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Enumeration abstract, 1831 (Part 2)

Table of Contents

(Pages 1-561) Title & contents pages
(270 pages)Expand subtree England. Southampton to York
(Pages 832-833) Summary of England
(90 pages)Expand subtree Wales
(Page 924) Summary of Wales
(Pages 924-926) Summary of England and Wales
(113 pages)Expand subtree Scotland
(Pages 1040-1041) Summary of Scotland
(Pages 1042-1051) General summary of Great Britain
(8 pages)Expand subtree Appendix (a.) Islands in the British Seas
(Pages 1060-1063) Appendix (b.) The Metropolis
(Pages 1064-1067) Irregularities of county boundaries
(120 pages)Contract subtree Index of the placenames in the enumeration and parish register abstracts