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Report and tables relating to the status of disease, Vol. I, Ireland, 1861

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title and table of contents
(108 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-2) Introductory remarks
(Pages 2-4)Contract subtree Section i
(Pages 2-4)Contract subtree Deaths in hospitals and sanitary institutions
(Pages 2-3) General hospitals
(Page 3) Infirmaries
(Page 3) Fever hospitals
(Pages 3-4) Lying-in hospitals
(Page 4) Lock hospital
(Page 4) Ophthalmic hospital
(Page 4) Lunatic asylums
(Pages 4-7)Contract subtree Section ii
(Pages 4-7) Deaths in workhouses and workhouse hospitals
(Pages 7-8)Contract subtree Section iii
(Pages 7-8) Deaths in prisons and prison hospitals
(Page 8)Contract subtree Section iv
(Page 8) Deaths in charitable institutions
(Pages 8-15)Contract subtree Section v
(Pages 8-15)Contract subtree Coroners inquests
(Pages 8-10) Deaths caused by violence, neglect, evil intent, or design
(Pages 10-11) Suicides
(Pages 12-14) Accidental deaths, caused without design or intent
(Page 14) Deaths from natural causes
(Page 14) Deaths from the immoderate use of ardent spirits
(Pages 14-15) Cause of death uncertain
(Page 15) Violent or sudden deaths on which inquests were not held
(Pages 15-52)Contract subtree Section vi
(Pages 15-52)Contract subtree General mortality in Ireland
(Page 15) Emigration from Ireland
(Pages 15-16) Estimated annual population from 1851 to 1861
(Page 16) Table I: The estimated and the recorded number of deaths in Ireland
(Page 17) Annual mortality
(Pages 18-19) Table II Showing by localities and diseases the number of deaths returned on the decennial census forms in 1841, 1851, and 1861
(Page 20) Analysis of deaths by diseases
(Pages 20-26) Zymotic or epidemic, endemic, and contagious diseases
(Pages 26-45)Contract subtree Sporadic diseases
(Pages 26-29) Diseases of the brain and nervous system
(Pages 29-30) Diseases of the circulating organs
(Pages 30-33) Diseases of the respiratory organs
(Pages 33-37) Diseases of the digestive organs
(Pages 37-38) Diseases of the urinary organs
(Pages 38-39) Diseases of the generative organs
(Pages 39-41) Diseases of the locomotive organs
(Pages 41-42) Diseases of the tegumentary system
(Pages 42-45) Diseases of uncertain seat
(Pages 45-48)Contract subtree Violent or sudden deaths
(Page 48) Table showing by occupations the ages and sexes of persons executed
(Page 48) Table showing by localities the number of persons executed in Ireland during the three decades ending respectively in 1841, 1851, and 1861
(Page 49) Causes not specified
(Pages 49-50) Total deaths from all causes
(Page 50)Contract subtree Mortality by localities
(Page 50) Table showing by sexes the percentage of deaths at each age-period, according to the census returns for 1851 and 1861; and the proportion of the living at the same age-periods
(Pages 51-52) Mortality by ages and sexes
(Pages 52-91)Contract subtree Section vii
(Pages 52-91)Contract subtree Special sanitary report upon the city of Dublin
(Pages 52-54) Division of the city into localities
(Page 54) Municipal boundary of the city
(Page 54) Annual ratio of mortality
(Pages 54-75)Contract subtree Deaths by ages, localities, occupations and diseases
(Pages 56-57) Table I: Showing the deaths by ages and localities
(Pages 58-61) Table II: Showing the deaths by localities and causes
(Pages 62-69) Table III: Showing the deaths by occupations and causes
(Page 75) Table showing the deaths by occupations and localities
(Pages 74-91) The burials in the cemeteries and graveyards of Dublin city
(Pages 74-75) Yearly bills of mortality
(Page 76) Annual number of interments in the various cemeteries and graveyards in Dublin city and its immediate vicinity, from 1840 to 1860
(Pages 76-90)Contract subtree Analysis of tables of burials
(Page 77) Table I: Showing the burials by years, sexes, and localities
(Pages 78-81) Table II: Showing the burials by diseases and sexes, in each month and year
(Pages 82-89) Table III: Showing the burials by ages, sexes, and diseases
(Page 90) Table IV: Showing the burials by months, with the monthly and daily averages
