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Population, Scotland, Vol. II, Ages, marital condition, education and birthplaces, 1901

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-x) Title page and contents
(20 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page xiii) Nature of abstracts
(Page xiii) Summary of abstract tables
(Pages xiv-xvi)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Page xiv) Increase of males and females at different ages
(Page xiv) Old people
(Page xiv) Relative proportion of males to females
(Page xiv) Ages of males and females, and their proportion to the total of each sex in Scotland and counties
(Page xv) Ages of males and females, and their proportion to the total of each sex in the burghal groups
(Page xvi) Ages of males and females, and their proportion to the total of each sex in the extra-burghal groups
(Page xvi) Idem. In municipal and police burghs with populations of 10, 000 and over
(Page xvii)Contract subtree Condition as to marriage of the people
(Page xvii) Proportion of persons of different conjugal conditions to the population
(Page xvii) Idem, to those above 15 years of age
(Pages xvii-xix)Contract subtree Husbands and wives
(Page xviii) Number and proportion of husbands and wives in the counties
(Page xviii) Idem, in the burghal groups
(Page xviii) Idem, in the extra-burghal groups
(Page xviii) Idem, in the municipal and police burghs with populations of 10, 000 and over
(Page xix) Number and proportion of husbands and wives at three series of ages
(Page xix) Conjugal conditions at quinquennial periods
(Pages xix-xx)Contract subtree Bachelors and spinsters
(Page xix) Number and proportion of bachelors and spinsters
(Page xix) Idem, in the counties
(Page xx) Number and proportion of bachelors and spinsters in the burghal groups
(Page xx) Idem, in extra-burghal groups
(Page xx) Idem, in municipal and police burghs with populations of 10, 000 and over
(Page xx) Idem, at three series of ages
(Page xx) Idem, at quinquennial periods
(Pages xxi-xxii)Contract subtree Widowers and widows
(Page xxi) Number and proportion of widowers and widows
(Page xxi) Idem, in the counties
(Page xxi) Idem, in the burghal groups
(Page xxi) Idem, in extra-burghal groups
(Page xxi) Idem, in municipal and police burghs with populations of 10, 000 and over
(Page xxii) Number and proportion of widowers and widows at three series of ages
(Page xxii) Idem, at quinquennial periods
(Pages xxii-xxiv)Contract subtree Ages and condition as to marriage of persons suffering from infirmities
(Page xxii) Ages of the blind
(Page xxii) Proportion of blind to the population
(Page xxii) Conjugal condition of the blind
(Page xxii) Ages of deaf and dumb
(Page xxii) Proportion of deaf and dumb to the population
(Page xxiii) Conjugal condition of the deaf and dumb
(Page xxiii) Ages of the deaf
(Page xxiii) Condition as to marriage of the deaf
(Page xxiii) Ages of the lunatic
(Page xxiii) Proportion of the lunatic to the population
(Page xxiii) Conjugal condition of the lunatic
(Page xxiii) Ages of the imbecile or feeble-minded
(Page xxiii) Proportion of the imbecile or feeble-minded to the population
(Page xxiii) Conjugal condition of the imbecile or feeble-minded
(Page xxiv) Ages of those suffering from combined infirmities
(Page xxiv) Conjugal condition of those suffering from combined infirmities
(Pages xxiv-xxv)Contract subtree Ages and condition as to marriage of inmates of public institutions, &c
(Page xxiv) Patients in infirmaries and hospitals
(Page xxiv) Lunatics and imbeciles in asylums
(Page xxiv) Poorhouses
(Page xxiv) Prisons and police cells
(Page xxiv) Reformatories and industrial schools
(Page xxiv) Institutions for the healthy
(Page xxv) Licensed or common lodging-houses
(Page xxv) Barns, sheds, tents, caravans, &c
(Page xxv) Military in barracks
(Page xxv) Royal navy on board H. M. Ships
(Page xxv) Merchant shipping, &c
(Pages xxv-xxvi)Contract subtree Ages and condition as to marriage of foreigners in Scotland
(Page xxv) Ages of foreigners
(Page xxvi) Conjugal condition of foreigners
(Pages xxvi-xxvii)Contract subtree Educational statistics. Persons under 20 years of age and number in receipt of instruction
(Page xxvi) Number and proportion of those in receipt of instruction
(Page xxvi) Idem, in the counties
(Page xxvii) Number and proportion of those in receipt of instruction in 40 school board districts
