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General report, Ireland, 1901

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(Pages 1-18) Title page & contents
(8 pages)Contract subtree Introduction
(Page 1) Introductory observations
(Page 1) Previous enumerations of the population of Ireland
(Page 1) Censuses in the nineteenth century
(Pages 1-4) Preparation of forms
(Page 4) Revision of statistical processes
(Pages 4-5) Local arrangements for enumeration
(Page 5) Presentation of preliminary report
(Pages 5-6) County publications
(Pages 6-7) General summary
(Page 8) Division of subjects and order of treatment
(10 pages)Contract subtree I. Area, houses, and population
(Pages 9-17)Contract subtree Changes in arrangement of statistics necessitated by local government (Ireland) act, 1898
(Pages 9-10)Contract subtree Territorial divisions
(Page 9) Townlands
(Page 9) District electoral divisions
(Page 9) Dispensary or registrars' districts
(Page 9) Poor law unions
(Page 9) County electoral divisions
(Page 9) County districts
(Page 9) Baronies
(Page 9) Parishes
(Page 9) Counties
(Pages 9-10) Provinces
(Page 10) Parliamentary divisions
(Page 10) Dioceses
(Page 10) Configuration, soil, climate, and race
(Page 10) Area, houses, and population enumerated at previous and present censuses
(Page 10) Persons to an acre
(Pages 10-11) Persons to an acre, distinguishing rural and civic districts
(Page 11) Houses and house accommodation
(Pages 11-12) Number of families to each house, rural and civic districts
(Pages 12-13) Tenements of less than five rooms
(Page 13) Population in each county
(Page 13) Density of population in each county
(Page 13) Per-centage of increase or decrease of population in each county
(Page 13) Per-centage of decrease of population in each province
(Pages 13-14) Per-centage of decrease of inhabited houses in each province
(Page 14) Poor law unions or superintendent registrars' districts
(Page 14) Parliamentary divisions of counties and boroughs
(Page 14) Municipal boroughs and towns
(Page 14) Cities, &c., with over 50000 inhabitants
(Page 14) Cities, &c., with 20000, and not more than 50000 inhabitants
(Pages 14-15) Towns, &c., with 10000, and not more than 20000 inhabitants
(Page 15) Towns, &c., with 5000, and not more than 10000 inhabitants
(Page 15) Towns, &c., containing 2000, and not more than 5000 inhabitants
(Page 15) Towns, &c., with local government, but not containing 2000 inhabitants
(Page 15) Dublin Metropolitan police district
(Page 15) Dublin registration area
(Pages 15-17)Contract subtree Special inquiry regarding agricultural holdings, and the population thereon
(Pages 15-16) Classification of holdings adopted
(Pages 16-17) Mode of collecting the information on the subject
(Page 17) Distribution of certain classes of holdings in the several provinces
(Page 17) Classification of holdings according to rateable valuation
(Page 17) Distribution of population on agricultural holdings
(Page 17) House accommodation on agricultural holdings
(Page 18)Contract subtree Agricultural statistics
(Page 18) Division of land
(Page 18) Extent under crops, grass, &c
(Page 18) Live stock
(Page 18) Shipping
(2 pages)Contract subtree II. Ages of the people
(Pages 19-20)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Page 19) Number of persons at certain age-periods in 1891 and in 1901
(Page 19) Proportion at each age-period
(Pages 19-20) Increase or decrease at various age-periods
(Page 20) Centenarians
(Page 20) Centenarians, their education and their conjugal condition
(3 pages)Contract subtree III. Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Page 20) Number and proportion of unmarried, married, and widowed
(Page 20) Early marriages not numerous
(Pages 20-21) Conjugal condition of persons aged 20 years and upwards
(Page 21) Excess of widows over widowers
(Page 21) Unmarried, aged 20 years and upwards
(Page 21) Married
(Pages 21-22) Widowed
(Page 22) Conjugal condition of females aged from 15 to 45 years
(Page 22) Summary
(6 pages)Contract subtree IV. Occupations of the people
(Pages 22-26)Contract subtree Classes in which occupations have been tabulated
(Pages 22-23) Professional class
(Page 23) Domestic class
(Pages 23-24) Commercial class
(Page 24) Agricultural class
(Pages 24-26) Industrial class
(Page 26) Indefinite and non-productive class
(Pages 26-27) Special statistics of occupations or social position of inhabitants of the Dublin registration area
(Page 27) Persons combining other pursuits with farming
(2 pages)Contract subtree V. Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 27-28) Irish-born population
(Page 28) Natives of England or Wales
(Page 28) Natives of Scotland
(Page 28) Persons born abroad
(Page 28) Persons born at sea
(2 pages)Contract subtree VI. Foreigners
(Page 28) Foreign element in Irish population
(Pages 28-29) Occupations of persons born in foreign countries
(19 pages)Contract subtree VII. The sick and infirm
(Page 29) Classification adopted
(Pages 29-30) Total sick and infirm
(Pages 30-33)Contract subtree The temporarily diseased
(Page 30) Number and proportion per 1000 of population in each province
(Page 30) Proportion per 1000 of population in each county
(Page 30) Unions or superintendent registrars' districts in which proportion was 10 per 1000 of population or upwards
(Pages 30-31) Unions or superintendent registrars' districts in which proportion was under 5 per 1000 of population
(Pages 31-33)Contract subtree Nature of illness
(Pages 31-32) Zymotic diseases
(Page 32) Constitutional diseases
(Page 32) Developmental diseases
(Pages 32-33) Local diseases
(Page 33) Injuries
(Page 33) The sick in hospitals
(Pages 33-34) The sick in workhouses
(Pages 34-47)Contract subtree The permanently diseased
(Pages 34-39)Contract subtree The blind
(Page 34) Results of inquiries in 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 34) Proportion of sexes
(Pages 34-35) Increase or decrease in numbers
(Page 35) Religious professions
(Page 35) Ages
(Page 35) Education
(Page 35) Occupations of the blind
(Pages 35-36) Institutions for the blind
(Page 36) Native places of blind inmates of asylums and institutions
(Page 36) In workhouses
(Page 36) Secondary inquiry
(Pages 36-37) Persons partially blind
(Pages 37-39) Causes of blindness
(Page 39) Age at which sight was lost
(Page 39) Special inquiries as to education of the blind
(Pages 39-45)Contract subtree The deaf and dumb
(Page 40) Secondary inquiry
(Page 40) Pupils in public institutions
(Page 40) True muteism
(Page 40) Acquired muteism
(Page 40) Deaf-dumbness of uncertain origin
(Page 40) Absolute increase or decrease of deaf-dumbness
(Pages 40-41) Acquired deaf-dumbness
(Page 41) The dumb not deaf
(Page 41) Mutes from all causes
(Page 41) Ratio of the deaf and dumb to the population
(Page 41) Ages of mutes
(Page 41) Religious professions
(Pages 41-42) Occupation or social condition
(Page 42) Number of congenital deaf mutes in each family
(Page 42) Position in family of congenital deaf mutes
