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Report, Ireland, 1841

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(57 pages)Contract subtree I. Report of commissioners
(Pages v-vi) Introduction
(Pages vi-viii) Territorial divisions
(Pages viii-xiv) Persons
(Pages xiv-xv) Houses
(Pages xv-xvii) Families
(Pages xvii-xxiii) Occupations
(Pages xxiv-xxvii) Emigration, home
(Pages xxvii-xxix) Colonial and foreign
(Pages xxix-xxxii)Contract subtree Rural economy
(Page xxix) Division of land
(Pages xxix-xxx) Plantations and trees
(Pages xxx-xxxii) Farms and live stock
(Pages xxxii-xl) Education
(Pages xl-liii)Contract subtree Vital statistics
(Page xl) Births
(Pages xli-xlv) Marriages
(Page 1) 1. Population
(Page 2) 2. House-accommodation
(Page 3) 3. Education
(2 foldouts) 4. Property
(2 foldouts) 5. and 6. Curves of ages
(38 pages)Contract subtree Appendix to report
(Pages lvi-lix)Contract subtree I. General table reduced to centesimal proportions
(Pages lvi-lvii) Leinster
(Pages lvi-lvii) Munster
(Pages lviii-lix) Connaught
(Pages lx-lxxiii) II. Tables of the ages of the living reduced to a base of 100000
(Pages lxxiv-lxxv) III. Table of proportions
(Pages lxxvi-lxxix) IV. Tables of married persons
(Pages lxxx-lxxxii)Contract subtree V. Tables of the expectancy of life
(Page lxxx) Ireland, rural district
(Page lxxxi) Civic district
(Page lxxxii) City of Dublin
(Page lxxxiii) VI. Table of ages, showing the actual number of males and females alive at each age
(Page lxxxiv) VII. Mortality
(Page lxxxv) VIII. Deaths, reduced to a base of 100000
(Pages lxxxvi-lxxxvii) IX. The army serving in Ireland
(Pages lxxxviii-lxxxix) X. Natives of Ireland residing in Great Britain
(Pages xc-xcii) XI. Instructions to enumerators, and examples of forms
(444 pages)Contract subtree III. County tables
(Pages 1-8)Contract subtree Carlow
(Pages 2-5) I. General table
(Pages 6-7) II. Table of ages
(Pages 6-7) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 6-7) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 6-7) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 6-7) V. Table of house accommodation
(Page 8) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 9-14)Contract subtree Drogheda
(Pages 10-11) I. General table
(Pages 12-13) II. Table of ages
(Pages 12-13) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 12-13) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 12-13) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 12-13) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 14) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 15-22)Contract subtree Dublin, city of
(Pages 16-19) I. General table
(Pages 20-21) II. Table of ages
(Pages 20-21) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 20-21) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 20-21) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 20-21) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 22) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 23-34)Contract subtree Dublin
(Pages 24-31) I. General table
(Pages 32-33) II. Table of ages
(Pages 32-33) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 32-33) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 32-33) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 32-33) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 34) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 35-46)Contract subtree Kildare
(Pages 36-43) I. General table
(Pages 44-45) II. Table of ages
(Pages 44-45) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 44-45) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 44-45) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 44-45) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 46) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 47-52)Contract subtree Kilkenny, city of
(Pages 48-49) I. General table
(Pages 50-51) II. Table of ages
(Pages 50-51) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 50-51) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 50-51) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 50-51) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 52) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 53-64)Contract subtree Kilkenny
(Pages 54-61) I. General table
(Pages 62-63) II. Table of ages
(Pages 62-63) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 62-63) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 62-63) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 62-63) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 64) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 65-74)Contract subtree King's
(Pages 66-71) I. General table
(Pages 72-73) II. Table of ages
(Pages 72-73) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 72-73) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 72-73) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 72-73) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 74) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 75-82)Contract subtree Longford
(Pages 76-79) I. General table
(Pages 80-81) II. Table of ages
(Pages 80-81) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 80-81) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 80-81) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 80-81) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 82) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 83-90)Contract subtree Louth
(Pages 84-87) I. General table
(Pages 88-89) II. Table of ages
(Pages 88-89) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 88-89) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 88-89) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 88-89) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 90) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 91-104)Contract subtree Meath
