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Parish register abstract, 1801

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages 1-4) Title page & contents
(372 pages)Contract subtree England
(Pages 1-6)Expand subtree Bedford
(Pages 7-19)Expand subtree Berks
(Pages 20-25)Expand subtree Bucks
(Pages 26-34)Expand subtree Cambridge
(Pages 35-39)Expand subtree Chester
(Pages 40-45)Expand subtree Cornwall
(Pages 46-49)Expand subtree Cumberland
(Pages 50-53)Expand subtree Derby
(Pages 54-70)Expand subtree Devon
(Pages 71-79)Expand subtree Dorset
(Pages 80-84)Expand subtree Durham
(Pages 85-98)Expand subtree Essex
(Pages 99-115)Expand subtree Gloucester
(Pages 116-122)Expand subtree Hereford
(Pages 123-128)Expand subtree Hertford
(Pages 129-132)Expand subtree Huntingdon
(Pages 145-152)Expand subtree Lancaster
(Pages 153-157)Expand subtree Leicester
(Pages 158-175)Expand subtree Lincoln
(Pages 176-184)Expand subtree Middlesex
(Pages 185-189)Expand subtree Monmouth
(Pages 190-207)Expand subtree Norfolk
(Pages 208-219)Expand subtree Northampton
(Pages 220-224)Expand subtree Northumberland
(Pages 225-231)Expand subtree Nottingham
(Pages 232-240)Expand subtree Oxford
(Pages 241-243)Expand subtree Rutland
(Page 244) County of Salop. Hundred of Bradford, North division  Download table
(Page 244) County of Salop. Hundred of Bradford, south-division  Download table
(Page 245) County of Salop. Hundred of Brimstree  Download table
(Page 245) County of Salop. Hundred of Chirbury  Download table
(Page 246) County of Salop. Hundred of Candover  Download table
(Page 246) County of Salop. Hundred of Ford  Download table
(Page 247) County of Salop. Hundred of Munslow  Download table
(Page 247) County of Salop. Hundred of Oswestry  Download table
(Page 248) County of Salop. Hundred of Overs  Download table
(Page 248) County of Salop. Hundred of Pimhill  Download table
(Page 249) County of Salop. Hundred of Purslow  Download table
(Page 249) County of Salop. Hundred of Stottesden  Download table
(Page 250) County of Salop. Town of Shrewsbury, and liberty of the same  Download table
(Page 250) County of Salop. Town of Wenlock, and liberty of the same  Download table
(Page 251) County of Salop. Town of Bridgnorth  Download table
(Page 251) County of Salop. Town of Ludlow  Download table
(Page 252) County of Salop. Summary  Download table
(Pages 253-273)Expand subtree Somerset
(Pages 274-281)Expand subtree Southampton
(Pages 282-287)Expand subtree Stafford
(Pages 288-300)Expand subtree Suffolk
(Pages 301-308)Expand subtree Surrey
(Pages 309-314)Expand subtree Sussex
(Pages 315-320)Expand subtree Warwick
(Pages 321-324)Expand subtree Westmorland
(Pages 342-348)Expand subtree Worcester
(2 pages)Expand subtree England, summary
(66 pages)Expand subtree Wales
(8 pages)Expand subtree Appendix. Cities of London and Westminster, &c
(6 pages)Expand subtree Supplement, containing a summary of such returns as were not received in time to be inserted in their respective places
(2 pages)Expand subtree Final summary, England and Wales
(4 pages)Expand subtree Scotland. Summary of parishes where registers have been kept