(Page 42) Number of deaf mutes born in each family
(Pages 42-43) Causes of congenital deaf-dumbness
(Page 43) Consanguinity of parents
(Page 43) Causes of acquired muteism
(Page 43) Diseases and accidents causing muteism
(Pages 43-44) Education of the deaf and dumb
(Pages 44-45) Institutions for the deaf and dumb
(Page 45) Homes of pupils in public institutions
(Pages 45-47)Contract subtree Number and condition of lunatics and idiots in Ireland
(Pages 45-46) Number at date of each census since 1851
(Page 46) Proportion of lunatics to population in the provinces and counties
(Page 46) Proportion of idiots to population in the provinces and counties
(Page 46) Occupations of lunatics and idiots in 1901
(Pages 46-47) Religious professions of lunatics and idiots
(Page 47) Presumed cause of lunacy or idiocy
(Page 47) Precise nature of affliction
(3 pages)Contract subtree VIII. Public institutions
(Page 48) Summary of institutions comprised under this designation
(Page 48) Ratio of inmates of the several classes of institutions to the population, by provinces
(Pages 48-49) Military quartered in each province in Ireland
(Page 49) Religious professions of inmates of workhouses
(Page 49) Conjugal condition of inmates of workhouses
(Page 49) Education of inmates of workhouses
(Page 49) Occupations of inmates of workhouses
(Pages 49-50) Number of persons on outdoor relief in each county and province in 1891 and 1901 respectively
(8 pages)Contract subtree IX. Religious professions of the people
(Page 50) Previous computations
(Page 50) Report on religious profession in 1861
(Page 50) Reports for 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901
(Page 50) Areas for which statistics of religious profession are given
(Page 50) Classification adopted
(Pages 50-51) General view of religious professions for 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Pages 51-52) Information as to religious profession refused
(Pages 52-53) Religious professions of inhabitants of each province
(Pages 53-54) Religious professions of inhabitants of each county, city, &c
(Page 54) Religious professions of inhabitants of each poor law union
(Page 54) Religious professions of inhabitants of parliamentary divisions of counties
(Pages 54-55) Religious professions of inhabitants of parliamentary boroughs
(Page 55) Religious professions of inhabitants of towns
(Pages 55-56) Religious professions of inhabitants of rural districts
(Page 56) Ecclesiastical divisions
(Page 56) Dioceses
(Page 56) Present arrangement of dioceses
(Pages 56-57) Absolute and relative number of each denomination in the dioceses
(16 pages)Contract subtree X. Religious professions and education of the people
(Page 57) Decline of illiteracy
(Pages 57-58) Per-centage of illiterate persons at several census periods
(Page 58) Illiterate in each province
(Page 58) Proportion who could "read only"
(Page 58) Proportion who could read and write
(Pages 58-59) Illiterate persons in the counties and cities
(Page 59) Proportion of persons who could "read only" in the counties and cities
(Page 59) Proportion of persons who could read and write in the counties and cities
(Page 59) Per-centage of illiterate in each religious body
(Page 59) Decline of illiteracy in each church or denomination
(Pages 59-60) Illiterate persons in each religious body in 1901
(Page 60) Proportion of persons who could "read only" in each religious body in 1901
(Page 60) Proportion of persons who could read and write in each religious body in 1901
(Pages 60-61) Advance of education since 1871
(Pages 61-62) Primary instruction, religious professions
(Page 62) Superior instruction, religious professions
(Page 62) Educational establishments
(Page 62) Establishments affording primary instruction in 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Pages 62-63) Establishments affording superior instruction in 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Pages 63-64)Contract subtree Distribution of primary schools
(Page 63) National schools, and attendance thereat
(Page 63) Church education society schools, and attendance thereat
(Pages 63-64) Christian Brothers' schools, and attendance thereat
(Page 64) Schools under "other societies or boards", and attendance thereat
(Page 64) Orphanages
(Page 64) Private schools, and attendance thereat
(Pages 64-65)Contract subtree Distribution of establishments affording superior instruction
(Page 64) Colleges
(Pages 64-65) Superior schools
(Page 65) Religious professions of students
(Pages 65-66) Colleges, attendance at
(Page 66) Colleges, students in each faculty
(Pages 66-67)Contract subtree Intermediate schools
(Pages 66-67) Under Roman Catholic government
(Page 67) Under protestant government
(Page 67) Endowed schools
(Page 67) Private schools
(Page 67) Training establishments
(Page 67) Primary schools giving higher instruction ranked as "superior"
(Page 67) Educational establishments classified according to the subjects taught therein
(Pages 67-69) Number of persons learning Latin, Greek, &c
(Pages 69-70) Number of persons learning Irish
(Pages 70-71) Attendances at school, years ended 31st March, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901
(Page 71) Ages of pupils
(Page 71) Proportion of population aged 5 and under 16 years not attending school
(Pages 71-72) Condition of children aged 5 and under 15 years with regard to elementary education in 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 72) Attendance at schools in rural and civic districts
(Page 72) School attendance, fortnight ended 11th May, 1901
(2 pages)Contract subtree XI. Irish-Speaking population
(Page 72) Persons returned as speaking "Irish only" in 1891 and 1901
(Pages 72-73) Persons returned as speaking "Irish and English" in 1891 and 1901
(Page 73) Proportion of Irish-Speaking in the provinces and certain counties
(2 pages)Contract subtree XII. Emigration
(Page 73) Number of emigrants from Ireland since 1st May, 1851
(Pages 73-74) Ages of emigrants, 1891-1900
(Page 74) Emigrants from each county and province
(Page 74) Destination of emigrants
(2 pages)Contract subtree XIII. Miscellaneous tables
(Pages 74-75) Marriages, births, and deaths in Ireland in the ten years ended 31st March, 1901
(Page 75) Distribution of families into "members", "visitors", and "servants"
(Page 75) Observations on other miscellaneous tables
(2 pages)Contract subtree XIV. Maps and diagrams
(Pages 75-76) Subjects illustrated by maps and diagrams
(3 pages)Contract subtree Conclusion
(Page 76) Revised edition of topographical index
(Page 76) Magnitude of the work of the Irish census
(Pages 76-77) Acknowledgment of services of office superintendents and staff
(Pages 77-78) Thanks to public officers with whom the department was brought into relation
(Page 78) Addendum by the registrar-general and Doctor Brady respecting the services rendered by Mr. Brew as secretary to the census department
(41 pages)Contract subtree Maps and diagrams
(12 pages)Contract subtree Maps
