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Alphabetical index to townlands of Ireland, 1871

Table of Contents

(Pages 1-4) Title page & contents
(705 pages)Contract subtree Alphabetical index to the townlands and towns of Ireland, with the number of the sheet of the Ordnance Survey maps on which they appear; the area in statute acres of each townland; the county, barony, parish, poor law union, and poor law electoral division in which it is situated; and the volume and page of the census of 1871, part i., Giving the population, houses, and valuation
(Pages 706-749) Alphabetical index to the parishes of Ireland, containing the number of the sheet of the Ordnance Survey maps on which they appear; the area of the parishes in statute acres; the counties, baronies, and poor law unions in which they are situated; also the volume and pages of the census of 1871 which contain the valuation, and other information as to population, houses, &c
(Pages 750-757) Alphabetical index to the baronies of Ireland, containing the number of the sheet of the Ordnance Survey maps on which they appear; the areas of the baronies in statute acres; the counties and poor law unions in which they are situated; also the volume and pages of the census of 1871 which contain the valuation, and other information as to population, houses, &c
(Pages 758-761) Alphabetical index to the poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts) of Ireland, showing the area in statute acres of each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district); the county in which it is situated; and the volume and pages of the census tables of 1871 in which statistical information regarding it will be found
(Pages 762-789) Alphabetical index to the poor law electoral divisions of Ireland, showing the area in statute acres of each poor law electoral division, the county, poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district), and dispensary (or registrar's) district in which it is situated; together with the volume and page of the census tables of 1871 in which statistical information regarding it will be found
(Pages 790-794) Alphabetical index to the dispensary (or registrars') districts of Ireland, showing the area in statute acres of each dispensary (or registrar's) district; the county and poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district) in which it is situated; and the volume and pages of the census tables of 1871 in which statistical information regarding it will be found
(Pages 795-798) Alphabetical index to the petty sessions districts of Ireland, showing the area of each in statute acres.; The county and the quarter sessions district in which it is situated; together with the volume and page of the census tables of 1871 in which statistical information regarding it will be found
(Pages 799-800) Alphabetical index to the parliamentary boroughs of Ireland, showing the area in statute acres of each parliamentary borough; the county in which situated; and the volume and pages of the census tables of 1871 in which statistical information regarding it will be found