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Area, population and number of houses, Vol. IV, Ireland, 1881

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-4, Page 1) Title page & index to county and provincial tables
(194 pages)Expand subtree County of Galway
(76 pages)Expand subtree County of Leitrim
(146 pages)Expand subtree County of Mayo
(108 pages)Expand subtree County of Roscommon
(82 pages)Contract subtree County of Sligo
(Pages 527-530) Title page & contents
(Pages 531-532) Summary
(Pages 533-566)Contract subtree Area, houses, and population
(Page 533) I. Area, houses, and population of the county of Sligo in 1881
(Page 533) II. Comparative view of houses and population at each of the seven censuses from 1821 to 1881
(Page 533) III. Area, houses, and population in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, and 1881, of each barony, also the general valuation in 1881
(Page 534) IV. Area, houses, and population of petty sessions districts, with the number of constabulary barracks and constabulary in each in 1881
(Page 534) V. Area, houses, and population in 1871 and 1881 of parliamentary and municipal boroughs, and principal towns, and also of towns of 2, 000 inhabitants and upwards, together with the number of electors in the county at large, on the night of the 3rd of April, 1881
(Pages 534-536) VI. Showing, by poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), dispensary (or registrars') districts, and electoral divisions, comprised within registrars' districts, the area in 1881 houses in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, and 1881 and population in 1871 and 1881
(Pages 537-565) VII. Area, houses, out-offices and farm steadings, and population, together with the valuation of each parish, townland, and township in 1881
(Page 566) VIII. Showing by classes, the number of houses having one or more families residing in them, and the number of families which occupy each class of accommodation
(Pages 567-568)Expand subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Pages 568-570)Expand subtree Ages of the people
(Pages 570-571)Expand subtree Civil of conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 572-592)Expand subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 593-594)Expand subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Page 595)Expand subtree Foreigners
(Page 596)Expand subtree Blind, deaf and dumb, &c
(Page 597)Expand subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 598-607)Expand subtree Religious professions and education of the people
(Page 608)Expand subtree Emigration
(88 pages)Expand subtree Summary tables & indexes