(Pages 81-82, Page 1)Contract subtree Population
(Page 82) Map table 1. Table showing the extent of country covered by each shade, the number of persons who reside within each, and the population to a square mile of laud under crops (including meadow and clover) and pasture; also to a square mile of the total area
(Page 1) Map 1. Population
(Page 84) Map table 2. Table showing the proportion of every 100 persons, five years old and upwards, in the rural districts of Ireland, who can neither read nor write, arranged by counties in the order of their relative education
(Page 1) Map 2. Education
(Pages 85-86, Page 1)Contract subtree House accommodation
(Page 86) Map table 3. Table showing the extent of each class of house accommodation, occupied by the people in the rural districts of the several counties, the counties being arranged in the list according to the prevalence of the 4th class, corresponding with the relative density of shading on the map
(Page 1) Map 3. House accommodation
(Page 88) Map table 4. Table showing the rateable valuation, population, and average valuation per head, for each poor law union in Ireland in 1901
(Page 1) 4. Valuation
(27 pages)Contract subtree Diagrams
(Pages 89-90, Page 1)Contract subtree Acreage under crops, (including meadow and clover), grass, woods, and plantations
(Page 90) Table 1. Table showing the number of acres under crops, (including meadow and clover) grass, woods and plantations, turf, bog, marsh, barren mountain, etc., in each county and province in Ireland, in 1901
(Page 1) Diagram 1. Acreage under crops, (including meadow and clover), grass, woods, and plantations
(Pages 91-92, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion per cent. of land under crops, (including meadow and clover), grass, woods and plantations, &c
(Page 92) Table 2. Table showing the proportion per cent. of the area of each county and province in Ireland under crops, (including meadow and clover), grass, woods and plantations, turf bog, marsh, barren mountain, etc., in 1901
(Page 1) Diagram 2. Proportion per cent. of land under crops, (including meadow and clover), grass, woods and plantations, &c
(Pages 93-94, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion per cent. of the inhabited houses belonging to each class
(Page 94) Table 3. Table showing, by classes, the proportion per cent. of the inhabited houses in each county and province in 1901
(Page 1) Diagram 3. Proportion per cent. of the inhabited houses belonging to each class
(Pages 95-96, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion per cent. of the population belonging to each religious profession
(Page 96) Table 4. Table showing the proportion per cent. of the total inhabitants of each county and province in Ireland, belonging to the several religious professions, in 1901
(Page 1) Diagram 4. Proportion per cent. of the population belonging to each religious profession
(Pages 97-98, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion per cent. of the population, five years old and upwards, belonging to each religious profession, who could neither read nor write
(Page 98) Table 5. Table showing the proportion per cent. of each religious denomination, five years old and upwards, who could neither read nor write
(Page 1) Diagram 5. Proportion per cent. of the population, five years old and upwards, belonging to each religious profession, who could neither read nor write
(Pages 99-100, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion per cent. of the population, five years old and upwards, who could read and write, bead only, and who could neither read nor write
(Page 100) Table 6. Table showing the proportion per cent. of the population, five years old and upwards, in each province and county in Ireland, in 1901, who could road and write, read only, and who could neither read nor write
(Page 1) Diagram 6. Proportion per cent. of the population, five years old and upwards, who could read and write, bead only, and who could neither read nor write
(Pages 101-102, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion per cent. of the population, between six and fourteen years of age, attending school, and not attending school, during the week ended 11th May, 1901
(Page 102) Table 7. Table showing the proportion per cent. of the population, between 6 and 14 years of age, attending school, and not attending school, during the week ended the 11th of May, 1901, in each county and province in Ireland
(Page 1) Diagram 7. Proportion per cent. of the population, between six and fourteen years of age, attending school, and not attending school, during the week ended 11th May, 1901
(Pages 103-104, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion per cent. of pupils attending school during certain specified periods of days, in the year ended 31st March, 1901
(Page 104) Table 8. Table showing, by provinces and counties, the per-centage of pupils attending school during certain specified periods of days, in the year ended 31st March, 1901
(Page 1) Diagram 8. Proportion per cent. of pupils attending school during certain specified periods of days, in the year ended 31st March, 1901
(Pages 105-106, Page 1)Contract subtree Proportion, per 10000 of the population, of lunatics and idiots, the sick at their own homes the totally blind, and the deaf and dumb, in each county and province in Ireland
(Page 106) Table 9. Table showing the proportion per 10000 of the population, of lunatics and idiots, the sick at their own homes, the totally blind, and the deaf and dumb, in each province and county in Ireland, in 1901
(Page 1) Diagram 9. Proportion, per 10000 of the population, of lunatics and idiots, the sick at their own homes the totally blind, and the deaf and dumb, in each county and province in Ireland
(480 pages)Contract subtree General report detailed tables
(Pages 109-168)Contract subtree First series. Summaries of tables in county books
(Pages 109-112)Contract subtree Area, houses, and population
(Page 109) Table 1. Area, houses, and population of Ireland in 1901
(Page 109) Table 2. Comparative view of houses and population of Ireland at each of the nine censuses, from 1821 to 1901
(Page 109) Table 3. Area in 1901, houses, and population in 1881, 1891 and 1901, of each province in Ireland, also the general valuation in 1901
(Page 110) Table 4. Area in 1901, houses, and population in 1891 and 1901, of the parliamentary divisions and boroughs in each province in Ireland, together with the number of electors in 1901
(Page 110) Table 5. Area in 1901, houses, and population in 1891, and 1901 of towns of 2000 inhabitants and upwards, and of towns of less than 2000 inhabitants having local government
(Page 110) Table 6. Area in 1901, and houses, and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901 in each province in Ireland, also the general valuation in 1901
(Page 110) Table 7. (This table in the county books gives statistics for each townland and town; for summary see table 3 above.)