(Pages xxviii-xxx)Contract subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Page xxviii) Nationalities of the inhabitants of Scotland
(Page xxviii) Number and proportion of those of various nationalities in each county
(Page xxviii) Idem, in burghal groups
(Page xxix) Number and proportion of those of various nationalities in extra-burghal groups
(Pages xxix-xxx) Number and proportion of those of various nationalities in burghs having populations of 30, 000 and upwards
(36 pages)Contract subtree Tables appended to the report
(Page xxxii) Population of Scotland in 1891 and 1901, distinguishing males and females at each year of life under 5 years, and at quinquennial periods thereafter, with the amount and percentage of increase or decrease during the decennium, also the percentage of males and females at each age in 1901
(Page xxxii) Population of Scotland in 1881 and 1891, in sexes and ages, with the increase or decrease at each age during the ten years
(Page xxxiii) Proportion of males and females in every hundred persons at each quinquennial age in Scotland in 1901; also the proportion of females to every hundred males at each age
(Page xxxiii) Proportion of males and females in Scotland at quinquennial periods per 100, 000 of population at the censuses of 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Pages xxxiii-xxxvi)Contract subtree Condition as to marriage
(Page xxxiii) Condition as to marriage of the people in Scotland and its burghal and extra-burghal groups, also in burghs with populations of 10, 000 and upwards, in 1901, with the percentage of unmarried, married, and widowed to the total of each sex
(Page xxxiv) Condition as to marriage of persons aged 15 years and upwards in Scotland and its burghal and extra-burghal groups, also in burghs with populations of 10, 000 and upwards, in 1901, with the percentage of unmarried, married, and widowed to the total of each sex aged 15 years and upwards
(Page xxxiv) Condition as to marriage of the people in Scotland aged 15 years and upwards at three periods of life in 1901
(Page xxxiv) Condition as to marriage of the people in Scotland aged 15 years and upwards at three periods of life in 1891
(Page xxxv) Condition as to marriage of the males aged 15 years and upwards in Scotland in 1901
(Page xxxv) Condition as to marriage of the females aged 15 years and upwards in Scotland in 1901
(Page xxxv) Condition as to marriage of the males in Scotland aged 15 years and upwards, in seven groups of ages, in 1901
(Page xxxvi) Condition as to marriage of the females in Scotland aged 15 years and upwards, in seven groups of ages, in 1901
(Pages xxxvi-xxxvii)Contract subtree Infirmities
(Page xxxvi) Numbers of the blind in Scotland, distinguishing the sexes, at certain groups of ages and proportion per 100, 000 of the population at these ages
(Page xxxvi) Numbers of the deaf and dumb (including persons returned as dumb) in Scotland, distinguishing the sexes, at certain groups of ages, and proportion per 100, 000 of the population at these ages
(Page xxxvi) Numbers of the lunatic in Scotland, distinguishing the sexes, at certain groups of ages, and proportion per 100, 000 of the population at these ages
(Page xxxvii) Numbers of the imbecile or feeble-minded in Scotland, distinguishing the sexes, at certain groups of ages, and proportion per 100, 000 of the population at these
(Page xxxvii)Contract subtree Education
(Page xxxvii) Number of persons under 20 years of age in Scotland in 1891 and 1901, also the number in receipt of instruction, and percentage to the total population, at each age
(Page xxxvii)Contract subtree Birthplaces
(Page xxxvii) Birthplaces of the people in Scotland and in its burghal and extra-burghal groups, also in fifteen burghs with populations of 30, 000 and upwards, in 1901
(Page xxxviii) Ages of the males at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total males in Scotland and in each of its divisions and counties
(Page xxxix) Ages of the females at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total females in Scotland and in each of its divisions and counties
(Page xl) Ages of the males in the burghal groups of Scotland at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total males in each group
(Page xli) Ages of the females in the burghal groups of Scotland at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total females in each group
