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Thirty-sixth detailed annual report of registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages, Scotland

Table of Contents

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(Page i) Title page
(Page iii) Report by the registrar-general to the secretary for Scotland
(Pages v-viii) Table of contents
(50 pages)Contract subtree Report by Dr Cunynghame to the registrar-general
(Page ix) Table of estimated population, with the number of births, deaths, and marriages registered in Scotland during each of the years 1855-1890 inclusive, and their proportions to the population; showing also the excess of births over deaths
(Pages x-xi)Contract subtree Population
(Pages x-xi) Tables showing the number and proportion of births, deaths, and marriages in the principal town, large town, small town, mainland-rural, and insular-rural districts, during each of the years 1855-1890
(Pages xi-xvi)Contract subtree Births
(Page xii) Table showing the number and proportion of births, deaths, and marriages in the principal towns of Scotland during 1890
(Page xii) Occasional table, showing the state of illegitimacy in all Scotland, in the five groups of districts, principal towns, and two counties in 1890
(Page xiii) Table showing the number and proportion of the births, deaths, and marriages registered in the groups of districts, divisions, and counties of Scotland during the year 1890
(Page xiv) Births in 1890, and their proportion to the population, with relative tables
(Page xiv) Tables showing particulars relative to the births during each of the years 1855 to 1890 inclusive
(Pages xiv-xv) Number and proportion of twins and triplets
(Pages xv-xxviii)Contract subtree Marriages
(Page xv) Number of marriages in 1890, and their proportion to the total marriages
(Pages xvii-xix) Number and proportion of marriages contracted according to the rites of the several religious denominations in 1890, and 1855-1890, with relative tables
(Page xix) Proportion of legitimate children to the marriages in Scotland and England
(Pages xx-xxi) Number and proportion of persons marrying at different ages, with relative tables
(Pages xxiii-xxiv) Number and proportion of marriages between persons in different conjugal conditions, with relative tables
(Page xxv) Number and proportion of men and women in Scotland, its divisions and counties, also in Edinburgh and Glasgow, who signed the marriage schedules by mark
(Page xxvi) Percentage of men and women who signed by mark during the ten years 1880-89
(Page xxix) Number of deaths in Scotland in 1890, and their proportion to the population
(Page xxx) Death-rates in Scotland, and in its principal town, large town, small town, mainland-rural, and insular-rural districts, during each of the years 1835-1890, with relative tables
(Page xxxi) Death-rates in principal towns of Scotland during each of the years 1880-1890
(Page xxxi) Mortality in principal towns
(Page xxxii) Series of tables of the deaths at different ages in Scotland, and its five great groups of districts, during the year 1889
(Page xxxiv) Causes of death in 1890, with relative tables
(Page xxxiv) Proportion of deaths from the zymotic diseases at different ages, with relative tables
(Page xlv) Deaths from influenza in 1890
(Page xlviii) Small-pox deaths in Scotland for thirty-six years
(Page xlix) Vaccinations in Scotland, 1880-1890
(Page li) Different forms, of fever prevalent in Scotland, and monthly fever deaths
(Page lii) The twenty-two most fatal diseases in Scotland in 1890
(Page lii) Deaths by suicide
(Pages liii-lviii)Contract subtree Influence of external agencies on the mortality in 1890
(Page liii) Weather, weekly and monthly, and its influence on the mortality
(Page liv) Table showing the meteorology of Scotland during each month of the year 1890, together with the monthly and daily number of births, deaths, and marriages
(Page lv) Table showing the connection between certain atmospheric phenomena, especially mean temperature, and the deaths from certain diseases and classes of disease, in the eight principal towns of Scotland during each month of the year 1890
(Page lv) Deaths, temperatures, and fall of rain in eight of the principal towns of Scotland, during each week of the year 1890
(Page lvii) Influence of season, etc., on the mortality at different ages
(6 pages)Contract subtree Appendix
(Page lxi) Vaccinations in the several counties of Scotland during the year 1890
(Page lxii) Numbers of certified and uncertified deaths during 1896
(Page lxiii) Distribution of deaths according to months, or the influence of season on the mortality
(453 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 1) Summary table of the births, deaths, and marriages in the groups of districts, divisions, and counties of Scotland in 1890, distinguishing the sexes, the number of illegitimate births, the population in 1881 and 1891, the excess of births over deaths, and the area in square miles at each county
(Pages 2-23) Tables of the population in 1881 and 1891, and of the births, deaths, and marriages during the year 1890, also of the illegitimate births in every registration district
(Pages 24-29)Contract subtree Marriages
