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Seventy-third annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(6 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages v-vi) Changes of birth, death, and marriage rates
(Page vi) Cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, certain epidemic diseases and infantile mortality
(Page vi) Arrangements for presenting statistics for administrative areas
(Pages vi-vii) Distribution of deaths to district of residence of deceased persons
(Page vii) Manual of international list of causes of death
(Pages vii-x) Value of mechanical system of tabulation by cards
(92 pages)Contract subtree Review by Dr. Stevenson of the vital statistics of the year
(Pages xi-xiii) Population. Method of estimating for inter-censal and post-censal years
(Pages xiii-xxiii) Marriages. Number; first marriages and re-marriages; divorced persons; ages at marriage; unstated ages; marriages of minors; mean age at marriage; signatures in marriage register; buildings in which marriages may be solemnized; mode of solemnization
(Pages xxiii-xxvi) Births. Number; sex; illegitimate births: Number; rates in counties
(Page xxvii) Natural increase
(57 pages)Contract subtree Deaths. Number; general death-rate; corrected death-rate; sex; ages; infantile mortality; centenarians; urban and rural mortality; causes of death; certification of causes of death; inquests; uncertified deaths: Reported to coroners; assigned causes of; deaths in public institutions
(Page xxviii) I. Corrected death rates, 1838-1910
(Page 1) II. Infantile mortality (counties), 1910
(Page xxxix) III. Causes of death: Proportions, 1910
(Page xl) IV. Causes of death: Increase or decrease, 1910
(Page xlvii) V. Enteric fever death rates, 1869-1910
(Page liv) VI. Pneumonia and bronchitis. Male mortality per cent. of female, 1901-10
(Page lvi) VII. Tuberculosis and phthisis. Death rates, 1851-1910
(Page 1) VIII. Cancer, death rates, 1861-1910
(Pages lxix-lxx) IX. & X. Cancer parts of body affected, all ages, 1897-1910
(Pages lxxxi-lxxxiii) United Kingdom. Population; marriages; births; deaths
(Pages lxxxiii-lxxxiv) Army and navy. Strength and mortality of the army at home and abroad; strength and mortality of the navy
(Page lxxxiv) Births and deaths at sea. Marine register book; mortality of mercantile marine
(Pages lxxxiv-xcix) International vital statistics
(Page xcix) Progress of registration
(Page xcix) Offences against the registration acts
(Pages xcix-c) Searches and certificates
(Pages ci-cvi) Meteorology; remarks by Dr. Shaw, director of the meteorological office
(142 pages)Contract subtree Tables; population; ratios of marriages, births and deaths, international tables
(Pages 2-3) 1. United Kingdom. Population of its several portions estimated to the Middle of each of the years 1861-1910, exclusive of the population of the Islands in the British Seas, and of the portions of the army, navy, and merchant service abroad
(Page 4) 2. England and Wales. Marriages, births, and deaths, 1861-1910
(Page 5) 3. England and Wales. Annual marriage-, birth-, and crude death-rates and infantile mortality, 1861-1910
(Page 6) 4. England and Wales. Annual marriage-, birth-, and crude death-rates, in groups of years, 1838-1910
(Page 6) 5. England and Wales. Annual marriage-, birth-, and crude death-rates in each quarter; in groups of years, 1838-1910, and in each year, 1900-1911
(Page 7) 6. England and Wales. Churches and chapels of the Established Church, and registered buildings in which marriages could be legally solemnized, 31st December 1910
(Page 8) 7. England and Wales. Marriages. Manner of solemnization, 1861-1910
(Page 9) 8. London. Marriages. Manner of solemnization, 1861-1910
(Page 10) 9. England and Wales. First marriages, re-marriages, marriages of minors, and signatures by mark, 1861-1910
(Page 11) 10. London. First marriages, re-marriages, marriages of minors, and signatures by mark, 1861-1910
(Page 12) 12. England and Wales. Marriages. Manner of solemnization, in counties, 1910
(Page 13) 12. England and Wales. Marriage-rates, proportions of marriages of minors, and signatures by mark in counties, 1900-1909, and 1910
(Page 14) 13. England and Wales. Birth-rates and crude death-rates in counties, 1899-1908 and 1909
(Page 15) 14. England and Wales. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, and general death-rates corrected for sex and age-constitution, 1861-1910. Persons
(Page 16) 15. England and Wales. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, and general death-rates corrected for age-constitution, 1861-1910. Males
(Page 17) 16. England and Wales. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, and general death-rates corrected for age-constitution, 1861-1910. Females
(Page 18) 17. England and Wales. Annual death-rates in groups of years, at twelve age-periods, and general death-rates corrected for age-constitution, 1838-1910. Males and females
(Page 19) 18. England and Wales: Registration counties. Crude death-rates at all ages per 1000 living, and death-rates at twelve groups of ages, 1910. Males
(Page 20) 19. England and Wales: Registration counties. Crude death-rates at all ages per 1000 living, and death-rates at twelve groups of ages, 1910. Females
