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      Open subtree Census
      (28 items, 99 pages)

Population, ages, conjugal condition, orphanhood, birthplaces, Gaelic-speaking, housing, Scotland, 1921

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-ii) Title page & content
(Pages iii-iv) Introductory letter
(46 pages)Expand subtree Report
(Pages xlvi-li) Census Act, 1920, with orders in council
(Pages lii-liv) Copy of householder's schedule
(Page lv) Corrigenda for volume I
(Pages 1-2) List of general tables
(161 pages)Contract subtree Population tables
(Page 3) 1. Population of Scotland by counties and cities
(Page 4) 2. Intercensal change of population in the counties
(Page 5) 3. Increase or decrease of population in the counties, 1801-1921
(Pages 6-8) 4. Population of Scotland and of the counties at each census, 1801-1921
(Pages 9-11) 5. Decennial increase or decrease of population of Scotland and of the counties, 1801-1921
(Pages 12-14) 6. Decennial rates of increase or decrease of population of Scotland and of the counties, 1801-1921
(Page 15) 7. Increase of population at each census, 1801-1921
(Page 15) 8. Rate per cent. of increase of population at each census, 1801-1921
(Page 16) 9. Percentage of population of Scotland enumerated in each county at each census, 1801-1921
(Page 17) 10. Distribution and density of the population of the counties
(Page 18) 11. Number of burghs according to number of persons per acre
(Page 19) 12. County populations divided into burghal and extra-burghal, and into urban and rural portions
(Page 20) 13. Intercensal increase or decrease of burghal and extra-burghal, urban and rural populations
(Pages 21-60)Expand subtree 14. Populations of burghs, county districts, and civil parishes in 1921 and in 1911
(Pages 61-62) 15. Burghs alphabetically arranged
(Pages 63-64) 16. Burghs in order of population
(Page 65) 17. Number of civil parishes classified according to population
(Page 66) 18. Civil parishes according to number of persons per 100 acres
(Pages 67-73) 19. Civil parishes alphabetically arranged
(Page 74) 20. Number of registration districts classified according to population
(Pages 75-101)Expand subtree 21. Population of registration districts in 1921 and in 1911
(Pages 102-104) 22. Synods and presbyteries
(Pages 105-138)Expand subtree 22a. Ecclesiastical parishes
(Page 139) 23. Number of special districts in each county
(Pages 140-143) 24. Inhabited Islands
(Pages 144-147) 25. Parliamentary constituencies
(Pages 148-151) 26. County districts
(Page 152) 27. Recruiting zones
(Page 153) 28. Circuits and sheriffdoms
(Page 154) 29. Police districts
(Pages 155-156) 30. Lunacy districts
(Pages 157-158) 31. National health insurance areas
(Pages 159-161) 32. Licensing districts
(Pages 162-163) 33. Education areas
(15 pages)Expand subtree Sex, age, and conjugal condition
(41 pages)Expand subtree Birthplaces
(4 pages)Expand subtree Gaelic speakers
(49 pages)Expand subtree Housing conditions
(48 pages)Expand subtree Appendix