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Tables of deaths, Vol. I, Ireland, 1851

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-4) Title page and contents
(333 pages)Expand subtree Section i
(31 pages)Expand subtree Section ii
(31 pages)Expand subtree Section iii
(7 pages)Expand subtree Section iv
(5 pages)Expand subtree Section v
(10 pages)Expand subtree Section vi
(67 pages)Contract subtree Section vii
(Pages 413-479)Contract subtree Analysis of tables of pestilences and tables of deaths
(Pages 413-418)Expand subtree Early plagues
(Pages 418-421) Unknown or extinct diseases: The Black Death, the Baccach, the sweating sickness, Lycanthropy, the Kings' game, the Samthrusc, or leprosy
(Pages 421-440)Expand subtree Zymotic or epidemic, endemic, and contagious diseases: Small-pox, measles, scarlatina, hooping-cough, cholera etc
(Pages 440-468)Contract subtree Sporadic diseases
(Pages 440-444) Diseases of the Brain and nervous system
(Pages 444-446) Diseases of the circulating organs
(Pages 446-451)Expand subtree Diseases of the respiratory organs
(Pages 451-456) Diseases of the digestive organs
(Pages 456-458) Diseases of the urinary organs
(Pages 458-459) Diseases of the generative organs
(Pages 459-461) Diseases of the locomotive organs
(Pages 461-463) Diseases of the Tegumentary system
(Pages 463-468) Diseases of uncertain seat
(Pages 468-472)Expand subtree Violent or sudden deaths
(Page 473) Causes not specified
(Pages 473-479)Expand subtree Total deaths from all causes
(43 pages)Expand subtree Section viii
(16 pages)Expand subtree Appendix: Copies of the forms used in taking the census of 1851