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Population tables, Scotland, Vol. II, 1871

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-x) Title page & contents
(38 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page xi) Preliminary remarks
(Pages xii-xxiii)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Pages xii-xiii) Trustworthiness of the tables of ages
(Pages xiii-xiv) Law of proportion of male populations above and under 20 years in old and new settled countries
(Pages xiv-xv) Proportion of males above and under 20 years of age in America has gradually approached that of the old settled states of Europe
(Pages xv-xvi) Preponderance of males in the population under 15 years of age, and of females above 20 years
(Pages xvi-xvii) Explanation as to why this ought to be the case in Scotland
(Pages xvii-xviii) Number of persons above 100 decreasing in the population
(Pages xviii-xix) Increase of the population in the five groups of districts by the excess of births over deaths very different from the absolute increase or decrease in each
(Pages xix-xx) Ages at which persons leave their places of birth, and proportion of sexes who emigrate to the towns or other places
(Page xx) Female emigration should be encouraged, and the Gaelic language discouraged
(Pages xx-xxi) Number, sexes, and ages of the blind, and their proportion in the several counties
(Pages xxi-xxii) Number, sexes, and ages of the deaf and dumb, and their proportion in the several counties
(Page xxii) Number, sexes, and ages of the imbeciles or idiots
(Pages xxii-xxiii) Number, sexes, and ages of the lunatics
(Page xxiii) Number of foreigners in Scotland
(Pages xxiii-xxiv)Contract subtree Educational statistics
(Pages xxiii-xxiv) Statistics of education, published so as to show the ages of the scholars, and of those who were receiving no education at every year of life
(Page xxiv) Proportion of persons in the receipt of education very high in Scotland, and increased since census of 1861
(Page xxiv) Persons above 15 years of age in the receipt of education
(Pages xxiv-xxv)Contract subtree Conjugal condition of the people
(Pages xxiv-xxv) Number and proportion of unmarried, married, and widowed in the total population
(Page xxv) Number and proportion of unmarried, married, and widowed in the marriageable population above 15 years of age
(Page xxv) Conjugal condition of people of Scotland compared with England
(Page xxv) Smaller proportion of people are married in Scotland than in England
(Pages xxvi-xxx)Contract subtree Husbands and wives
(Pages xxvi-xxvii) Number of husbands and wives, and proportions to the populations above 15 years of age in the several counties and towns
(Pages xxvii-xxviii) Relative proportions of husbands and wives at different ages in Scotland and England
(Page xxviii) Facts on this head shown by the census confirmed by marriage registers
(Page xxviii) Lower marriage-rate in Scotland not the reason why the population did not increase in the same ratio as that of England
(Pages xxviii-xxix) High rate of emigration in Scotland compared with that in England
(Pages xxix-xxx) Marriages more fruitful in Scotland than in England
(Page xxx) Age at which there exists the highest proportion of husbands and wives
(Page xxx) Mean age of husbands and of wives
(Pages xxxi-xxxii)Contract subtree Widowers and widows
(Page xxxi) Number and proportion of widowers and widows in the total population and in the marriage-able portion of the population
(Page xxxi) Age at which there exists the highest proportion of widowers and widows
(Pages xxxi-xxxii) Widowers re-marry in much higher proportions than widows
(Page xxxii) Proportion of widowed persons in the several counties and principal towns
(Pages xxxii-xxxiii)Contract subtree Bachelors and spinsters
(Pages xxxii-xxxiii) Definition of the terms bachelors and spinsters
(Page xxxiii) Number and proportion of bachelors and spinsters diminishes with each quinquenniad of life
(Page xxxiii) High proportion of spinsters to bachelors
(Page xxxiii) Proportion of bachelors and spinsters to total marriageable population
(Pages xxxiv-xxxvi)Contract subtree Birth-places of the people
(Page xxxiv) Number and proportion of different nationalities in the people of Scotland
(Page xxxiv) High proportion of Irish, and how distributed
(Pages xxxiv-xxxv) Number and proportion of English, and how distributed
(Page xxxv) Foreign population doubled in ten years