(Page xlii) Ages of the males in the extra-burghal groups of Scotland at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total males in each group
(Page xliii) Ages of the females in the extra-burghal groups of Scotland at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total females in each group
(Page xliv) Ages of the males in the municipal and police burghs of Scotland having populations of 10, 000 and upwards, at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total males in each burgh
(Page xlv) Ages of the females in the municipal and police burghs of Scotland having populations of 10, 000 and upwards, at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total females in each burgh
(Pages xlvi-liii)Contract subtree Condition as to marriage
(Page xlvi) Condition as to marriage of the males aged 15 years and upwards, and the percentage of bachelors, husbands, and widowers in Scotland and each division and county in 1901
(Page xlvii) Condition as to marriage of the females aged 15 years and upwards, and the percentage of spinsters, wives, and widows, in Scotland and each division and county in l901
(Page xlviii) Condition as to marriage of the males aged 15 years and upwards in the burghal groups of Scotland and its divisions and counties, and the percentage of bachelors, husbands, and widowers in each group, in 1901
(Page xlix) Condition as to marriage of the females aged 15 years and upwards in the burghal groups of Scotland and its divisions and counties, and the percentage of spinsters, wives, and widows, in each group in 1901
(Page l) Condition as to marriage of the males aged 15 years and upwards in the extra-burghal groups of Scotland and its divisions and counties, and the percentage of bachelors, husbands, and widowers, in each group in 1901
(Page li) Condition as to marriage of the females aged 15 years and upwards in the extra-burghal groups of Scotland and its divisions and counties, and the percentage of spinsters, wives, and widows, in each group in 1901
(Page lii) Condition as to marriage of the males aged 15 years and upwards in the municipal and police burghs of Scotland having populations of 10, 000 and upwards, and the percentage of bachelors, husbands, and widowers, in each burgh in 1901
(Page liii) Condition as to marriage of the females aged 15 years and upwards in the municipal and police burghs of Scotland having populations of 10, 000 and upwards, and the percentage of spinsters, wives, and widows, in each burgh in 1901
(Page liv)Contract subtree Foreigners
(Page liv) Numbers of foreigners in Scotland at three groups of ages, and percentage at these ages to the total numbers
(Pages lv-lviii)Contract subtree Education
(Page lv) Educational statistics, 1901, showing at three groups of ages the total number of persons under 20 years of age, and the number and percentage of those in receipt of instruction, in the school board counties and divisions of Scotland
(Page lvi) Educational statistics, 1901, showing at three groups of ages the total number of males under 20 years of age, and the number and percentage of those in receipt of instruction, in the school board counties and divisions of Scotland
(Page lvii) Educational statistics, 1901, showing at three groups of ages the total number of females under 20 years of age, and the number and percentage of those in receipt of instruction, in the school board counties and divisions of Scotland
(Page lviii) Educational statistics, 1901, showing at three groups of ages the total number of persons under 20 years of age, and the number and percentage of those in receipt of instruction, in school board districts having populations of 15, 000 and upwards
(Pages lix-lxv)Contract subtree Birthplaces
(Page lix) Birthplaces of the people in Scotland and its divisions and counties in 1901
(Page lx) Birthplaces of the people in Scotland in 1901, showing the proportion of persons born in Scotland, England, Ireland, &c
(Page lxi) Birthplaces of the people in the burghal groups of Scotland in 1901
(Page lxii) Birthplaces of the people in the burghal groups of Scotland in 1901, showing the proportion of persons born in Scotland, England, Ireland, &c
(Page lxiii) Birthplaces of the people in the extra-burghal groups of the counties of Scotland in 1901
(Page lxiv) Birthplaces of the people in the extra-burghal groups of the counties of Scotland in 1901, showing the proportion of persons born in Scotland, England, Ireland, &c