(Page 24) Table of the marriages in Scotland and its counties in 1890; distinguishing the number of marriages solemnized according to the rites of the several religious denominations, the number of irregular marriages, and the number of the respective sexes who signed the register by marks
(Page 25) Table of the civil condition of the parties who married in 1890; distinguishing the marriages of bachelors with spinsters; bachelors with widows; widowers with spinsters; and widowers with widows; giving the particulars as to the age of each sex
(Pages 26-27) Table of the ages of all males who married in Scotland and its counties in 1890
(Pages 28-29) Table of the ages of all females who married in Scotland and its counties in 1890
(Pages 30-453)Contract subtree Deaths
(Pages 30-31) Table of the ages of all persons of both sexes who died in each of the groups of districts, counties, and principal town districts of Scotland in 1890, together with the populations in 1881 and 1891
(Pages 32-33) Table of the ages of all males who died in each of the groups of districts, counties, and principal town districts of Scotland in 1890, together with the male populations in 1881 and 1891
(Pages 34-35) Table of the ages of all females who died in each of the groups of districts, counties, and principal town districts of Scotland in 1890, together with the female populations in 1881 and 1891
(Pages 36-37) Deaths at different ages in both sexes in each of the large town districts, and in the small town districts of the counties of Scotland in 1890
(Pages 38-39) Males
(Pages 40-41) Females
(Pages 42-43) Deaths at different ages in both sexes in the mainland-rural and in the insular-rural districts of Scotland in 1890
(Pages 44-45) Males
(Pages 46-47) Females
(Pages 48-67)Contract subtree Summary table of the causes of death in each of the counties of Scotland in 1890
(Pages 48-66) Males
(Pages 49-67) Females
(Pages 68-77)Contract subtree Summary table of the causes of death in each of the principal town districts of Scotland in 1890
(Pages 68-76) Males
(Pages 69-77) Females
(Pages 78-87)Contract subtree Summary table of the causes of death in each of the large town districts of Scotland in 1890
(Pages 78-86) Males
(Pages 79-87) Females
(Pages 88-107)Contract subtree Summary table of the causes of death in each of the small town districts of the counties of Scotland in 1890
(Pages 88-106) Males
(Pages 89-107) Females
(Pages 108-127)Contract subtree Summary table of the causes of death in the mainland-rural districts of Scotland in 1890
(Pages 109-127) Females
(Pages 128-133) Summary table of the causes of death in the insular-rural districts of Scotland in 1890 males and females
(Pages 134-153)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in all Scotland at different periods of life
(Pages 135-153) Females
(Pages 154-173)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in the principal town districts of Scotland at different periods of life
(Pages 155-173) Females
(Pages 174-193)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in the large town districts of Scotland at different periods of life
(Pages 175-193) Females
(Pages 194-213)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in the small town districts of Scotland at different periods of life
(Pages 195-213) Females
(Pages 214-233)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in the mainland-rural districts of Scotland at different periods of life
(Pages 215-233) Females
(Pages 234-253)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in the insular-rural districts of Scotland at different periods of life
(Pages 235-253) Females
(Pages 254-273)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Glasgow at different periods of life
(Pages 255-273) Females
(Pages 274-293)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Glasgow (landward and suburban) at different periods of life
(Pages 275-293) Females
(Pages 294-313)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Edinburgh at different periods of life
(Pages 295-313) Females
(Pages 314-333)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Dundee at different periods of life
(Pages 315-333) Females
(Pages 334-353)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Aberdeen at different periods of life
(Pages 335-353) Females
(Pages 354-373)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Leith at different periods of life
(Pages 355-373) Females
(Pages 374-393)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Greenock at different periods of life
(Pages 375-393) Females
(Pages 394-413)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Paisley at different periods of life
(Pages 395-413) Females
(Pages 414-433)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Perth at different periods of life
(Pages 415-433) Females
(Pages 434-453)Contract subtree Table of the causes of death in Kilmarnock, at different periods of life
(Pages 435-453) Females
(7 pages)Contract subtree Appendix to abstracts
(Page 454) Constitution of the compound districts
(Page 455) List of registration districts which include burghs or towns of 2000 inhabitants and upwards, or parts thereof bearing a different name from the districts in which they are situated
(Pages 456-459) Districts, index to