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Parish register abstract, 1831

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-2) Title & contents pages
(426 pages)Contract subtree England
(Pages 19-26)Expand subtree Buckingham
(Pages 57-62)Expand subtree Derby
(Pages 89-94)Expand subtree Durham
(Pages 95-108)Expand subtree Essex
(Pages 123-129)Expand subtree Hereford
(Pages 130-135)Expand subtree Hertford
(Pages 136-140)Expand subtree Huntingdon
(Pages 189-197)Expand subtree Middlesex
(Pages 198-203)Expand subtree Monmouth
(Pages 204-224)Expand subtree Norfolk
(Pages 225-235)Contract subtree Northampton
(Page 225) County of Northampton. Chippingwarden hundred  Download table
(Page 225) County of Northampton. Cleley hundred  Download table
(Pages 225-226) County of Northampton. Corby hundred  Download table
(Page 226) County of Northampton. Fawsley hundred  Download table
(Page 226) County of Northampton. Green's Norton hundred  Download table
(Page 227) County of Northampton. Guilsborough hundred  Download table
(Page 227) County of Northampton. Hamfordshoe hundred  Download table
(Pages 227-228) County of Northampton. Higham Ferrers hundred  Download table
(Page 228) County of Northampton. Huxloe hundred  Download table
(Page 228) County of Northampton. King's Sutton hundred  Download table
(Page 229) County of Northampton. Spelhoe hundred  Download table
(Page 229) County of Northampton. Towcester hundred  Download table
(Page 229) County of Northampton. Willybrook hundred  Download table
(Pages 229-230) County of Northampton. Wymersley hundred  Download table
(Page 230) County of Northampton. Northampton borough  Download table
(Page 230) County of Northampton. Peterborough city  Download table
(Pages 230-231) County of Northampton. Peterborough liberty  Download table
(Page 231) County of Northampton. Summary of baptisms, burials and marriages, in the county of Northampton  Download table
(Page 232) County of Northampton. Ages of 54545 persons buried in the county of Northampton. (Of whom 26578 males, 27967 females), during eighteen years, 1813-1830  Download table
(Page 232) County of Northampton. Table of mortality for the county of Northampton, deduced from the foregoing account of ages  Download table
(Page 233) County of Northampton. Proportion of burials to the population, 1801-1830  Download table
(Page 233) County of Northampton. Increase of population, 1801-1830  Download table
(Pages 236-242)Expand subtree Northumberland
(Pages 243-252)Expand subtree Nottingham
(Pages 253-261)Expand subtree Oxford
(Pages 262-266)Expand subtree Rutland
(Pages 276-293)Expand subtree Somerset
(Pages 294-304)Expand subtree Southampton
(Pages 305-311)Expand subtree Stafford
(Pages 312-326)Expand subtree Suffolk
(Pages 327-334)Expand subtree Surrey
(Pages 335-343)Expand subtree Sussex
(Pages 344-351)Expand subtree Warwick
(Pages 352-356)Expand subtree Westmorland
(Pages 370-376)Expand subtree Worcester
(Pages 412-414)Expand subtree Summary of England
(73 pages)Expand subtree Wales: Anglesey to Radnor
(6 pages)Expand subtree Summary of England and Wales
(2 pages)Expand subtree Appendix (a) Islands in the British Seas
(9 pages)Expand subtree Appendix (b) the Metropolis