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Preliminary report, Scotland, 1931

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-ii) Title page & contents
(Pages iii-iv) Part i. Introduction
(11 pages)Expand subtree Part ii. Summary
(50 pages)Contract subtree Part iii. Population tables
(Page 1) I. Population of Scotland and of the counties in 1931 and in 1921
(Pages 2-4) II. Population of Scotland and of the counties at each census since 1801
(Pages 5-7) III. Decennial increase or decrease of population of Scotland and of the counties at each census since 1801
(Pages 8-10) IV. Decennial rates of increase or decrease of population of Scotland and of the counties at each census since 1801
(Pages 11-40)Expand subtree V. Population of the counties, burghs and civil parishes
(Pages 41-42) VI. Population of burghs arranged according to size
(Pages 43-44) VII. Population of burghs arranged in alphabetical order
(Pages 45-46)Expand subtree VIII. Population and electors of parliamentary constituencies
(Page 47) IX. Numbers of persons speaking Gaelic
(Pages 48-49) X. Numbers of insured persons in National Health Insurance areas