(Page 111) Table 8. Showing, by classes, the number of houses having one or more families residing in them, and the number of families which occupy each class of accommodation
(Page 112) Table 9. Showing for each province, the number of occupiers (or heads of families) in occupation of less than five rooms in 1901
(Page 112) Table 10. Showing for each province, the number of tenements of one boom, and the number of occupants of such tenements in 1901
(Pages 112-113)Contract subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Page 112) Table 11. Number of persons in workhouses, hospitals, public lunatic asylums, prisons, military barracks, &c., on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Page 113) Table 12. Showing, by provinces, the number of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, paupers, the sick, and prisoners, in Ireland, on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 113) Table 13. Showing the number of vessels and of persons on board, in each province, on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Page 113) Table 14. Showing, by provinces, the number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in Ireland, in the ten years from 1st April, 1891, to 31st March, 1901 the increase or decrease of population in the interval between the censuses of 1891 and 1901, and the excess of registered births over deaths
(Page 114)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Page 114) Table 15. Ages of persons in each province in Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 114) Table 16. Number of children, at each year of age under five, in each province
(Page 114) Table 17. (This table in the county books gives statistics of ages of the population of the cities and principal towns in the several counties, for details of which see county books.)
(Page 114)Contract subtree Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Page 114) Table 18. Numbers and ages of unmarried, married, and widowed persons in Ireland on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Pages 115-135)Contract subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 115-116) Table 19 occupations of males and females in Ireland, distinguishing those under 20 years of age from those of 20 years and upwards, in classes, orders, and sub-orders
(Pages 117-130) Table 20 occupations of males and females by ages, religious professions, and education
(Page 130) Table 21. (This table in the county books gives the occupations of males and females aged under 20 and 20 years and upwards in each county district, for details of which see county books.)
(Page 130) Table 22. (This table in the county books gives the occupations of males and females in towns of 1500 inhabitants and upwards (other than urban county districts), in each county, for which see county books.)
(Page 131) Table 23. Occupiers of land engaged in other pursuits besides farming
(Pages 132-135) Alphabetical list of occupations in Ireland, with the order and sub-order under which each is classified
(Pages 136-138)Contract subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 136-138) Table 24. Showing the birthplaces of the inhabitants of the counties and county boroughs in Ireland
(Page 138) Table 25. Showing the birthplaces of the persons enumerated in Ireland in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, together with their per-centages to the total population thereof
(Pages 139-141)Contract subtree Foreigners
(Page 139) Table 26. Showing the ages of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in Ireland in 1901
(Pages 140-141) Table 27. Showing the occupations of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in Ireland in 1901
(Pages 142-143)Contract subtree Blind, deaf and dumb, &c
(Pages 142-143) Table 28. Number and ages of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, inmates of workhouses, patients in hospitals, inmates of reformatories, and prisoners in Ireland, on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Pages 144-145)Contract subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 144-145) Table 29. Religious professions and sexes of the inhabitants in each province
(Pages 146-147)Contract subtree Ages and education of the people
(Page 146) Table 30. Showing, by provinces, the population of Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 146) Table 31. (This table in the county books shows the total population in each parliamentary division and parliamentary borough on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education, for details, see county books.)
(Pages 146-147) Table 32. (This table in the county books gives statistics of the ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education of the population of the principal towns (not being urban county districts, for details of which see county books.)
(Pages 146-153)Contract subtree Religious professions and education of the people
(Pages 146-149) Table 33. Showing, by provinces, the total population of Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population 5 years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of those who were illiterate
(Pages 148-149) Table 34. (This table in the county books shows by provinces the total population in each parliamentary division and parliamentary borough on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population 5 years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of those who were illiterate. For details see county books.)