(Page 21) 20. England and Wales. Crude average annual death-rates from various causes, to a million persons living, in successive quinquennia, 1876-1910
(Pages 22-34) 21. England and Wales. Deaths from various causes at all ages, 1891-1910. Persons
(Pages 23-35) 22. England and Wales. Crude annual death-rates from various causes at all ages, to a million living, 1891-1910. Persons
(Pages 36-48) 23. England and Wales. Deaths from various causes at all ages, 1891-1910. Males
(Pages 37-49) 24. England and Wales. Crude annual death-rates from various causes at all ages, to a million living, 1891-1910. Males
(Pages 50-62) 25. England and Wales. Deaths from various causes at all ages, 1891-1910. Females
(Pages 51-63) 26. England and Wales. Crude annual death-rates from various causes at all ages, to a million living, 1891-1910. Females
(Page 64) 27. England and Wales. Crude annual death-rates from the principal epidemic diseases and infantile mortality, 1861-1910
(Page 65) 28. London. Crude annual death-rates from the principal epidemic diseases and infantile mortality, 1861-1910
(Pages 66-70) 29. England and Wales. Crude death-rates from several causes in registration counties, 1910. Males
(Pages 67-71) 30. England and Wales. Crude death-rates from several causes in registration counties, 1910. Females
(Pages 72-73) 31. England and Wales. Crude death-rates to a million persons living from the principal epidemic diseases, and from phthisis, and deaths from puerperal septic diseases and diseases and accidents of childbirth to 1000 births in registration counties, 1900-1909, and 1910
(Pages 74-75) 32. England and Wales. Both sexes. Mortality under 5 years of age, 1910
(Pages 76-77) 33. England and Wales. Males. Mortality under 5 years of age, 1910
(Pages 78-79) 34. England and Wales. Females. Mortality under 5 years of age, 1910
(Pages 80-81) 35. Urban counties. Both sexes. Mortality under 5 years of age, 1910
(Pages 82-83) 36. Rural counties. Both sexes. Mortality under 5 years of age, 1910
(Page 84) 37. England and Wales. Both sexes. Mortality of infants and young children, average 1905-09 and 1910
(Page 85) 38. Mortality of illegitimate as compared with legitimate infants under one year of age, 1910
(Pages 86-87) 39. Mortality of illegitimate as compared with legitimate infants under one year of age, 1910
(Page 88) 40. England and Wales. Infantile mortality from several causes in registration counties, 1910
(Page 89) 41. England and Wales. Mortality among children aged 0-5 years, from several causes, in registration counties, 1910
(Page 90) 42. England and Wales. Deaths from various causes to a million deaths from all causes, 1910
(Page 91) 43. England and Wales. Names on the register, searches, and fees received, at the general register office, 1861-1910
(Page 92) 44. Islands in the British Seas. Area and population; and births, and deaths, 1886-1910
(Page 92) 45. Balance inward or outward on passenger movement into and out of the United Kingdom, 1895-1910
(Page 93) 46. Army. Strength and mortality, 1871-1910
(Page 93) 47. Royal navy. Mortality in the service afloat, 1871-1910
(Page 94) 48. Merchant service. Number and mortality of masters and seamen employed in sea-going vessels (excluding fishing vessels and yachts) registered in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, under the merchant shipping act, reported to the board of trade during each of the years ending 30th June, 1890-1891 to 1909-1910
(Page 95) 49. England and Wales. Prices and pauperism, 1861-1910
(Pages 96-97) 50. Meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1861-1910
(Pages 98-99) 51. Quarterly meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1910
(Pages 100-101) 52. Monthly meteorological elements at Greenwich, 1910
(Pages 102-107) 53. Mean annual values of meteorological elements from observations at several stations in the year 1910
(Pages 108-109) 54. International statistics. Males and females in twelve groups of ages in a million persons at all ages
(Pages 110-111) 55. Births, and deaths per 1000 of the population, in the United Kingdom and in certain colonies and foreign countries, 1881-1910
(Page 112) 56. United Kingdom. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 113) 57. England and Wales. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 114) 58. Scotland. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 115) 59. Ireland. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 116) 60. Commonwealth of Australia. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 117) 61. New Zealand. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 118) 62. Dominion of Canada. Province of Ontario. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 119) 63. Ceylon. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 120) 64. Jamaica. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 121) 65. Denmark (the kingdom properly so-called). Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 122) 66. Norway. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 123) 67. Sweden. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 124) 68. Russia (50 governments, excluding Finland and the provinces of the Vistula and the Caucasus). Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 125) 69. Finland. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 126) 70. German Empire. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 127) 71. Prussia (including Heligoland since 1891). Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 128) 72. Austria. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 129) 73. Hungary. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 130) 74. Roumania. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 131) 75. Bulgaria. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 132) 76. Servia. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 133) 77. The Netherlands. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 134) 78. Belgium. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 135) 79. France. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 136) 80. Switzerland. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 137) 81. Spain (including the Balearic, Canary Islands and Ceuta). Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 138) 82. Italy. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 139) 83. Japan. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 140) 84. Chili. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1881-1910
(Page 141) 85. United States of America (registration area). Population and deaths, 1900-1910
(323 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 143-224)Contract subtree Births, deaths, and marriages
(Pages 144-205)Contract subtree Births (distinguishing legitimate and illegitimate), deaths and marriages registered in England and Wales, and in the several registration divisions, counties, and districts; and births and deaths in sub-districts
(Pages 144-145) Registration divisions and counties
(Pages 146-205)Contract subtree Registration districts and sub-districts
(Pages 146-149) London
(Pages 149-156) South East
(Pages 157-162) South Midland
(Pages 167-174) South West
(Pages 175-182) West Midland
(Pages 182-186) North Midland
(Pages 186-190) North West
(Pages 191-196) Yorkshire
(Pages 206-209) Marriages, analysis of, in registration divisions and counties; showing, (a) mode of solemnization, (b) number in each quarter of the year, (c) previous civil condition of persons married, (d) marriages of persons not of full age, and (e) signatures by mark in marriage register
(Pages 210-216) Ages of persons married in England and Wales and in London, distinguishing ages of bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows
(Pages 217-224) Marriages in London
(Pages 225-276)Contract subtree Deaths in workhouses, hospitals, lunatic asylums, and idiot asylums
(Page 225) Note
(Pages 226-276)Contract subtree Deaths of males and females in public institutions
(Pages 226-227) Registration divisions and counties
(Pages 228-276)Contract subtree Registration districts and sub-districts
(Pages 228-231) London
(Pages 232-239) South East
(Pages 240-244) South Midland
(Pages 247-252) South West
(Pages 252-258) West Midland
(Pages 258-260) North Midland
(Pages 261-265) North West
(Pages 265-270) Yorkshire
(Pages 277-286)Contract subtree Deaths of persons, males, and females, at different ages, in registration divisions and counties
(Pages 277-286) Deaths of males and females at different age-periods, in registration divisions and counties
(Pages 287-465)Contract subtree Causes of death at different periods of life in England and Wales and in London. Causes of death in registration counties. Deaths from several causes in registration divisions, counties, and districts. Violent deaths
(Pages 288-307) Causes of death of males and females at different periods of life in England and Wales
(Pages 308-327) Causes of death of males and females at different periods of life in London
(Pages 328-397) Causes of death of males and females in each registration county
(Pages 398-440)Contract subtree Deaths from several causes, and inquest cases, in registration divisions, counties, and districts
(Pages 398-399) Registration divisions
(Pages 400-409) Registration counties
(Pages 410-440)Contract subtree Registration districts
(Pages 410-411) London
(Pages 411-415) South East
(Pages 415-418) South Midland
(Pages 421-424) South West
(Pages 424-428) West Midland
(Pages 428-430) North Midland
(Pages 430-432) North West
(Pages 432-435) Yorkshire
(Pages 441-459) Deaths from accident and negligence in England and Wales, distinguishing age, and cause or nature of accident; males and females
(Pages 460-461) Deaths from suicide in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Pages 462-463) Deaths from murder in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Pages 464-465) Deaths from manslaughter in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(57 pages)Contract subtree Indexes
(Pages 466-490)Contract subtree Indexes of registration districts, of sub-districts, and of urban districts, referring to numbers used in the several tables of abstracts
(Pages 466-469) Registration districts
(Pages 470-479) Registration sub-districts
(Pages 480-490) Urban districts
(Pages 491-496) Changes in the constitution of registration districts and sub-districts
(Pages 497-522) Alphabetical index to report, tables, and abstracts