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Eighth annual report of the registrar-general (Registrar-general's edition)

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-vii) Title page & contents
(47 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page 1) Marriages, births, and deaths, 1838-45
(Page 2) Proportion of marriages, births, and deaths to 100000 persons living
(Pages 3-35)Contract subtree Marriages
(Page 3) Marriages, births, and deaths in each quarter, 1838-45
(Page 4) Marriages to 100000 persons living in the 7 years 1839-45; and persons married annually to 100000 persons living in each of the 7 years 1839-45
(Page 5) Proportion of women married to women living between the ages of 15-45
(Page 8) Number of persons married, registered in each year from 1756-1845
(Pages 8-35)Contract subtree On the fluctuations of the marriages and their value as indications of the prosperity in the country
(Page 30) Tables of the proportion of marriages to females living 1796-1845
(Page 30) Population 1761-1841, marriages, annual rates of increase, and number of persons living to one annual marriage 1756-1845
(Pages 33-35) Tables of abstracts of marriages registered in England during the years 1838-45, exhibiting the principal facts connected with them
(Pages 36-38)Contract subtree Births
(Page 36) Births to 100000 males and 100000 females living, 1839-45
(Page 37) Proportion of births to women living between the ages 15-45
(Page 38) Proportions of male and female, legitimate and illegitimate, births registered
(Pages 38-47)Contract subtree Deaths
(Page 39) Deaths to 50000 males and 50000 females living, 1838-45
(Page 39) Relative mortality in each quarter of the years 1838-45
(Page 44) Population, births, marriages, and deaths in Naples; and the mortality per cent. annually compared with that of London in the years 1837-42
(Page 44) Deaths registered in 115 districts of England in the December quarters, 1838-45, showing the numbers above and below the average mortality, allowing for increase of population
(Page 45) Greenwich meteorological tables, 1844-5
(Page 46) Deaths registered in 115 districts and in all England, 1838-45
(Page 47) Marriages, births, and deaths, with the proportion of each to 100000 living in England, France, Austria, Prussia, in each year, 1838-45
(53 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 48-70)Contract subtree Tabular digests of the marriage returns, referred to in the report
(Pages 48-49) Table of marriages in eleven divisions of England and Wales in each of the years 1754-1845
(Pages 50-55) Table of marriages in the counties of England in each year 1754-1845
(Pages 56-57) Table of marriages in the twelve principal towns, in each year, 1754-1845
(Page 58) Table of marriages in eleven divisions, during the years 1750-1845, in periods of 5 and of 10 years
(Pages 59-60) Table of marriages in counties during years 1756-1835, in periods of 5 and of 10 years
(Page 61) Table of marriages in twelve of the principal towns during years 1756-1830 in periods of 5 and of 10 years
(Page 62) Number of persons married annually in England, France, Prussia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Hanover, Saxony, Austria, Russia, and Sardinia, during the years 1796-1845
(Page 63) Tables of the rates of marriage, of birth, and of mortality, &c. proportion of marriages, births, and deaths, in each division and county in England
(Page 64) Average annual marriages, births, and deaths, in the divisions and counties of England, arranged in the order of mortality
(Page 65) Proportion of marriages to 100 males and 100 females living, in each of the 7 years 1839-45 in the several divisions and counties of England
(Page 66) Number of persons who signed the marriage register with marks, in each of the years 1839-45
(Pages 67-68) Proportion per cent. of persons married who signed the marriage register with marks, in each of the years 1839-45
(Page 69) Proportion per cent. of persons married under 21 years of age, of the re-marriages of widowers and widows, and of persons who signed the marriage register with marks, in the year 1844
(Page 70) Proportion per cent. of persons married under 21 years of age, of the re-marriages of widowers and widows, and of persons who signed the marriage register with marks, in the year 1845
(Page 71) Proportion of births to 100 males and 100 females living, during each of the 7 years 1839-45, in the several divisions and counties of England
(Page 72) Total male and female births registered in England in 7 years, (1839-45,) also the ratio of males to females and the proportion per cent
(Page 72) Proportion of male and female births registered in England in 7 years 1839-45, also the proportion of male to female births of the legitimate and illegitimate children registered in the years 1842 and 1845
(Page 73) Illegitimate children registered in each district in the year 1845, also the proportion per cent. on the total births
(Pages 74-80) Proportion per cent. of illegitimate children to births registered in 1845, compared with 1842
(Page 81) Proportion of deaths registered to 100 males and 100 females living, in divisions and counties of England, in each of the 8 years 1838-45
