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General report, Ireland, 1881

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-xv) Title page & contents
(80 pages)Expand subtree General report
(32 pages)Expand subtree Maps and diagrams
(286 pages)Contract subtree General report tables
(Pages 102-159)Expand subtree First series. Summaries of tables in county books
(Pages 160-385)Contract subtree Second series. Special tables for general report
(Pages 160-224)Expand subtree I. Area, houses, and population
(Pages 224-238)Expand subtree II. Ages of the people
(Pages 239-241)Expand subtree III. Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 242-265)Expand subtree IV. Occupations of the people
(Pages 266-267)Expand subtree V. Birthplaces of the people
(Page 267)Expand subtree VI. Foreigners
(Pages 268-305)Contract subtree VII. The sick and infirm
(Pages 268-275) Table 93. Showing, by localities, the number and diseases of all the persons who laboured under temporary or permanent diseases in Ireland on the night of the 3rd of April, 1881
(Page 276) Table 94. Showing the number, age, and sex of the sick at their own homes
(Page 277)Expand subtree The sick in infirmaries, hospitals, &c
(Page 278)Expand subtree The sick in workhouse hospitals
(Pages 279-287)Expand subtree The blind
(Pages 288-299)Expand subtree The deaf and dumb
(Pages 300-305)Expand subtree The lunatic and idiotic
(Pages 306-325)Expand subtree VIII. Inmates of public institutions
(Pages 326-340)Expand subtree IX. Religious profession of the people
(Pages 341-374)Expand subtree X. Religious profession and education
(Pages 375-376)Expand subtree XI. Irish language
(Pages 377-379)Expand subtree XII. Emigration
(Pages 380-385)Expand subtree XIII. Miscellaneous
(42 pages)Expand subtree Appendix