(Pages 148-149) Table 35. Showing, by religious professions, and sexes the total population of the county boroughs, urban districts and principal towns, other than urban districts, in each province in Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901 (derived from tables xxxiii and xxxv of the county books)
(Pages 150-151) Table 36. Comparative view of the number and per-centage of persons belonging to each religious profession, in each province, at the census periods of 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901; also of the number and per-centage of persons five years of age and upwards who were illiterate
(Pages 152-153) Table 37. Number and ages of persons who spoke Irish only, and the number who spoke Irish and English, in each province in Ireland in 1901: Also the number and ages of the persons who spoke Irish only, and the number who spoke Irish and English in Ireland in 1891
(Pages 152-168)Contract subtree Educational establishments
(Pages 152-163) Table 38. Showing for Ireland, by provinces, the number of educational establishments, primary and superior, and the number, ages, and religious professions of the pupils and students, distinguishing resident from non-resident, and showing the nature of education received, in attendance thereat, during the week ended the 11th of May, 1901
(Pages 164-167) Table 39. Summary of educational establishments for Ireland
(Page 168) Table 40. Showing, by sexes, the number and proportion per cent. to the population under each religious profession of persons receiving instruction in educational establishments in Ireland
(Page 168)Contract subtree Emigration
(Page 168) Table 41. Emigration from Ireland during each year, from the 1st of May, 1851, to the 31st of March, 1901, compiled from the returns of the registrar-general
(Pages 169-585)Contract subtree Second series. Special tables fob general report
(Pages 169-373)Contract subtree I. Area, houses, and population
(Page 169) Table 42. Showing the area and distribution of land in Ireland by provinces and counties, in 1901
(Page 169) Table 43. Showing, by provinces, the increase or decrease of the population of Ireland at each census period, 1821-1901; and the rate per cent. of increase or decrease
(Page 170) Table 44. Showing, by provinces, the total population of Ireland at each census period, 1821-1901
(Page 170) Table 45. Showing, by provinces, the number of inhabited houses in Ireland at each census period, 1821-1901
(Page 170) Table 46. Showing by provinces, the increase or decrease in the number of inhabited houses in Ireland, and the rate per cent. of increase or decrease at each census period, 1821-1901
(Page 171) Table 47. Counties of Ireland arranged (1st), according to the actual numbers of the population; and (2nd), according to density of population, 1901
(Page 171) Table 47 (a). County boroughs arranged (1st), according to the actual numbers of the population; and (2nd), according to density of population in 1901
(Page 172) Table 48. Showing the counties arranged in order of per-centage of increase or decrease of population between 1891 and 1901
(Page 172) Table 48 (a). Showing the county boroughs arranged in order of increase or decrease of population between 1891 and 1901
(Page 173) Table 49. Showing, by civic and rural districts, and for all Ireland, the number of inhabited houses in each class, and of the families occupying them in 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901
(Page 173) Table 50. Showing the number of tenements of 1, 2, 3, and 4 rooms, respectively, in each of the six county boroughs and in the town of Galway according to number of occupants of each tenement
(Pages 174-175) Table 51. Showing the area, houses, and population, in 1901, of each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district) in Ireland; also the county or counties in which the union is situate
(Pages 176-177) Table 52. Showing, by provinces, the area, houses, and population, together with the number of electors in the parliamentary divisions and boroughs in Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 178) Table 53. Showing the area, houses, and population of cities, etc., containing over 50000 inhabitants in 1901, with the origin of their local government
(Page 178) Table 54. Showing the area, houses, and population of cities, etc., containing 20000 and not exceeding 50000 inhabitants in 1901, with the origin of their local government
(Page 178) Table 55. Showing the area, houses, and population of towns, etc., containing 10000 and not exceeding 20000 inhabitants in 1901, with the origin of their local government
(Page 179) Table 56. Showing the area, houses, and population of towns containing 5000 and not exceeding 10000 inhabitants in 1901, with the origin of their local government
(Pages 179-180) Table 57. Showing the area, houses, and population of towns containing 2000 and not exceeding 5000 inhabitants in 1901, with the origin of their local government, (if any)
(Page 181) Table 58. Showing the area, houses, and population of towns having local government, whose population did not number 2000 in 1901
(Page 181) Table 59. Showing the area, houses, and population of the Metropolitan police district, and of the Dublin registration area, respectively, in 1891 and 1901
(Pages 182-369)Contract subtree Land census
(Pages 182-185) Table 60. Showing, by provinces, the number of agricultural holdings, classified according to rateable valuation with the population, houses, etc., on the holdings of each class of valuation; also the number of holdings according to size
(Pages 186-209)Contract subtree Table 61. Showing, by counties, the number of agricultural holdings, classified according to rateable valuation with the population, houses, etc., on the holdings of each class of valuation; also the number of holdings, according to size
(Pages 186-193) Leinster
(Pages 194-199) Munster
(Pages 200-205) Ulster
(Pages 206-209) Connaught
(Pages 210-353)Contract subtree Table 62. Showing, by poor law unions, the number of agricultural holdings, classified according to valuation with the population, houses, etc., on the holdings of each class of valuation; also the number of holdings, according to size
(Pages 210-249)Contract subtree Leinster
(Pages 210-213) Carlow
(Pages 210-215) Dublin
(Pages 214-219) Kildare
(Pages 218-223) Kilkenny
(Pages 224-227) King's County
(Pages 226-229) Longford
(Pages 236-239) Queen's County
(Pages 240-243) Westmeath
(Pages 244-247) Wexford
(Pages 246-249) Wicklow
(Pages 250-289)Contract subtree Munster
(Pages 272-277) Limerick
(Pages 276-285) Tipperary
(Pages 284-289) Waterford
(Pages 290-329)Contract subtree Ulster
(Pages 290-295) Antrim
(Pages 294-299) Armagh
(Pages 302-309) Donegal
(Pages 314-319) Fermanagh
(Pages 318-321) Londonderry
(Pages 320-325) Monaghan
(Pages 324-329) Tyrone
(Pages 330-353)Contract subtree Connaught
(Pages 330-337) Galway
(Pages 336-339) Leitrim
(Pages 344-349) Roscommon
(Page 352) Table 63. Showing, by counties and provinces, the number of agricultural holdings of each class in 1901
(Page 353) Table 64. Showing, by counties and provinces, the proportion per cent. of agricultural holdings of each class in 1901