(Pages xxxv-xxxvi) Intermigrations of the people
(Pages xxxvi-xlviii)Contract subtree Occupations of the people
(Page xxxvi) Peculiarities which distinguish the abstract tables of the occupations of the people in Scotland
(Pages xxxviii-xxxix) Number and proportion of persons following each class of occupations in 1861 and 1871
(Page xxxix) Great decrease of the agricultural class during the past ten years
(Pages xxxix-xli) Increase of manufacturing, mining, and mercantile classes
(Page xli) Number of workers in wool, in flax, and in cotton in each of the counties of Scotland, and distribution of counties appropriated to each class of goods
(Pages xli-xlii) Number and proportion of domestic servants in each of the eight principal towns of Scotland
(Pages xlii-xliv) Proportion of dependents to workers in each of the classes, and orders of the occupations
(Pages xliv-xlv) Influence of occupation on the proportion of males and of females in each family
(Pages xlv-xlviii) Occupations of paupers, and the proportions which come from each kind of occupation
(Page xlviii) Number and proportion of wives engaged in occupations
(Page xlviii) Farmers, the size of their farms, and the number of men, women, and children they employ
(Page xlviii) Proportion of lunatics in Scotland furnished by each kind of occupation
(90 pages)Contract subtree Births, marriages, and deaths during the ten years 1861-1870
(Pages xlix-lii) Preliminary remarks on the population, and on its division into groups of districts
(Page lii) Proportion of children in the populations of the groups of districts almost identical, though the birth-rate was so extremely different
(Pages lii-liv) Connection between density of population and the proportion of births, deaths, and marriages
(Page liv) Vitality of the populations in the different groups of districts, as shown by the death-rates in each
(Page liv) Vitality of the populations in the different groups of districts, as shown by the marriage and birth-rates
(Pages lv-lvii)Contract subtree Births in Scotland
(Page lv) Number and proportion of births during the ten years 1861-1870
(Pages lv-lvi) Number and proportion of births depends on the number of the marriages
(Pages lvi-lvii) Effect of density of population on the proportion of births, and explanation why this occurs
(Page lvii) Proportion of males to females at birth
(Pages lvii-lxiii)Contract subtree Illegitimate births
(Pages lvii-lviii) Number and proportion of illegitimate births in Scotland, its groups of districts, counties, etc
(Page lviii) Facts which show that illegitimacy in Scotland is different from that on continent of Europe
(Page lviii) Proportion of males to females in the illegitimate births
(Pages lviii-lx) Illegitimacy confined to Lower and industrial classes
(Page lx) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and the want of education
(Pages lx-lxi) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and the existence of bothies on farms
(Pages lxi-lxii) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and a high proportion of females in the population
(Pages lxii-lxiii) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and insufficient house accommodation
(Page lxiii) Causes of illegitimacy have yet to be further investigated
(Pages lxiii-lxviii)Contract subtree Ages of mothers bearing children
(Pages lxiii-lxiv) The statistics of the ages of mothers bearing children collected every year in Sweden, but in Scotland only in 1855
(Pages lxiv-lxv) Ages at which mothers bore children in Scotland
(Page lxv) Ages at which mothers bore children in Sweden
(Pages lxv-lxvi) Ages at which mothers bore children in each of the five groups of districts in Scotland
(Pages lxvi-lxvii) Retardation in the ages at which women bore children in Sweden and the insular districts of Scotland not ascribable to climate
(Page lxvii) Extreme ages at which women can bear children
(Pages lxvii-lxviii) Proportion of married and unmarried women at different ages who bore children in Scotland
(Pages lxviii-lxxiv)Contract subtree Number of children born to each woman
(Pages lxix-lxx) Proportion of married women who bear children annually
(Page lxx) Proportion of married women in Scotland who bore one, two, or more children
(Page lxx) Proportion in Scotland compared with those in the state of New York
(Pages lxx-lxxii) Highest number of children borne by women
(Page lxxii) Proportion of married women who prove barren
