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Population tables, Scotland, Vol. II, 1871

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-x) Title page & contents
(38 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page xi) Preliminary remarks
(Pages xii-xxiii)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Pages xii-xiii) Trustworthiness of the tables of ages
(Pages xiii-xiv) Law of proportion of male populations above and under 20 years in old and new settled countries
(Pages xiv-xv) Proportion of males above and under 20 years of age in America has gradually approached that of the old settled states of Europe
(Pages xv-xvi) Preponderance of males in the population under 15 years of age, and of females above 20 years
(Pages xvi-xvii) Explanation as to why this ought to be the case in Scotland
(Pages xvii-xviii) Number of persons above 100 decreasing in the population
(Pages xviii-xix) Increase of the population in the five groups of districts by the excess of births over deaths very different from the absolute increase or decrease in each
(Pages xix-xx) Ages at which persons leave their places of birth, and proportion of sexes who emigrate to the towns or other places
(Page xx) Female emigration should be encouraged, and the Gaelic language discouraged
(Pages xx-xxi) Number, sexes, and ages of the blind, and their proportion in the several counties
(Pages xxi-xxii) Number, sexes, and ages of the deaf and dumb, and their proportion in the several counties
(Page xxii) Number, sexes, and ages of the imbeciles or idiots
(Pages xxii-xxiii) Number, sexes, and ages of the lunatics
(Page xxiii) Number of foreigners in Scotland
(Pages xxiii-xxiv)Expand subtree Educational statistics
(Pages xxiv-xxv)Expand subtree Conjugal condition of the people
(Pages xxvi-xxx)Expand subtree Husbands and wives
(Pages xxxi-xxxii)Expand subtree Widowers and widows
(Pages xxxii-xxxiii)Expand subtree Bachelors and spinsters
(Pages xxxiv-xxxvi)Expand subtree Birth-places of the people
(Pages xxxvi-xlviii)Expand subtree Occupations of the people
(90 pages)Expand subtree Births, marriages, and deaths during the ten years 1861-1870
(48 pages)Expand subtree Tables appended to the report
(9 pages)Expand subtree Diagrams
(582 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts
(32 pages)Expand subtree Indices