and West Ridings, with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 386-423) Table 15 (a). Grouped occupations of males aged 10 years and upwards, in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, urban districts of which the population exceeded 5000 persons, aggregates of other urban districts, and aggregates of rural districts, 1911  Download table
(Pages 424-461) Table 15 (b). Grouped occupations of females aged 10 years and upwards, in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, urban districts of which the population exceeded 5000 persons, aggregates of other urban districts, and aggregates of rural districts; also proportion per 1000 of unmarried, married, widowed, and of married and widowed women engaged in occupations, and proportion of female domestic servants to separate occupiers or families, 1911  Download table
(Pages 462-467) Table 16. Grouped occupations of children aged 10 and under 14 years in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and in urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons, 1911  Download table
(Pages 468-474) Table 17. Former occupations of "pensioners" and "retired", distinguishing those enumerated in workhouses and lunatic asylums, and also, for females, the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 475-477) Table 18. Occupations or former occupations of pauper inmates of workhouse establishments, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 478-479) Table 19. Occupations of inmates of local and convict prisons, distinguishing the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 480-486) Table 20. Occupations. Proportion per 1000 males aged 20 years and upwards at various groups of ages, and proportion married in each age group, for each occupational heading, 1911  Download table
(Pages 487-495) Table 21. Proportion per 1000 at various groups of ages of unmarried, married, widowed, and of married and widowed females engaged in occupations; in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and in urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons, 1911  Download table
(Pages 496-503) Table 22 (a). Proportion per 10000 of males aged 10 years and upwards, engaged in certain groups of occupations, in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and in urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons, 1911  Download table
(Pages 504-511) Table 22 (b). Proportion per 10000 of females aged 10 years and upwards, engaged in certain groups of occupations, in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and in urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons, 1911  Download table
(Pages 512-514) Table. 23. Proportion per 1000 at various ages of males and females aged 10 and under 20 years engaged in occupations; in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, and in urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons, 1911  Download table
(Pages 515-522) Table 24. Number and proportion per 1000 of children aged 10 and under 14 years engaged in occupations in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, urban districts of which the population exceeded 5000 persons, aggregates of other urban districts, and aggregates of rural districts, 1911  Download table
(Pages 515-522) Table 24. Number and proportion per 1000 of children aged 10 and under 14 years engaged in occupations in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, urban districts of which the population exceeded 5000 persons, aggregates of other urban districts, and aggregates of rural districts, 1911. Additional details. Males  Download table
(Pages 515-522) Table 24. Number and proportion per 1000 of children aged 10 and under 14 years engaged in occupations in administrative counties, county boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, urban districts of which the population exceeded 5000 persons, aggregates of other urban districts, and aggregates of rural districts, 1911. Additional details. Females  Download table
(Pages 524-539) Table 25. Differences in classification of occupations as between 1911 and 1901 and as between 1901 and 1891  Download table
(Pages 540-551) Table 26. Occupations of males and females at each of the four censuses, 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1911. England and Wales  Download table
(Pages 552-557) Table 27. Occupations (condensed list) of persons, males and females, aged 10 years and upwards and proportions per million of such population engaged in the several occupations, 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1911. England and Wales, 1911  Download table
(Pages 560-589) Table 28. Occupations of males and females in various industries or services; summary of occupational distribution, 1911  Download table
(Pages 590-593) Table 28. Occupations of males and females in various industries or services; summary of occupational distribution, 1911. Summary of occupations in all the industries or services of (a.) National government (excluding the army and navy), (b.) Local government (including poor law service and police), and (c.) Railway companies  Download table
(Pages 594-839) Table 29. Occupations of males and females in various industries or services, showing age distribution and local distribution, 1911  Download table
(Pages 840-851) Table 29. Occupations of males and females in various industries or services, showing age distribution and local distribution, 1911. Summary of occupations in all the industries or services of (a.) National government (excluding the army and navy), (b.) Local government (including poor law service and police), and (c.) Railway companies  Download table
(Pages 852-853) Form of census schedule
(Pages 854-867) Memorandum to enumerators on the subject of occupations