(Pages lxxii-lxxiii) New emigrants to a country have larger families than the native-born women
(Pages lxxiii-lxxiv) Liability to bear twins increases with age
(Page lxxiv) Lengthened period which elapsed between the date of marriage and the birth of the first child
(Pages lxxiv-lxxxix)Contract subtree Marriages in Scotland
(Pages lxxiv-lxxv) Number and proportion of marriages in Scotland and its groups of districts
(Pages lxxv-lxxvi) Proportion of births to each marriage in the different groups of districts
(Pages lxxvi-lxxvii) Proportion of marriages according to the several religious denominations
(Pages lxxvii-lxxviii) Ages at which men and women married in Scotland and its several groups of districts
(Pages lxxviii-lxxxi) Marriage statistics of Scotland compared with those of the states of Europe and America
(Page lxxxi) Marriages of minors in Scotland and in England
(Pages lxxxi-lxxxii) Marriages of persons in different conjugal conditions
(Pages lxxxii-lxxxiii) Mean age at marriage of persons in different conjugal conditions
(Pages lxxxiii-lxxxv) State of elementary education as shown by the marriage registers
(Pages lxxxv-lxxxvi) State of elementary education among the several religious denominations
(Pages lxxxvi-lxxxviii) Favourite days and months for marriage in Scotland and England
(Pages lxxxviii-lxxxix) Partiality in Scotland for marrying on the last day of the year
(Pages lxxxix-cii)Contract subtree Deaths in Scotland
(Pages lxxxix-xc) Number and proportion of deaths in Scotland during the ten years 1861-1870
(Pages xc-xci) Advantage of diagrams of the curves of mortality in showing facts
(Pages xci-xcii) General mortality in the four groups of districts in Scotland, strictly proportioned to density of population
(Pages xcii-xciii) Curves of mortality in each. Group of districts for the sixteen years 1855-1870 generally corresponded in all the groups year by year
(Page xciii) Healthy and unhealthy years in Scotland
(Pages xciii-xcv) Death-rates in the counties of Scotland
(Pages xcv-xcvi) Death-rates in each of the principal towns
(Page xcvi) Sex and age at death
(Pages xcvi-xcvii) Males die at nearly every age in higher proportions than females
(Pages xcvii-xcix) Mortality at each age in the groups of districts
(Pages xcix-cii) Influence of marriage on the death-rates of men and women in Scotland
(Pages cii-cxi)Contract subtree Diseases which caused the mortality
(Pages cii-ciii) Death-rates of the zymotic class of diseases during each of the sixteen years 1860-1871
(Pages ciii-cv) Zymotic diseases do not necessarily increase or diminish with the general mortality
(Page cv) Each zymotic or epidemic disease has its own period of increase and decrease
(Pages cv-cvi) Relative prevalence of typhus and enteric fevers in town and rural districts
(Page cvi) Not the same epidemic which is simultaneously prevalent in each town
(Pages cvi-cvii) Ages at which each epidemic disease proves fatal
(Pages cvii-cviii) Epidemics most fatal to children under five years
(Pages cviii-cix) Death-rate of tubercular diseases
(Page cix) Death-rate from consumption or phthisis
(Page cix) Dampness of soil as affecting death-rate of consumption
(Page cix) Influence of a residence at high elevations above the sea in the cure of consumption
(Pages cix-cx) Death-rate of inflammatory affections of the respiratory organs
(Page cx) Death-rate of Brain diseases
(Page cx) Brain diseases on the increase
(Page cx) Death-rate of heart diseases
(Pages cx-cxi) Heart diseases on the increase
(Page cxi) Death-rate of diseases of stomach and organs of digestion
(Pages cxi-cxxix)Contract subtree Geographical distribution of disease in Scotland
(Pages cxii-cxiii) Principles which ought to guide us in the investigation
(Pages cxiii-cxvi) Comparative prevalence of zymotic diseases in each of the counties and towns of Scotland
(Pages cxvi-cxvii) Comparative prevalence of heart diseases in each of the counties and towns of Scotland
(Pages cxvii-cxviii) The ascertained facts as to the heart disease in Scotland opposed to Mr. Haviland's researches in England
(Pages cxviii-cxx) Relative prevalence of heart disease, rheumatism, and rheumatic fever in the several counties and towns of Scotland
(Pages cxx-cxxii) Comparative prevalence of inflammatory affections of the respiratory organs in the several counties and towns of Scotland
(Pages cxxii-cxxiii) Comparative prevalence of Brain diseases in each of the counties and towns
