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Language spoken in Wales, 1911

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(Pages i-ii) Title page and contents
(10 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page iv) Table I. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportional numbers speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1891, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page v) Table II. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportions per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page vi) Table III. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportions per 1000 of males and of females at each age-group speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1911  Download table
(Page vii) Table IV. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking English only, 1911; and proportion at all ages, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page viii) Table V. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking Welsh only, 1911; and proportion at all ages, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page viii) No original table title  Download table
(Page ix) Table VI. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking both Welsh and English, 1911; and proportion at all ages, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page x) No original table title  Download table
(Page x) Table VII. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons speaking English and Welsh respectively, inclusive of those speaking both languages, 1901 and 1911; and ratios per cent. of proportions in 1911 to those in 1901  Download table
(Page xi) No original table title  Download table
(52 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 1-42) Table 1. Wales and Monmouthshire. Numbers of males and females, aged three years and upwards, returned as speaking English only, Welsh only, both English and Welsh, and other languages, in each administrative county, and in each urban and rural district, 1911  Download table
(Pages 43-46) Table 2. Wales and Monmouthshire. Numbers of persons, aged three years and upwards, returned as speaking English only, Welsh only, both English and Welsh, and other languages, in each administrative county, and in each urban and rural district, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 47-51) Table 3. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportion of persons, to a thousand of the population aged three years and upwards, returned as speaking English only, Welsh only, both English and Welsh, and other languages, in each administrative county, and in each urban and rural district, 1901 and 1911  Download table