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Supplement to the alphabetical index of townlands of Ireland, 1891

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-2) Title page and contents
(30 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 3-19) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the townlands and towns
(Pages 20-21) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the parishes
(Page 21) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the baronies
(Page 22) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts)
(Pages 23-25) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the poor law electoral divisions
(Page 26) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the dispensary (or registrars') districts
(Pages 27-30) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the petty sessions districts
(Page 31) Supplement to the alphabetical index to the parliamentary boroughs