(Pages cxxiii-cxxiv) Comparative prevalence of consumption in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxiv) Death-rates from stomach diseases in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxiv) Death-rates of diseases of the urinary organs in the counties and towns
(Pages cxxiv-cxxv) Death-rates of small-pox in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxv) Death-rates from measles in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxv) Death-rates from scarlatina in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxv) Death-rates from diphtheria in each of the counties and towns
(Pages cxxv-cxxvi) Death-rates from hooping-cough in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxvi) Death-rates from croup in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxvi) Death-rates from bowel complaints in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxvi) Death-rates from fever in each of the counties and towns
(Page cxxvi) Death-rates from cancer in each of the counties and towns
(Pages cxxvi-cxxix) Cancer and consumption do not follow same law of increase and decrease in Scotland
(Pages cxxix-cxxxvii)Contract subtree Influence of season and weather on the mortality
(Page cxxix) Cold the great regulator of the mortality in Scotland
(Pages cxxix-cxxx) Seasons changed considerably during past ten years
(Pages cxxx-cxxxi) Hurtful influence of cold winds on mortality
(Pages cxxxi-cxxxii) Influence of season on the mortality in the different groups of districts
(Pages cxxxii-cxxxiii) Influence of season on the mortality at different ages
(Pages cxxxiii-cxxxvi) Influence of season on the mortality of different diseases
(Pages cxxxvi-cxxxvii) Influence of scarcity or high price of food on the mortality
(48 pages)Contract subtree Tables appended to the report
(Pages cxli-cxlii) Table no. 15. Number of the population, of families, children receiving education, houses, and rooms with windows in 1871 and 1861, in Scotland and its registration divisions and counties, together with the particulars in the counties of Selkirk and Roxburgh
(Pages cxliii-cxliv) Table no. 16. Like particulars for the civil counties of Scotland, including the corrections in the counties of Selkirk and Roxburgh caused by several recent acts of parliament
(Page cxlv) Table no. 17. Number and proportion of males at different ages in Scotland, its registration divisions, counties, and principal towns
(Page cxlvi) Table no. 18. Life table for the females
(Page cxlvii) Table no. 19. Educational statistics of Scotland, showing the number and proportion of per-sons receiving education at different ages
(Page cxlviii) Table no. 20. Persons receiving education at each year of life above 15 years
(Page cxlix) Table no. 21. Number of students of medicine and of law at different ages
(Page cl) Table no. 22. Number and proportion of bachelors, husbands, and widowers above 15 years of age in Scotland, its registration groups, divisions, counties, and principal towns
(Page cli) Table no. 23. Number and proportion of spinsters, wives, and widows above 15 years of age in Scotland, its registration groups, divisions, counties, and principal towns
(Page clii) Table no. 24. Birth-places of the people, showing the numbers born in Scotland, England, Ireland, etc., In each of the registration groups of districts, divisions, counties, and towns of Scotland
(Page cliii) Table no. 25. Birth-places of the people, showing the proportions of persons born in Scotland, England, Ireland, etc., In the several registration groups, divisions, counties, and towns of Scotland
(Pages cliv-clv) Table no. 26. Summary of the occupations of the people of Scotland, distinguishing the sexes above and under 20 years of age, the number of persons immediately dependent on each class for their support, and also the paupers with their immediate dependents
(Pages clvi-clvii) Table no. 27. Percentage of males, females, and both sexes, to the totals of each sex, engaged in the different classes, orders, and sub-orders of occupations in 1871. Also the number of dependents to every hundred bread-winners in the several classes. Orders, and sub-orders
(Page clviii) Table no. 28. Relative proportion of paupers furnished by the workers at each kind of occupation, and actual proportion of paupers in Scotland derived from each occupation
