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Islands in the British Seas, 1911

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(Pages i-iv) Title page, contents & introduction
(17 pages)Contract subtree Isle of Man
(Page 1) Table 1. Area; houses and population; increase or decrease of population during each intercensal period; and number of females to 1000 males at each census, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 1) Table 2. Civil parishes. Area; families, or separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911; and population enumerated in institutions, large establishments, vessels, &c., 1911  Download table
(Page 2) Table 3. Towns with their constituent civil parishes and wards-families, or separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911, and population enumerated in institutions, large establishments, vessels, &c., 1911  Download table
(Page 3) Table 4. Ecclesiastical parishes or districts-families, or separate occupiers, and population, 1911  Download table
(Page 3) Table 5. Persons enumerated in institutions, 1911  Download table
(Page 3) Table 6. Numbers of births and deaths registered in each of the years 1901-1910  Download table
(Pages 4-5) Table 7. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Classified by numbers of rooms and by numbers of occupants, in the Isle of Man, in the towns of Douglas, Peel, and Ramsey, and in the remainder of the Island, 1911  Download table
(Page 5) Table 8. Ages of the population in the Isle of Man, in the towns of Douglas, Peel, and Ramsey, and in the remainder of the Island, 1911  Download table
(Page 6) Table 9. Condition as to marriage and ages of the population in the Isle of Man, in the towns of Douglas, Peel, and Ramsey, and in the remainder of the Island, 1911  Download table
(Page 7) Table 10. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 7-10) Table 10. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Page 11) Table 11. Former occupations of "pensioners" and "retired", distinguishing those enumerated in institutions, and also, for females, the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 12-13) Table 12. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, 1911. Isle of Man. Town of Douglas  Download table
(Pages 14-15) Table 12. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, 1911. Isle of Man. Remainder of Island  Download table
(Page 16) Table 13. Birthplaces of males and females enumerated in the Isle of Man, 1911  Download table
(Page 17) Table 14. The totally blind, the totally deaf, the deaf and dumb, and the insane in the Isle of Man, 1911. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females  Download table
(17 pages)Contract subtree Jersey
(Page 18) Table 1. Area; houses and population; increase or decrease of population during each intercensal period; and number of females to 1000 males at each census, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 18) Table 2. Civil parishes. Area; families, or separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911; and population enumerated in institutions, large establishments, vessels, &c., 1911  Download table
(Page 19) Table 3. Ecclesiastical parishes or districts-families, or separate occupiers, and population, 1911  Download table
(Page 19) Table 4. Persons enumerated in military establishments, 1911  Download table
(Page 20) Table 5. Persons enumerated in institutions, 1911  Download table
(Page 20) Table 6. Numbers of births and deaths registered in each of the years 1901-1910  Download table
(Page 21) Table 7. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Classified by numbers of rooms, and by numbers of occupants, in Jersey, in the civil parish of St. Helier, and in the remainder of the Island, 1911  Download table
(Page 22) Table 8. Ages of the population in Jersey, in the civil parish of St. Helier, and in the remainder of the Island, 1911  Download table
(Page 23) Table 9. Condition as to marriage and ages of the population in Jersey, in the civil parish of St. Helier, and in the remainder of the Island, 1911  Download table
(Page 24) Table 10. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 24-27) Table 10. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 28-29) Table 11. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, 1911. Jersey. Civil parish of St. Helier  Download table
(Pages 30-31) Table 11. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, 1911. Jersey. Remainder of Island  Download table
(Page 32) Table 12. Former occupations of "pensioners" and "retired", distinguishing those enumerated in institutions, and also, for females, the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Page 33) Table 13. Birthplaces of males and females enumerated in Jersey, 1911  Download table
(Page 34) Table 14. The totally blind, the totally deaf, the deaf and dumb, and the insane in Jersey, 1911. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females  Download table
(16 pages)Contract subtree Guernsey and adjacent Islands
(Page 35) Table I. Area; houses and population; increase or decrease of population during each intercensal period; and number of females to 1000 males at each census, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 35) Table 1a. Population of the various inhabited Islands at each census, 1821-1911  Download table
(Page 36) Table 2. Civil parishes. Area; families, or separate occupiers, and population, 1901 and 1911; and population enumerated in institutions, large establishments, vessels, &c., 1911  Download table
(Page 36) Table 3. Ecclesiastical parishes or districts. Families, or separate occupiers, and population, 1911  Download table
(Page 37) Table 4. Persons enumerated in military establishments, 1911  Download table
(Page 37) Table 5. Persons enumerated in institutions, 1911  Download table
(Page 37) Table 6. Numbers of births and deaths registered in each of the years 1901-1910  Download table
(Page 38) Table 7. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Classified by numbers of rooms and by numbers of occupants, in Guernsey and adjacent Islands and in the town of St. Peter Port, 1911  Download table
(Page 39) Table 8. Ages of the population in Guernsey and adjacent Islands and in the town of St. Peter Port, 1911  Download table
(Page 39) Table 9. Condition as to marriage and ages of the population in Guernsey and adjacent Islands and in the town of St. Peter Port, 1911  Download table
(Page 40) Table 10. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 40-43) Table 10. Occupations of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, distinguishing for females the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Pages 44-45) Table 11. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, 1911. Guernsey. Town of St. Peter Port  Download table
(Pages 46-47) Table 11. Occupations (condensed list) of males and females aged 10 years and upwards, 1911. Guernsey and adjacent Islands. Remainders of Guernsey and the adjacent Islands  Download table
(Page 48) Table 12. Former occupations of "pensioners" and "retired", distinguishing those enumerated in institutions, and also, for females, the unmarried, married, and widowed, 1911  Download table
(Page 49) Table 13. Birthplaces of males and females enumerated in Guernsey and adjacent Islands, 1911  Download table
(Page 50) Table 14. The totally blind, the totally deaf, the deaf and dumb, and the insane in Guernsey and adjacent Islands, 1911. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females  Download table