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Population. Occupations. Scotland. Vol. II. Pt. II, 1891

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-v) Title page & contents
(24 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages ix-xi) Division of the occupations
(Page xi) Numbers employed at occupations
(Pages xi-xiii) Summary of the occupations
(Page xiii) Employers, employed, &c
(Pages xiii-xiv) Students
(Page xiv) Domestic servants
(Pages xiv-xv) Occupations of the blind
(Pages xv-xvi) Occupations of the deaf and dumb and of the deaf
(Page xvi) Occupations of foreigners
(Pages xvii-xxx) Appendix Tables
(816 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 2-537)Contract subtree Section XV. Occupations of the people
(Pages 2-9) Summary of the occupations of the people in Scotland
(Pages 10-18) Detailed table of the occupations of the people in Scotland
(Pages 19-221)Contract subtree Occupations of the males and females at different ages in each of the counties of Scotland
(Pages 19-24) Shetland
(Pages 25-28) Orkney
(Pages 29-33) Caithness
(Pages 34-38) Sutherland
(Pages 39-44) Ross and Comarty
(Pages 45-50) Inverness
(Pages 51-55) Nairn
(Pages 56-61) Elgin
(Pages 62-67) Banff
(Pages 68-74) Aberdeen
(Pages 75-80) Kincardine
(Pages 81-87) Forfar
(Pages 88-94) Perth
(Pages 102-106) Kinross
(Pages 107-112) Clackmannan
(Pages 113-119) Stirling
(Pages 120-126) Dumbarton
(Pages 127-132) Argyll
(Pages 139-145) Renfrew
(Pages 153-160) Lanark
(Pages 161-166) Linlithgow
(Pages 167-174) Edinburgh
(Pages 175-180) Haddington
(Pages 181-185) Berwick
(Pages 186-191) Peebles
(Pages 192-197) Selkirk
(Pages 198-203) Roxburgh
(Pages 204-209) Dumfries
(Pages 210-215) Kirkcudbright
(Pages 216-221) Wigtown
(Pages 222-230) Detailed table of the occupations of the people in the principal burghs of Scotland
(Pages 231-504)Contract subtree Occupations of the people in each of the principal burghs of Scotland
(Pages 231-244) Aberdeen
(Pages 245-256) Airdrie
(Pages 263-268) Arbroath
(Pages 281-285) Clydebank
(Pages 286-291) Coatbridge
(Pages 292-297) Dumbarton
(Pages 298-303) Dumfries
(Pages 304-317) Dundee
(Pages 318-327) Dunfermline
(Pages 328-333) Dysart
(Pages 334-341) Edinburgh
(Pages 342-352) Falkirk
(Pages 353-357) Forfar
(Pages 358-362) Galashiels
(Pages 363-378) Glasgow
(Pages 386-392) Greenock
(Pages 393-398) Hamilton
(Pages 399-404) Hawick
(Pages 405-410) Inverness
(Pages 411-416) Kilmarnock
(Pages 417-422) Kinning Park
(Pages 423-434) Kirkcaldy
(Pages 442-447) Montrose
(Pages 448-452) Motherwell
(Pages 453-459) Paisley
(Pages 460-465) Patrick
(Pages 472-477) Peterhead
(Pages 478-482) Pollokshaws
(Pages 483-487) Port Glasgow
(Pages 488-493) Rutherglen
(Pages 494-499) Stirling
(Pages 500-504) Wishaw
(Pages 505-510) Occupations of the blind
(Pages 505-510) Occupations of the deaf and dumb
(Pages 505-510) Occupations of the deaf alone
(Pages 511-527) Occupations of the European foreigners in Scotland
(Pages 528-532) Occupations of the people of Scotland arranged in numerical order
(Pages 533-537) Occupations of the people of Scotland arranged in alphabetical order
(Pages 539-815)Contract subtree Section XVI. Employers, employed, &c
(Pages 540-544) Detailed table of those who are employers, employed, working on their own account, or are neither, or of whom no statement is made, in Scotland
(Pages 545-655)Contract subtree Employers, employed, &c, in each of the counties
(Pages 545-546) Shetland
(Pages 547-549) Orkney
(Pages 550-552) Caithness
(Pages 553-554) Sutherland
(Pages 555-557) Ross and Comarty
(Pages 558-561) Inverness
(Pages 571-574) Aberdeen
(Pages 575-577) Kincardine
(Pages 578-581) Forfar
(Pages 590-591) Kinross
(Pages 592-594) Clackmannan
(Pages 595-598) Stirling
(Pages 599-602) Dumbarton
(Pages 603-606) Argyll
(Pages 610-613) Renfrew
(Pages 618-622) Lanark
(Pages 623-625) Linlithgow
(Pages 626-630) Edinburgh
(Pages 631-633) Haddington
(Pages 634-636) Berwick
(Pages 637-639) Peebles
(Pages 640-642) Selkirk
(Pages 643-646) Roxburgh
(Pages 647-649) Dumfries
(Pages 650-652) Kirkcudbright
(Pages 653-655) Wigtown
(Pages 656-660) Detailed table of those who are employers, employed, working on their own account, or are neither, or of whom no statement is made, in the principal burghs of Scotland
(Pages 661-815)Contract subtree Employers, employed, &c, in each of the principal burghs
(Pages 661-668) Aberdeen
(Pages 669-674) Airdrie
(Pages 678-680) Arbroath
(Pages 689-691) Clydebank
(Pages 692-694) Coatbridge
(Pages 695-697) Dumbarton
(Pages 698-700) Dumfries
(Pages 701-708) Dundee
(Pages 709-714) Dunfermline
(Pages 715-717) Dysart
(Pages 718-722) Edinburgh
(Pages 723-728) Falkirk
(Pages 729-731) Forfar
(Pages 732-734) Galashiels
(Pages 735-744) Glasgow
(Pages 749-752) Greenock
(Pages 753-755) Hamilton
(Pages 756-758) Hawick
(Pages 759-761) Inverness
(Pages 762-765) Kilmarnock
(Pages 766-768) Kinning Park
(Pages 769-774) Kirkcaldy
(Pages 779-781) Montrose
(Pages 782-784) Motherwell
(Pages 785-788) Paisley
(Pages 789-792) Patrick
(Pages 797-799) Peterhead
(Pages 800-802) Pollokshaws
(Pages 803-805) Port Glasgow
(Pages 806-808) Rutherglen
(Pages 809-812) Stirling
(Pages 813-815) Wishaw
(Pages 817-857) General indices
(1 errata) Errata