(Pages 92-99) I. General table
(Pages 100-101) II. Table of ages
(Pages 100-101) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 100-101) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 100-101) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 100-101) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Pages 102-104) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 105-114)Contract subtree Queen's
(Pages 106-111) I. General table
(Pages 112-113) II. Table of ages
(Pages 112-113) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 112-113) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 112-113) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 112-113) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 114) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 115-124)Contract subtree Westmeath
(Pages 116-121) I. General table
(Pages 122-123) II. Table of ages
(Pages 122-123) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 122-123) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 122-123) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 122-123) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 124) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 125-136)Contract subtree Wexford
(Pages 126-133) I. General table
(Pages 134-135) II. Table of ages
(Pages 134-135) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 134-135) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 134-135) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 134-135) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 136) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 137-144)Contract subtree Wicklow
(Pages 138-141) I. General table
(Pages 142-143) II. Table of ages
(Pages 142-143) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 142-143) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 142-143) IV. Table of marriage
(Page 143) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 144) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 145-152) Summary of province
(Pages 153-262)Contract subtree Munster
(Pages 156-161) I. General table
(Pages 162-163) II. Table of ages
(Pages 162-163) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 162-163) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 162-163) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 162-163) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 164) VI. Table of occupation
(Pages 165-170)Contract subtree Cork city
(Pages 166-167) I. General table
(Pages 168-169) II. Table of ages
(Pages 168-169) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 168-169) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 168-169) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 168-169) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 170) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 172-191) I. General table
(Pages 192-193) II. Table of ages
(Pages 192-193) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 192-193) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 192-193) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 192-193) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 194) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 196-201) I. General table
(Pages 202-203) II. Table of ages
(Pages 202-203) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 202-203) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 202-203) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 202-203) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 204) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 205-210)Contract subtree Limerick city
(Pages 206-207) I. General table
(Pages 208-209) II. Table of ages
(Pages 208-209) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 208-209) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 208-209) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 208-209) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 210) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 211-224)Contract subtree Limerick
(Pages 212-221) I. General table
(Pages 222-223) II. Table of ages
(Pages 222-223) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 222-223) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 222-223) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 222-223) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 224) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 225-238)Contract subtree Tipperary
(Pages 226-235) I. General table
(Pages 236-237) II. Table of ages
(Pages 236-237) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 236-237) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 236-237) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 236-237) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 238) VI. Table op occupations
(Pages 239-244)Contract subtree Waterford city
(Pages 240-241) I. General table
(Pages 242-243) II. Table of ages
(Pages 242-243) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 242-243) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 242-243) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 242-243) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 244) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 245-254)Contract subtree Waterford
(Pages 246-251) I. General table
(Pages 252-253) II. Table of ages
(Pages 252-253) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 252-253) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 252-253) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 252-253) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 254) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 255-262) Summary of province