(Page clix) Table no. 29. Number of births, deaths, and marriages in Scotland during each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clix) Table no. 30. Number of births, deaths, and marriages in the principal towns during each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clix) Table no. 31. Number of births, deaths, and marriages in the large towns during each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clix) Table no. 32. Number of births, deaths, and marriages in the small towns during each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clix) Table no. 33. Number of births, deaths, and marriages in the rural districts during each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clx) Table no. 34. Number of holdings or farms, including crofts, in each county of Scotland, with the percentage of each size of farm
(Page clxi) Table no. 35. Marriages in Scotland, showing the number of men and of women at different ages who married during each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxi) Table no. 36. Like facts for the insular districts
(Page clxii) Table no. 37. Like facts for the mainland-rural districts
(Page clxii) Table no. 38. Like facts for town districts
(Page clxiii) Table no. 39. Ages of men and women at their marriage during each of the ten years 1861-1870 in Scotland
(Page clxiv) Table no. 40. Marriages of bachelors with spinsters, showing the ages at which they married
(Page clxv) Table no. 41. Marriages of bachelors with widows, showing the ages at which they married
(Page clxvi) Table no. 42. Marriages of widowers with. Spinsters, showing the ages at which they married
(Page clxvii) Table no. 43. Marriages of widowers with widows, showing the ages at which they married
(Page clxviii) Table no. 44. Marriages of men and women whose previous conjugal condition was not ascertained, showing the ages at which they married
(Page clxix) Table no. 45. Showing the number and proportion of marriages, the number and proportion of the marriages of minors, the number of men and women who signed by mark, and the percentage of men and women who signed by writing or by mark, in Scotland, and in its registration groups, divisions, counties, and towns
(Page clxx) Table no. 46. Mean population, deaths in the ten years 1861-1870, in Scotland, its registration divisions, counties, and towns, and in the principal towns, large towns, small towns, and rural districts of each county, with the annual death-rate in every million persons
(Page clxxi) Table no. 47. Deaths from different diseases and classes of disease in Scotland during each of the sixteen years 1855-1870
(Page clxxii) Table no. 48. Deaths from different diseases and classes of disease in Scotland during each of the ten years 1861-1870, and their proportion to every million persons
(Page clxxiii) Table no. 49. Number of deaths from certain diseases and classes of disease in the principal town districts of Scotland during each of the sixteen years 1855-1870
(Page clxxiii) Table no. 50. Like particulars for the large town districts
(Page clxxiii) Table no. 51. Like particulars for the mainland-rural districts
(Page clxxiv) Table no. 52. Like particulars for the insular districts
(Page clxxiv) Table no. 53. Proportion of deaths from certain diseases and classes of disease in every million persons in Scotland during each of the sixteen years 1855-1870
(Page clxxiv) Table no. 54. Like particulars for the principal town districts
(Page clxxv) Table no. 55. Like particulars for the large town districts
(Page clxxv) Table no. 56. Like particulars for the mainland-rural districts
(Page clxxv) Table no. 57. Like particulars for the insular districts
(Pages clxxvi-clxxvii) Table no. 58. Actual deaths from different diseases and classes of disease in each of the counties and towns of Scotland during the ten years 1861-1870
(Pages clxxviii-clxxix) Table no. 59. Mean annual proportion of deaths from different diseases to every million persons in each of the counties and towns of Scotland, 1861-1870
(Pages clxxx-clxxxi) Table no. 60. Proportion of deaths from different diseases to every ten thousand specified deaths in each of the counties and towns, 1861-1870
(Pages clxxxii-clxxxiii) Table no. 61. Adjusted annual death-rates to every million persons in each of the counties and towns, 1861-1870