(Page lxv) Birthplaces of the people in the burghs in Scotland having populations of 30, 000 and upwards in 1901
(Page lxv) Birthplaces of the people in the burghs in Scotland having populations of 30, 000 and upwards in 1901, showing the proportion of persons born in Scotland, England, Ireland, &c
(388 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 1-278)Contract subtree Section i. Ages and condition as to marriage of the people
(Pages 2-33)Contract subtree (1.) Ages of the people under 15 years in the civil counties and parishes in 1901
(Page 2) Divisions
(Pages 3-4) Counties
(Pages 5-33)Contract subtree Civil parishes
(Page 5) Shetland
(Page 5) Orkney
(Page 6) Caithness
(Page 6) Sutherland
(Pages 6-7) Ross and Cromarty
(Pages 7-8) Inverness
(Pages 8-9) Nairn
(Page 9) Elgin (or Moray)
(Pages 9-10) Banff
(Pages 10-12) Aberdeen
(Page 13) Kincardine
(Pages 13-15) Forfar
(Pages 15-17) Perth
(Page 19) Kinross
(Page 19) Clackmannan
(Pages 19-20) Stirling
(Page 20) Dumbarton
(Pages 21-22) Argyll
(Page 22) Bute
(Pages 22-23) Renfrew
(Pages 24-25) Lanark
(Pages 25-26) Linlithgow
(Pages 26-27) Edinburgh
(Pages 27-28) Haddington
(Pages 28-29) Berwick
(Page 29) Peebles
(Page 29) Selkirk
(Pages 29-30) Roxburgh
(Pages 30-32) Dumfries
(Page 32) Kirkcudbright
(Page 33) Wigtown
(Pages 34-176)Contract subtree (2.) Ages and condition as to marriage of the people in the civil counties and parishes in 1901, at quinquennial periods from 15 years upwards
(Page 34) Scotland
(Pages 35-36) Civil divisions
(Pages 37-43) Civil counties
(Pages 44-176)Contract subtree Civil parishes
(Pages 44-45) Shetland
(Pages 46-49) Orkney
(Pages 49-50) Caithness
(Pages 50-52) Sutherland
(Pages 52-57) Ross and Cromarty
(Pages 57-62) Inverness
(Pages 62-63) Nairn
(Pages 63-66) Elgin (or Moray)
(Pages 66-69) Banff
(Pages 69-81) Aberdeen
(Pages 82-85) Kincardine
(Pages 85-92) Forfar
(Pages 92-102) Perth
(Page 112) Kinross
(Page 113) Clackmannan
(Pages 113-117) Stirling
(Pages 117-118) Dumbarton
(Pages 119-124) Argyll
(Pages 125-128) Renfrew
(Pages 134-141) Lanark
(Pages 141-142) Linlithgow
(Pages 143-147) Edinburgh
(Pages 147-150) Haddington
(Pages 151-155) Berwick
(Pages 155-157) Peebles
(Pages 157-158) Selkirk
(Pages 159-163) Roxburgh
(Pages 163-169) Dumfries
(Pages 169-173) Kirkcudbright
(Pages 173-176) Wigtown
(Pages 177-187) (3.) Ages of the people under 15 years in the municipal and police burghs in 1901
(Pages 188-235)Contract subtree (4.) Ages and condition as to marriage of the people in the municipal and police burghs in 1901, at quinquennial periods from 15 years upwards
(Page 188) Shetland
(Page 188) Orkney
(Pages 188-189) Caithness
(Page 189) Sutherland
(Pages 189-190) Ross and Cromarty
(Pages 190-191) Inverness
(Page 191) Nairn
(Pages 191-192) Elgin (or Moray)
(Pages 194-196) Aberdeen
(Pages 196-197) Kincardine
(Pages 197-200) Forfar
(Page 208) Kinross
(Pages 208-209) Clackmannan
(Pages 209-210) Stirling
(Pages 211-212) Dumbarton
(Pages 212-213) Argyll
(Page 213) Bute
(Pages 214-215) Renfrew
(Pages 219-222) Lanark
(Page 223) Linlithgow
(Pages 224-227) Edinburgh
(Pages 227-228) Haddington
(Pages 228-229) Berwick
(Page 229) Peebles
(Pages 229-230) Selkirk
(Pages 230-231) Roxburgh
(Pages 231-232) Dumfries
(Pages 232-234) Kirkcudbright
(Pages 234-235) Wigtown
(Pages 236-237) (5.) Ages of the people under 15 years in the burghal groups of the civil counties
(Pages 238-242) (6.) Ages and condition as to marriage of the people in the burghal groups of the civil counties in 1901, at quinquennial periods from 15 years upwards
(Pages 243-244) (7.) Ages of the people under 15 years in the extra-burghal groups of the civil counties
(Pages 245-249) (8.) Ages and condition as to marriage of the people in the extra-burghal groups of the civil counties in 1901, at quinquennial periods from 15 years upwards
(Pages 250-253) (9.) Specific age and condition as to marriage of persons aged from 15 to 20 years, inclusive, in Scotland, its divisions, and counties
(Page 254) (10.) Specific age and condition as to marriage of persons aged 100 years and above in Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 255-256) (11.) Ages and condition as to marriage of the inmates of public institutions of Scotland; of persons living in licensed lodging houses; also of the military in barracks, royal navy on board H. M. ships, persons on board merchant shipping, &c.; and persons who abode in barns, sheds, tents, caravans, &c