(Pages 263-364)Contract subtree Ulster
(Pages 265-276)Contract subtree Antrim
(Pages 266-273) I. General table
(Pages 274-275) II. Table of ages
(Pages 274-275) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 274-275) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 274-275) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 274-275) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 276) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 277-284)Contract subtree Armagh
(Pages 278-281) I. General table
(Pages 282-283) II. Table of ages
(Pages 282-283) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 282-283) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 282-283) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 282-283) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 284) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 285-290)Contract subtree Belfast town
(Pages 286-287) I. General table
(Pages 288-289) II. Table of ages
(Pages 288-289) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 288-289) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 288-289) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 288-289) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 290) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 291-296)Contract subtree Carrickfergus
(Pages 292-293) I. General table
(Pages 294-295) II. Table of ages
(Pages 294-295) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 294-295) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 294-295) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 294-295) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 296) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 298-301) I. General table
(Pages 302-303) II. Table of ages
(Pages 302-303) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 302-303) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 302-303) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 302-303) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 304) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 305-314)Contract subtree Donegal
(Pages 306-311) I. General table
(Pages 312-313) II. Table of ages
(Pages 312-313) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 312-313) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 312-313) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 312-313) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 314) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 316-323) I. General table
(Pages 324-325) II. Table of ages
(Pages 324-325) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 324-325) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 324-325) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 324-325) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 326) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 327-334)Contract subtree Fermanagh
(Pages 328-331) I. General table
(Pages 332-333) II. Table of ages
(Pages 332-333) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 332-333) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 332-333) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 332-333) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 334) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 335-342)Contract subtree Londonderry
(Pages 336-339) I. General table
(Pages 340-341) II. Table of ages
(Pages 340-341) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 340-341) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 340-341) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 340-341) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 342) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 343-348)Contract subtree Monaghan
(Pages 344-345) I. General table
(Pages 346-347) II. Table of ages
(Pages 346-347) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 346-347) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 346-347) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 346-347) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 348) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 349-356)Contract subtree Tyrone
(Pages 350-353) I. General table
(Pages 354-355) II. Table of ages
(Pages 354-355) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 354-355) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 354-355) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 354-355) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 356) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 357-364) Summary of province
(Pages 365-430)Contract subtree Connaught
(Pages 367-372)Contract subtree Galway town
(Pages 368-369) I. General table
(Pages 370-371) II. Table of ages
(Pages 370-371) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 370-371) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 370-371) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 370-371) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 372) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 373-386)Contract subtree Galway
(Pages 374-383) I. General table
(Pages 384-385) II. Table of ages
(Pages 384-385) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 384-385) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 384-385) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 384-385) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 386) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 387-394)Contract subtree Leitrim
(Pages 388-391) I. General table
(Pages 392-393) II. Table of ages