(Page 354) Table 65. Showing, by counties and provinces, the area in statute acres, under agricultural holdings of each class of rateable valuation in Ireland in 1901
(Page 355) Table 66. Showing, by counties and provinces, the number of holdings in each of eleven classes of rateable valuation in 1901
(Page 356) Table 67. Showing, by counties and provinces, the per-centage of holdings in each of eleven classes of rateable valuation in 1901
(Page 357) Table 68. Showing, by provinces and counties, the total rateable valuation in 1901 of the agricultural holdings in each of eleven classes
(Page 358) Table 69. Showing, by counties and provinces, the average rateable valuation of each agricultural holding in the several classes
(Page 359) Table 70. Showing, by counties and provinces, the number of families resident on each class of agricultural holdings in 1901
(Page 360) Table 71. Showing, by counties and provinces, the population on each class of agricultural holdings in 1901
(Page 361) Table 72. Showing, by counties and provinces, the per-centage of agricultural holdings of a rateable valuation "not exceeding £15" and "above £15" respectively, with the proportion of the area, population, and inhabited houses in each group, and the average rateable valuation of the holdings
(Pages 362-365) Table 73. Showing, by counties and provinces, the number of inhabited houses of each class on each of eleven classes of agricultural holdings in 1901
(Pages 366-367) Table 74. Showing the per-centage of each class of inhabited houses on each of eleven classes of agricultural holdings in 1901
(Page 368) Table 75. Showing, by counties and provinces, according to rateable valuation, the number of uninhabited houses on each class of agricultural holdings in 1901
(Page 369) Table 76. Showing, by counties and provinces, according to rateable valuation, the number of out-offices and farm steadings on each class of agricultural holdings in 1901
(Pages 370-373)Contract subtree Agricultural statistics
(Pages 370-371) Table 77. Showing, by counties and provinces, the total extent of land under crops in 1901
(Page 372) Table 78. Showing the number of stockholders and the quantity of live stock in each county and province of Ireland in 1901
(Page 373) Table 79. Counties of Ireland, arranged in the order of the largest per-centage which the total extent under crops in 1901 bears to the total extent of land in the county, with the distribution of land in that year
(Page 373) Table 80. Showing the increase or decrease of land under cultivation, and the increase or decrease of population in each county in Ireland in 1901, as compared with 1891
(Pages 374-394)Contract subtree II. Ages of the people
(Page 374) Table 81. Showing, in five-year periods, the number of males and females in 1891 and 1901 under 1 year, 1 year and under 5, and in quinquennial periods from 5 years and upwards
(Page 374) Table 82. Showing, in five-year periods, the population of Ireland by sexes in 1891 and 1901, reduced to a basis of 100000
(Page 375) Table 83. Showing, by provinces, counties, cities, etc., the proportion per cent. of the population at four quinquennial periods, who could read and write, read only, or neither read nor write in 1901
(Pages 376-393) Table 84. Showing, by counties, cities, and provinces, the number, sex, ages, and education of the population of Ireland on the night of 31st March, 1901
(Page 394) Table 85. Showing, by provinces, the number and sex of persons 100 years old and upwards in 1901
(Page 394) Table 86. Showing, by provinces, counties, etc., the number, sex, conjugal condition, and state of education of persons 100 years old and upwards, who were living in Ireland on the 31st March, 1901
(Pages 395-397)Contract subtree III. Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Page 395) Table 87. Showing the conjugal condition of the population at different age-periods; also the proportion per cent. of the unmarried, married, and widowed persons in 1891 and 1901
(Page 396) Table 88. Showing, by provinces, counties, cities, etc., the proportion of single, married, and widowed persons of each sex to 100 men and 100 women of the age of 20 years and upwards in 1901
(Page 396) Table 89. Showing the number of the unmarried, married, and widowed persons, 15 years of age and upwards, in 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 397) Table 90. Showing, by provinces and counties, the number of unmarried, married, and widowed females between the ages of 15 and 45 in Ireland on the 31st March, 1901, and the proportion per cent. under each head
(Pages 398-435)Contract subtree IV. Occupations of the people
(Pages 398-401) Table 91. Showing the occupations of males and females in Ireland in 1891 and 1901, distinguishing those under 20 years of age from those of 20 years and upwards in classes, orders, and sub-orders
(Pages 402-411) Table 92. Showing the occupations or social position of the inhabitants of the city of Dublin in 1901 according to ages and sexes
(Pages 412-423) Table 93. Showing, by ages and sexes, the occupations or social position, in 1901, of the inhabitants of the Dublin registration area, exclusive of the city of Dublin
(Pages 424-435) Table 94. Showing, by ages and sexes, the occupations or social position, in 1901, of the inhabitants of the entire Dublin registration area
(Pages 436-437)Contract subtree V. Birthplaces of the people
(Page 436) Table 95. Showing, by counties, the birthplaces of the inhabitants of Ireland in 1901, and the number of persons born in Ireland and resident therein on census night, who did not reside in the county in which they were born
(Page 437) Table 96. Showing, by counties and provinces, the number in every 100 of the population in 1901 who were born in England and Wales, Scotland and abroad
(Page 437)Contract subtree VI. Foreigners
(Page 437) Table 97. Showing, by locality of birth, the occupations of those persons born in foreign countries, who were enumerated in Ireland in 1901, and of whom more than 40 were of the same occupation
(Pages 438-475)Contract subtree VII. The sick and infirm
(Pages 438-446)Contract subtree The sick in infirmaries, hospitals, etc
(Pages 438-439) Table 98. Showing, by provinces, counties and county boroughs, the number and diseases of all the persons who laboured under temporary or permanent diseases in Ireland on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Pages 440-445) Table 99. Showing, by superintendent registrars' districts or poor law unions, the number and diseases of all the persons who laboured under temporary or permanent diseases in Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 446) Table 100. Showing, by counties and provinces, the number, age, and sex of the sick at their own homes on census night, 1901, as returned on form c., and whether able or unable to follow their usual occupations, together with their proportion to the population
(Page 447)Contract subtree The sick in hospitals
(Page 447) Table 101. Showing, by provinces and counties, the diseases of patients in the infirmaries, fever, general, special and military and prison hospitals of Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 448)Contract subtree The sick in workhouse hospitals