(Pages 257-274) (12.) Ages and condition as to marriage of the blind, deaf and dumb, deaf, lunatic, imbecile or feeble-minded, and persons suffering from "combined infirmities, " in Scotland and its counties
(Pages 275-277) (13.) Ages and condition as to marriage of foreigners in Scotland (including shipping) in 1901
(Page 278) (14.) Ages and condition as to marriage of foreign seamen, &c, on board British and foreign vessels in Scottish ports and waters in 1901
(Pages 279-335)Contract subtree Section ii. Educational statistics
(Pages 280-335)Contract subtree School Board Districts of Scotland, 1901. Ages of persons under 20 years, and number at each age receiving instruction
(Page 280) Divisions
(Pages 281-282) Counties
(Pages 283-335)Contract subtree School board districts
(Page 283) Shetland
(Pages 283-284) Orkney
(Page 285) Caithness
(Pages 285-286) Sutherland
(Pages 286-288) Ross and Cromarty
(Pages 288-290) Inverness
(Page 290) Nairn
(Pages 290-291) Elgin (or Moray)
(Pages 293-297) Aberdeen
(Pages 297-298) Kincardine
(Pages 299-301) Forfar
(Page 309) Kinross
(Pages 309-310) Clackmannan
(Pages 310-311) Stirling
(Pages 311-312) Dumbarton
(Pages 312-314) Argyll
(Pages 315-316) Renfrew
(Pages 319-321) Lanark
(Pages 321-322) Linlithgow
(Pages 322-324) Edinburgh
(Pages 324-325) Haddington
(Pages 325-327) Berwick
(Page 327) Peebles
(Page 328) Selkirk
(Pages 328-330) Roxburgh
(Pages 330-332) Dumfries
(Pages 332-334) Kirkcudbright
(Pages 334-335) Wigtown
(Pages 337-388)Contract subtree Section iii. Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 338-348) Birthplaces of the people present in Scotland, its divisions and counties, distinguishing the males and females under 20 years of age, and those 20 years and upwards
(Page 349) Summary of the birthplaces of the people present in Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 350-351) Birthplaces of natives of British colonies or dependencies present in Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 352-353) Birthplaces of British subjects born in foreign parts and at sea present in Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 354-355) Birthplaces of naturalized British subjects born in foreign parts present in Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 356-357) Birthplaces of foreigners (born abroad) present in Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 358-368) Birthplaces of the people present in the burghal groups of Scotland, its divisions and counties, distinguishing the males and females under 20 years of age and those 20 years and upwards
(Page 369) Summary of the birthplaces of the people present in the burghal groups of Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 370-371) Birthplaces of natives of British colonies or dependencies present in the burghal groups of Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 372-373) Birthplaces of British subjects born in foreign parts and at sea present in the burghal groups of Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 374-375) Birthplaces of naturalized British subjects born in foreign parts present in the burghal groups of Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Pages 376-377) Birthplaces of foreigners (born abroad) present in the burghal groups of Scotland, its divisions and counties
(Page 378) Summary of the birthplaces of the people present in the extra-burghal groups of the counties of Scotland
(Pages 379-383) Birthplaces of the people present in the burghs of Scotland with populations of 30, 000 and upwards, distinguishing the males and females under 20 years of age and those 20 years and upwards in 1901
(Page 384) Summary of the birthplaces of the people present in the burghs of Scotland with populations of 30, 000 and upwards in 1901
(Page 385) Birthplaces of natives of British colonies or dependencies present in the burghs of Scotland with populations of 30, 000 and upwards in 1901
(Page 386) Birthplaces of British subjects born in foreign parts and at sea present in the burghs of Scotland with populations of 30, 000 and upwards in 1901
(Page 387) Birthplaces of naturalized British subjects born in foreign parts present in the burghs of Scotland with populations of 30, 000 and upwards in 1901
(Page 388) Birthplaces of foreigners (born abroad) present in the burghs of Scotland with populations of 30, 000 and upwards in 1901
(Pages 389-399) Index to volume ii
(1 errata) Errata in volume i