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Area, houses, and population, Vol. IV, Ireland, 1871

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-2) Title page & contents
(196 pages)Contract subtree Galway county
(Pages 3-6) Title page & contents
(Pages 7-8) Introductory note
(Pages 9-113)Expand subtree Area, houses, and population
(Pages 113-116)Expand subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Pages 116-120)Expand subtree Ages of the people
(Pages 121-123)Expand subtree Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 124-159)Expand subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 160-163)Expand subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 164-165)Expand subtree Foreigners
(Page 166)Expand subtree Blind, deaf and dumb, &c
(Pages 167-169)Expand subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 169-196)Expand subtree Religious profession and education of the people
(Page 197)Contract subtree Emigration
(Page 197) XLI. Emigration from the county during each year, from the 1st of May, 1851 at which date the enumeration of emigrants commenced to the 31st of March, 1871, compiled from the returns of the registrar-general
(74 pages)Expand subtree Leitrim county
(146 pages)Expand subtree Mayo county
(108 pages)Expand subtree Roscommon county
(82 pages)Expand subtree Sligo county
(80 pages)Expand subtree Summary of province of Connaught
(54 pages)Expand subtree Indexes
(94 pages)Expand subtree Ireland. Summary tables