(Page clxxxiv) Table no. 62. Mean temperature during each month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxiv) Table no. 63. Absolute highest temperature of each month during each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxiv) Table no. 64. Absolute lowest temperature during each month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxiv) Table no. 65. Mean day temperature during each month of each of the years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxv) Table no. 66. Mean night temperature of each month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxv) Table no. 67. Highest temperature in the sun, with blackened thermometer, during each month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxv) Table no. 68. Lowest temperature during night, by exposing blackened thermometer on the grass, during each month of each of the years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxv) Table no. 69. Mean rainfall during each month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxv) Table no. 70. Mean Reading of the barometer during each month of each of the years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxvi) Table no. 71. Number of deaths in Scotland during every month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxvi) Table no. 72. Number of deaths in the insular group of districts during every month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxvi) Table no. 73. Number of deaths in the mainland-rural group of districts during every month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(Page clxxxvi) Table no. 74. Number of deaths in the town group of districts during every month of each of the ten years 1861-1870
(9 pages)Contract subtree Diagrams
(Page 1) I. Curve of mortality in Scotland during each of the sixteen years 1855-1870
(Page 2) II. Curve of mortality in each of the four groups of districts in Scotland during each of the sixteen years 1855-1870, showing the annual proportion of deaths to every million persons
(Page 3) III. Curve of mortality of the principal classes of disease in Scotland during each of the sixteen years
(Page 4) IV. Curve of mortality of scarlatina, measles, hooping-cough, and fever during each of the sixteen years
(Page 5) V. Curve of zymotic and tubercular diseases in the four groups of districts in Scotland during each of the sixteen years
(Page 6) VI. Curve of mortality of respiratory and digestive organs in the four groups of districts in Scotland during the sixteen years
(Page 7) VII. Curve of mortality of Brain and heart diseases in the four groups of districts during the sixteen years
(Page 8) VIII. Curve of mortality of measles and scarlatina in each of the four groups of districts during the sixteen years
(Page 9) IX. Curve of mortality of fever and hooping-cough in each of the four groups of districts during the sixteen years
(582 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 1-76)Contract subtree Section X. Ages of the people
(Pages 2-3) Ages of the people, distinguishing the sexes, at every year of life, in Scotland and its eight divisions
(Pages 4-6) Ages of the people, distinguishing the sexes, at every year of life, in each of the registration counties
(Pages 7-65) Ages of the males and females for every quinquennial period of life, and for each year under five years of age, for every division, county, and registration district of Scotland
(Page 65) Ages of males and females in each of the three old groups of registration districts
(Page 66) Ages of males and females in each of the five new groups of districts
(Page 66) Ages of males and females in each of the principal town districts
(Page 67) Ages of males and females in each of the large town districts
(Pages 68-74) Ages of males and females in each of the small town districts
(Page 74) Ages of males and females in each of the insular-rural districts
(Pages 75-76) Ages of blind, deaf and dumb, imbecile, insane, foreigners, etc
(Pages 77-133)Contract subtree Section XI. Educational statistics
(Pages 78-133) Number of boys and girls in the population at each year of life under fifteen years, and the number of these at each year of life in the receipt of education, in Scotland, its counties and, registration districts
(Pages 135-174)Contract subtree Section XII. Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 136-143) Number of unmarried, married, and widowed persons, distinguishing the sexes, at every quinquennial period of life, but at every year of life from 14 to 21 years of age, in Scotland, its divisions, and registration counties
(Page 144) Number of unmarried, married, and widowed, at different ages, in each of the five new groups of districts