(Page 448) Table 102. Showing, by provinces and counties, the diseases of the patients in the workhouse hospitals of Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Pages 449-457)Contract subtree The blind
(Page 449) Table 103. Showing, by counties and provinces, the number of the blind at their own homes, and in workhouses, together with the proportion of males to females, and the ratio of blind to the population
(Page 450) Table 104. Showing, by counties and provinces, the religious professions and sexes of the totally blind
(Page 451) Table 105. Showing, by ages and sexes, the previous or present occupations of the totally blind
(Page 452) Table 106. Showing, by ages and sexes, the state of education and of marriage among the blind
(Page 453) Table 107. Showing, by sexes, the number of the educated, and by ages and sexes that of the uneducated blind in the various union workhouses in Ireland on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Pages 454-455) Table 108. Showing the number, locality, date of erection, and amount of accommodation of the several institutions for the blind in Ireland
(Pages 456-457) Table 109. Showing, by sexes, the native places of the inmates of the several institutions for the blind in Ireland
(Pages 456-457) Table 110. Showing, by sexes, the causes of blindness, and the ages at which it occurred
(Pages 458-469)Contract subtree The deaf and dumb
(Page 458) Table 111. Showing the number of the deaf and dumb, and the dumb not deaf, from all causes, in the several provinces and counties in Ireland
(Pages 458-459) Table 112. Showing, by provinces, the ages and sexes of the deaf and dumb and the dumb not deaf
(Page 459) Table 113. Showing the religious professions of the deaf and dumb and the dumb not deaf
(Page 460) Table 114. Showing the proportion of males to females among the deaf and dumb, and their proportion to the population
(Pages 461-462) Table 115. Showing, by ages and sexes, the occupations of the deaf and dumb
(Page 463) Table 116. Showing, by sexes, the position in family of congenital deaf mutes, so far as could be ascertained
(Page 464) Table 117. Showing the number of children born in each family, and the number of those children deaf and dumb, so far as could be ascertained
(Page 464) Table 118. Showing, by sexes and in provinces, the number, so far as could be ascertained, of congenital deaf mutes in each family, a member of which was returned as deaf and dumb in 1901
(Page 464) Table 119. Showing the amount of muteism in cases where consanguinity of parents existed before marriage, and the condition of the mute offspring
(Page 465) Table 120. Showing, by sexes, the causes of acquired muteism, and the ages at which the diseases or accidents which produced such occurred
(Pages 466-467) Table 121 showing (for persons susceptible of education) the ages and sexes of the uneducated deaf and dumb, and dumb not deaf, both congenital and acquired; and the number of the educated, in the several provinces and counties in Ireland
(Pages 466-467) Table 122. Showing the result of hereditary predisposition, or family peculiarity, in the production of congenital deaf-dumbness
(Page 468) Table 123. Showing the number, locality, date of erection, and amount of accommodation of the several institutions for the deaf and dumb in Ireland
(Pages 468-469) Table 124. Showing the ages, sexes, and homes of the pupils in the several institutions for the deaf and dumb in Ireland
(Pages 470-475)Contract subtree The lunatic and idiotic
(Pages 470-471) Table 125. Showing, by provinces and counties, the number and sexes of lunatics and idiots at large, or in the custody of their friends, or in workhouses, or who were confined in public or private asylums in Ireland, on the 31st of March, 1901, with their proportion to the population
(Pages 472-473) Table 126. Showing, by provinces and counties, the religious professions and sexes of lunatics and idiots
(Pages 472-473) Table 127. Showing, by sexes, the description of disease and its presumed cause, in lunatics and idiots
(Pages 472-473) Table 128. Showing, by ages and sexes, according to the description of disease, the state of marriage and education among lunatics and idiots
(Pages 474-475) Table 129. Showing the occupation of the lunatics and idiots both at large and in public institutions, and the number in which the lunacy or idiocy was stated on the returns to have been hereditary
(Pages 476-495)Contract subtree VIII. Inmates of public institutions
(Page 476) Table 130. Showing, by provinces, counties, cities, etc., the number of inmates of the principal institutions in Ireland on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Page 477) Table 131. Showing, by provinces, counties, cities, &c., the proportion of inmates of the principal institutions in Ireland to every 10000 of the population
(Pages 478-485)Contract subtree Hospitals
(Pages 478-482) Table 132. Showing, by provinces, counties, cities, and towns, the locality, name, date of erection, amount of accommodation, and number of patients, in each of the infirmaries, fever, general, special, military, and prison hospitals, for the temporary reception of the sick, in Ireland, on the night of the 31st of March, 1901, with the proportion the accommodation bears to the population not otherwise provided with indoor medical relief
(Pages 483-484) Table 133. Showing the occupations of the inmates of infirmaries, general, special, military, and prison hospitals, in Ireland
(Page 485) Table 134. Showing, by provinces, counties, and county boroughs, the religious professions of the inmates of infirmaries, general, special, military, and prison hospitals in Ireland
(Pages 486-488)Contract subtree Workhouses
(Page 486) Table 135. Showing the religious professions of the inmates of the workhouses
(Page 487) Table 136. Showing, by ages and sexes, the state of education and of marriage among the inmates of workhouses
(Pages 487-488) Table 137. Showing the ages, sexes, and former or present occupations of the inmates of workhouses
(Pages 489-493)Contract subtree Charitable institutions
(Pages 489-491) Table 138. Showing the number of hospitals, asylums, alms houses, penitentiaries, and other charitable institutions for the permanent residence of the distressed, sick, aged, or infirm, in Ireland, on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Pages 492-493) Table 139. Showing, by ages and sexes, the number and previous or present occupations of the inmates of asylums and charitable institutions on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 493) Table 140. Showing the religious professions of the inmates of hospitals, asylums, alms houses, and other charitable institutions for the permanent residence of the distressed, sick, aged, or infirm
(Pages 494-495)Contract subtree Prisons
(Pages 494-495) Table 141. Showing, by ages and sexes, the former or present occupations of the inmates of prisons
(Pages 496-523)Contract subtree IX. Religious professions of the people
(Pages 496-497) Table 142. Showing the religious profession of the inhabitants of each province, county, and county borough in Ireland, in 1891 and 1901, also the per-centage of the population belonging to each religious profession