(Pages 392-393) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 392-393) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 392-393) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 392-393) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 394) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 396-401) I. General table
(Pages 402-403) II. Table of ages
(Pages 402-403) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 402-403) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 402-403) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 402-403) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 404) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 405-414)Contract subtree Roscommon
(Pages 406-411) I. General table
(Pages 412-413) II. Table of ages
(Pages 412-413) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 412-413) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 412-413) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 412-413) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 414) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 416-419) I. General table
(Pages 420-421) II. Table of ages
(Pages 420-421) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 420-421) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 420-421) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 420-421) V. Table op house-accommodation
(Page 422) VI. Table of occupations
(Pages 423-430) Summary of province
(Pages 431-440)Contract subtree Summary of Ireland
(Pages 432-433) I. General table, rural and civic districts
(Pages 434-435) Rural districts
(Pages 436-437) Civic districts
(Pages 438-439) II. Table of ages
(Pages 438-439) III. Tables of education, no. 1
(Pages 438-439) III. Tables of education, no. 2
(Pages 438-439) IV. Table of marriage
(Pages 438-439) V. Table of house-accommodation
(Page 440) VI. Table of occupations
(362 pages)Contract subtree IV. Miscellaneous tables
(Pages 442-445) I. Tables of parliamentary boroughs
(Pages 446-447) II. 1. Emigration: Home
(Pages 448-449) II. 2. Emigration: Home
(Pages 450-451) II. 3. Emigration: Home
(Pages 450-451) II. 4. Emigration: Foreign
(Pages 452-453) III. Rural economy: 1. Division of land
(Pages 452-453) III. Rural economy: 2. Woods and plantations
(Pages 454-457) III. Rural economy: 3. Farms and live stock
(Pages 458-459) IV. Births
(Pages 460-463) V. Marriages: Leinster, rural and civic
(Pages 464-465) V. Marriages: Dublin, city of
(Pages 466-469) V. Marriages: Munster, rural and civic
(Pages 470-471) V. Marriages: Cork, city of
(Pages 472-475) V. Marriages: Ulster, rural and civic
(Pages 476-477) V. Marriages: Belfast, town of
(Pages 478-481) V. Marriages: Connaught, rural and civic
(Pages 482-487) V. Marriages: Summary of Ireland
(Pages 488-489) VI. Ages
(312 pages)Contract subtree Tables of death, with Surgeon Wilde's report upon them
(Page 1) Contents
(Pages i-xlviii)Contract subtree Section I
(Pages i-xi) General remarks
(Pages xi-xxiv) Epidemic, endemic, and contagious diseases
(Pages xxiv-xxvii) Sporadic diseases of the nervous system
(Pages xxvii-xxx) Sporadic diseases of the respiratory and circulating organs
(Pages xxx-xxxiii) Sporadic diseases of the digestive organs
(Pages xxxiii-xxxiv) Sporadic diseases of the urinary organs
(Pages xxxiv-xxxv) Sporadic diseases of the generative organs
(Pages xxxv-xxxvi) Sporadic diseases of the locomotive organs
(Pages xxxvi-xxxvii) Sporadic diseases of the tegumentary system
(Pages xxxvii-xl) Sporadic diseases of uncertain seat
(Pages xl-xliv) Violent or sudden deaths
(Page xliv) Cause of death unspecified
(Page xliv) general mortality from all causes
(Pages xlv-xlvii) Proportionate mortality
(Page xlviii) Infantile mortality
(Pages xlviii-li)Contract subtree Section II
(Pages xlviii-li) Coroners inquests
(Pages li-lix)Contract subtree Section III
(Pages li-lv) Insanity and lunatic asylums
(Pages lv-lix) Insanity, and lunatics, idiots, and epileptics
(Pages lix-lxvii)Contract subtree Section IV
(Pages lix-lxvii) Hospitals and sanitary institutions
(Pages lxviii-lxxxiii) Special sanitary report on Dublin city
(196 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 2-5) Carlow
(Pages 6-9) Drogheda
(Pages 10-13) Dublin city
(Pages 14-17) Dublin county
(Pages 18-21) Kildare
(Pages 22-25) Kildare city
(Pages 26-29) Kildare county
(Pages 30-33) King's
(Pages 34-37) Longford
(Pages 38-41) Louth
(Pages 42-45) Meath
(Pages 46-49) Queen's
(Pages 50-53) Westmeath
(Pages 54-57) Wexford
(Pages 58-61) Wicklow
(Pages 66-69) Clare
(Pages 70-73) Cork city
(Pages 74-77) Cork county
(Pages 78-81) Kerry
(Pages 82-85) Limerick city
(Pages 86-89) Tipperary
(Pages 90-97) Waterford city
(Pages 98-101) Waterford county
(Pages 106-109) Antrim
(Pages 110-113) Armagh
(Pages 114-117) Belfast
(Pages 118-121) Carrickfergus
(Pages 126-129) Donegal
(Pages 134-137) Fermanagh
(Pages 138-141) Londonderry
(Pages 142-145) Monaghan
(Pages 146-149) Tyrone
(Pages 154-157) Galway town
(Pages 158-161) Galway county
(Pages 162-165) Leitrim
(Pages 170-173) Roscommon
(Page 181, 4 foldouts) General summary of Ireland
(Pages 183-193)Contract subtree Supplementary tables: Inquests
(Pages 184-185) Leinster
(Pages 186-187) Munster
(Pages 188-189) Ulster
(Pages 190-191) Connaught
(Pages 192-193) General summary
(Pages 194-205)Contract subtree Supplementary tables: Hospitals
(Pages 194-195) Infirmaries
(Pages 196-197) General hospitals
(Pages 198-199) Fever hospitals
(Pages 200-201) Lunatic asylums
(Pages 202-203) Hospitals of jails
(Pages 202-203) Lying-in hospitals
(Pages 204-205) General summary
(Pages 207-213) V. Index to names of places in the general tables
(1 errata) Errata