(Pages 145-146) Number of unmarried, married, and widowed, at different ages, in each of the principal town districts
(Pages 146-149) Number of unmarried, married, and widowed, at different ages, in each of the large town districts
(Page 149) Number of unmarried, married, and widowed, at different ages, in each of the three old groups of districts
(Pages 150-169) Ages of husbands and wives in combination for Scotland, each of its five groups of districts, and counties
(Pages 170-173) Ages of husbands and wives in combination for each of the eight principal towns of Scotland
(Page 174) Conjugal condition and ages of persons above one hundred years
(Pages 175-193)Contract subtree Section xiii. Birth-places of the people
(Pages 176-184) Birth-places of the people, showing the nativities of the population residing in the divisions, counties, and eight principal towns of Scotland
(Pages 185-189) Birth-places of the people in the chief burghs of Scotland
(Pages 190-191) Birth-places of British colonists present in Scotland
(Pages 192-193) Birth-places of foreigners present or residing in Scotland
(Pages 195-546)Contract subtree Section XIV. Occupations of the people
(Pages 196-197) Summary table of the classes, orders, and sub-orders of the occupations of the people
(Pages 198-206) Detailed table of the occupations of the people in Scotland
(Pages 206-211) Former and present occupations of the paupers in Scotland
(Pages 212-221) Occupations of the people in the town districts
(Pages 221-226) Former and present occupations of the paupers in the town districts
(Pages 227-236) Occupations of the inhabitants in the mainland-rural districts
(Pages 236-240) Former and present occupations of the paupers in the mainland-rural districts
(Pages 241-248) Occupations of the inhabitants in the insular districts
(Pages 248-249) Former and present occupations of the paupers in the insular districts
(Pages 250-451)Contract subtree Occupations of males and females at different ages in the counties of Scotland
(Pages 250-253) Shetland
(Pages 254-257) Orkney
(Pages 258-262) Caithness
(Pages 263-266) Sutherland
(Pages 267-271) Ross and Cromarty
(Pages 272-278) Inverness
(Pages 295-302) Aberdeen
(Pages 303-307) Kincardine
(Pages 308-315) Forfar
(Pages 331-334) Kinross
(Pages 335-339) Clackmannan
(Pages 340-346) Stirling
(Pages 347-352) Dumbarton
(Pages 353-359) Argyll
(Pages 365-372) Renfrew
(Pages 381-390) Lanark
(Pages 391-396) Linlithgow
(Pages 397-406) Edinburgh
(Pages 407-412) Haddington
(Pages 413-418) Berwick
(Pages 419-422) Peebles
(Pages 423-426) Selkirk
(Pages 427-432) Roxburgh
(Pages 433-440) Dumfries
(Pages 441-446) Kirkcudbright
(Pages 447-451) Wigtown
(Pages 452-491) Series of comparative tables of the occupations of the people, showing at one view all belonging to each class, order, and sub-order in each of the counties and towns of Scotland
(Pages 492-517) Occupations of the people in the towns of Scotland with above 10, 000 inhabitants
(Pages 518-519) Occupations of the wives in Scotland
(Pages 520-535) Farmers, with the number of men, women, and boys they employ, and the acreage of their farms
(Page 536) Occupations of the foreigners in Scotland
(Pages 537-540) Occupations of the lunatics in Scotland
(Pages 541-542) Occupations of the imbeciles
(Pages 543-544) Occupations of the blind
(Pages 545-546) Occupations of the deaf and dumb
(Pages 547-579)Contract subtree Section XV. Births, marriages, and deaths, 1861-1870
(Page 549) Number of births, marriages, and deaths during the ten years 1861-1871, with the excess of births over deaths, and the actual increase of population in Scotland, its divisions, and counties, during the ten years 1861-1870
(Page 550) Births in Scotland, its divisions, and counties, during each of the ten years
(Page 551) Marriages in Scotland, its divisions, and counties, during each of the ten years
(Page 552) Deaths in Scotland, its divisions, and counties, during each of the ten years, with the mean annual percentage of deaths to the population
(Pages 553-567) Births, marriages, and deaths in every registration district during the ten years, and mean annual percentage of deaths to the population
(Pages 568-579) Diseases which proved fatal in Scotland during the ten years, in combination with age, and distinguishing the sexes
(32 pages)Contract subtree Indices
(Pages 581-607) Index to the registration districts
(Pages 608-611) Index to the occupations of the people