(Pages 498-503) Table 143. Showing the religious professions of the population of Ireland, by sexes, on the night of the 31st March, 1901, in each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district), and the counties in which situated
(Pages 504-506) Table 144. Showing the religious professions of the inhabitants of the county parliamentary divisions in Ireland in 1891 and 1901, and the number of electors belonging to each
(Page 506) Table 145. Showing the religious professions of the inhabitants of parliamentary boroughs, and parliamentary divisions within boroughs, in Ireland in 1891 and 1901, also the number of electors belonging to each in 1901
(Pages 507-509) Table 146. Showing, by sexes, the religious professions of the inhabitants of county boroughs, municipal boroughs, urban districts, and towns in Ireland, with a population of 1, 500 and upwards, in 1901
(Pages 510-515) Table 147. Showing the territory comprised within each diocese, and the religious profession of the inhabitants in 1901
(Page 516) Table 148. Showing the religious profession of the inhabitants of each diocese in Ireland in 1901
(Pages 517-519) Table 149. Showing, for each ecclesiastical province and diocese in Ireland, the religious profession of the inhabitants in 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, with the proportion per cent. of the inhabitants belonging to each religious profession
(Pages 520-521) Table 150. Showing the religious profession of the inhabitants of each ecclesiastical province and of each diocese in Ireland, in 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, according to the usage of the Roman Catholic Church
(Pages 522-523) Table 151. Showing, for the years 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, the religious professions of the inhabitants of each ecclesiastical province and of each diocese in Ireland according to the usage in 1861, of the then Established Church
(Pages 524-574)Contract subtree X. Religious professions and education
(Pages 524-526) Table 152. Showing, for each province, county, city, &c., by religious professions, the proportion per cent. of the population, 5 years old and upwards, who could read and write, read only, and neither read nor write, in 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, respectively
(Page 527) Table 153. Showing the proportion per cent. of the population, 5 years old and upwards, who could neither read nor write in each province, county, &c., in Ireland, at the census periods of 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 527) Table 154. Showing, by provinces, the proportion per cent. of the population, 5 years old and upwards, who could read and write, read only, and who could neither read nor write, in Ireland, in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Pages 528-574)Contract subtree Educational establishments
(Pages 528-541) Table 155. Showing, by counties, cities, and provinces, the number and ages of persons attending school during the week ended 11th May, 1901, distinguishing rural and civic districts
(Pages 542-543) Table 156. Showing, for Ireland, the number of educational establishments, primary and superior; also the number, ages, and religious professions of the pupils and students in attendance thereat, during the weeks ended 17th June, 1871, 14th May, 1881, 30th May, 1891, and 11th May, 1901
(Pages 544-549) Table 157. Showing, for educational establishments during the week ended 11th May, 1901, in each county and city, the number of pupils, according to religion and sex, whose course of instruction included one or more of the following studies: Latin, Greek, modern languages, and mathematics
(Pages 550-565) Table 158. Showing, in periods, the number of days the scholars of the several ages attended school during the year commencing 1st April, 1900, and ending 31st March, 1901, in so far as returns were received
(Pages 566-570) Table 159. Showing, by provinces, counties, cities, &c., the number of scholars, and the number of days during which each of them attended school during the years ended March 31st, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, in so far as returns were received
(Page 571) Table 160. Comparative view of the number and per-centage of pupils in attendance at school during the years ended 31st March, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, in so far as returns were received
(Page 571) Table 161. Showing, for Ireland, the per-centage of school attendance, by age-periods and classes of schools, for the week ended 11th May, 1901
(Pages 572-573) Table 162. Showing, by provinces, the number of pupils, according to religion and sex, receiving instruction in Latin, Greek, modern languages, mathematics, and Celtic, respectively, in educational establishments, during the week ended 11th May, 1901
(Pages 572-573) Table 163. Showing, by provinces and counties, the number of pupils and students in attendance at educational establishments in Ireland on any day or days during the fortnight ended 11th May, 1901
(Page 574) Table 164. Showing, in single years, from 5 to 15, the population in. 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901, the number of persons attending school, and the number and proportion per cent. of those not attending school
(Pages 575-576)Contract subtree XI. Irish language
(Page 575) Table 165 showing, by provinces, counties, cities, &c., the number and proportion per cent. of the Irish-Speaking population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, distinguishing those who spoke "Irish only" from those who; spoke both "Irish and English"
(Page 576) Table 166. Showing, by provinces, the number and ages of persons who spoke Irish only, and of those who spoke Irish and English, in Ireland, in 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Pages 577-579)Contract subtree XII. Emigration
(Page 577) Table 167. Showing the number, sexes, and ages of persons who emigrated from Ireland in each year of the period, 1891-1900
(Pages 578-579) Table 168. Emigration from each county in Ireland during each year from 1st April, 1881, to 31st March, 1901
(Pages 580-585)Contract subtree XIII. Miscellaneous
(Pages 580-583) Table 169. Showing, by provinces, counties, cities, &c., the area, population, number of houses and families, occupations, religious professions, and education in Ireland, in 1901
(Pages 584-585)Contract subtree Territorial subdivisions of Ireland
(Page 584) Table 170. Showing, by provinces and counties, the area in statute acres, the number of county and borough parliamentary divisions, municipal boroughs, boroughs and towns with improvement commissions, towns not under local government, district electoral divisions, parishes, and townlands in Ireland, in 1901
(Page 585) Table 171. Showing the area, the number of counties, superintendent registrars' and registrars' districts, and of census enumeration districts, poor law unions, dispensary districts, and district electoral divisions, in Ireland, together with the number of places for which the population for 1901 is separately stated
(54 pages)Contract subtree Appendix. Copies of circulars, forms, &c
(Pages 589-590) Census act
(Pages 590-599) Circulars
(Pages 629-640) Instructions to superintendents and enumerators
(Page 641) Acknowledgment