(Pages 93-107)Contract subtree Appendix. The forms used in procuring the information contained in the report and tables relating to deaths
(Pages 95-98) Form A. Family return
(Page 99) Form C. Family return for the sick
(Page 100) Form D. Return of persons afflicted with insanity and idiocy
(Pages 101-102) Form E. Return of paupers who laboured under sickness/died in a workhouse
(Pages 103-104) Form F. Return of persons under treatment/died in hospital
(Pages 105-106) Form I. Return of persons who were under treatment/died in a lunatic asylum
(Page 107) Form P. Return of inquests held in county/city
(228 pages)Contract subtree Tables of deaths
(Pages 1-76)Contract subtree Hospitals and sanitary institutions
(Pages 1-14)Contract subtree General hospitals
(Pages 2-5) Table I: Deaths by localities and causes
(Pages 6-9) Table II: Deaths by ages, sexes and diseases
(Pages 10-13) Table III: Deaths by years, seasons, diseases, and sexes
(Page 14) Table IV: Deaths by years, ages and seasons
(Pages 15-28)Contract subtree Infirmaries
(Pages 16-19) Table I: Deaths by localities and causes
(Pages 20-23) Table II: Deaths by ages, sexes and diseases
(Pages 24-27) Table III: Deaths by years, seasons, diseases, and ages
(Page 28) Table IV: Deaths by years, ages and seasons
(Pages 29-46)Contract subtree Fever hospitals
(Pages 30-31) Table I: Deaths from fever and other causes, by hospitals and localities
(Pages 32-37) Table II: Deaths by counties, sexes and diseases
(Pages 38-41) Table III: Deaths by ages, sexes and diseases
(Pages 42-45) Table IV: Deaths by years, seasons and diseases
(Page 46) Table V: Deaths by years, ages and seasons
(Pages 48-51) Special hospitals: Lying-in hospitals
(Page 52) Special hospitals: Venereal or lock hospitals
(Page 52) Special hospitals: St. Mark's ophthalmic hospital
(Pages 53-64)Contract subtree Lunatic asylum
(Pages 54-57) Table I: Deaths by localities and causes
(Pages 58-59) Table II: Deaths by ages, diseases and sexes
(Pages 60-63) Table III: Deaths by years, seasons, diseases, and sexes
(Page 64) Table IV: Deaths by years, ages and seasons
(Pages 65-76)Contract subtree Summary of hospitals and sanitary institutions
(Pages 66-67) Table I: Deaths by classes of hospitals and causes
(Pages 68-71) Table II: Deaths by ages, sexes and diseases
(Pages 72-75) Table III: Deaths by years, seasons, and diseases
(Page 76) Table IV: Deaths by years, seasons and ages
(Pages 77-116)Contract subtree Workhouses and workhouse hospitals
(Pages 78-107)Contract subtree Table I: Deaths by localities and causes
(Pages 78-85) Leinster
(Pages 86-93) Munster
(Pages 94-101) Ulster
(Pages 102-105) Connaught
(Pages 106-107) Ireland
(Pages 108-111) Table II: Deaths by diseases, sexes and ages
(Pages 112-115) Table III: Deaths by years, seasons, diseases, and sexes
(Page 116) Table IV: Deaths by years, seasons and ages
(Pages 117-130)Contract subtree Prisons and prison hospitals
(Pages 118-123) Table I: Deaths by localities, prisons and causes
(Pages 124-127) Table II: Deaths by diseases, ages and sexes
(Pages 126-129) Table III: Deaths by years, seasons, diseases, and sexes
(Page 130) Table IV: Deaths by years, seasons and ages
(Pages 131-137)Contract subtree Charitable institutions
(Pages 132-133) Table I: Deaths by localities, institutions and causes
(Pages 134-135) Table II: Deaths by ages, sexes and diseases
(Pages 135-136) Table III: Deaths by years, seasons, sexes and diseases
(Page 137) Table IV: Deaths by years, seasons and ages
(Pages 139-175)Contract subtree Abstracts of deaths on which inquests were held
(Pages 140-147) Summary of the province of Leinster
(Pages 148-155) Summary of the province of Munster
(Pages 156-163) Summary of the province of Ulster
(Pages 164-169) Summary of the province of Connaught
(Pages 170-175) Summary of the province of Ireland
(Page 176) Abstract of sudden or violent deaths on which inquests were not held
(Pages 177-219)Contract subtree Provincial and general summaries
(Pages 178-185) Province of Leinster
(Pages 186-193) Province of Munster
(Pages 194-201) Province of Ulster
(Pages 202-209) Province of Connaught
(Pages 210-219) Summary of Ireland
(Pages 221-222) General index to report
(Pages 223-226) Index to tables of deaths