(Pages 82-89) Deaths in London from 95 causes, and at 24 periods of life, in 1845
(Pages 90-97) Deaths in London from 95 causes, and at 24 periods of life, in 1846
(Pages 98-99) The number of buildings registered in England and Wales for the solemnization of marriages on December 31, 1846
(Page 100) Female population and proportion per cent. of wives, widows, and spinsters in different European countries
(168 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 101) Abstracts of marriages in each of the seven years, 1839-45
(Pages 102-103) Abstracts of marriages in the four quarters of the years 1839-45
(Pages 104-123) Abstracts of marriages, in the year 1845, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 124-125) Abstracts of births in each of the seven years, 1839-45
(Pages 126-127) Abstracts of births in the four quarters of the years 1839-45
(Pages 128-141) Abstracts of births in the four quarters of 1845 in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 142-155) Abstracts of illegitimate births in four quarters of the year 1845
(Pages 156-164) Abstracts of twin births
(Page 165) Abstracts of triple births
(Page 165) Abstracts of quadruple births
(Pages 166-167) Abstracts of deaths in each of the eight years, 1838-45
(Pages 168-171) Abstracts of deaths in four quarters of the years 1838-45
(Pages 172-186) Abstracts of deaths in four quarters of 1845, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 187-213)Contract subtree Abstracts of births in the six years 1839-44, and deaths at different ages in the seven years, 1838-44, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Page 187) Divisions
(Pages 188-191) Counties
(Pages 192-213)Contract subtree Districts
(Pages 192-193) 1. Metropolis
(Pages 194-195) 2. South Eastern division
(Pages 196-197) 3. South Midland division
(Pages 198-199) 4. Eastern division
(Pages 200-201) 5. South Western division
(Pages 202-203) 6. Western division
(Pages 204-205) 7. North Midland division
(Pages 206-207) 8. North Western division
(Pages 208-209) 9. York division
(Pages 210-211) 10. Northern division
(Pages 212-213) 11. Welsh division
(Pages 214-239)Contract subtree Abstracts of births in each of the six years 1839-44, and deaths at different ages in each of the seven years 1838-44, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 214-217) Divisions
(Pages 218-239)Contract subtree Counties
(Pages 218-219) 1. Metropolis
(Pages 220-221) 2. South Eastern division
(Pages 222-225) 3. South Midland division
(Pages 226-227) 4. Eastern division
(Pages 228-229) 5. South Western division
(Pages 230-231) 6. Western division
(Pages 232-233) 7. North Midland division
(Pages 234-235) 8. North Western division
(Pages 234-235) 9. York division
(Pages 236-237) 10. Northern division
(Pages 238-239) 11. Welsh division
(Pages 240-267)Contract subtree Abstracts of births and of deaths at different ages in the year 1845, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 240-241) Divisions
(Pages 242-245) Counties
(Pages 246-267)Contract subtree Districts
(Pages 246-247) 1. Metropolis
(Pages 248-249) 2. South Eastern division
(Pages 250-251) 3. South Midland division
(Pages 252-253) 4. Eastern division
(Pages 254-255) 5. South Western division
(Pages 256-257) 6. Western division
(Pages 258-259) 7. North Midland division
(Pages 260-261) 8. North Western division
(Pages 262-263) 9. York division
(Pages 264-265) 10. Northern division
(Pages 266-267) 11. Welsh division
(Page 268) Abstracts of deaths in the six years 1839-44, at different ages under one year
(88 pages)Contract subtree Appendix
(Pages 270-275) France movement of the population in the several departments and chief towns during the year 1844 legitimate and illegitimate births, stillbirths, accidental deaths, suicides &c. &c
(Page 276) Sweden population, deaths and annual mortality per cent. at different ages, 1821-40
(Page 276) Stockholm population, deaths and annual mortality per cent. at different ages, 1831-40
(Pages 277-348)Contract subtree Northampton
(Pages 277-278) Mr. Farr's letter to the registrar general
(Pages 278-293)Contract subtree The Northampton table of mortality, observations on
(Page 282) Tables showing the numbers dying at each age by true and false tables
(Page 283) Summary view of the alterations in Dr. Price's table
(Page 284) Comparative table of premiums, &c
(Page 286) Population, deaths, and mortality per cent., All Saints, Northampton
(Page 287) Summary view of the true and two false Northampton tables
(Page 288) Comparative table of premiums, &c
(Pages 288-291) Examples of the application of life tables to the purposes of insurance
(Page 291) Comparative table of premiums, &c
(Page 292) Comparative table of annual life premiums to insure 100£
(Page 292) Comparative table of premium to insure 100£. in the event of a life failing in the following year
(Pages 293-320)Contract subtree Northampton historical sketch of, from the beginning of the 10th century christenings and burials in the whole town, and in All Saints parish for 40 years, 1741-80
(Page 306) The census, 1746
(Page 310) Amount expended in belief of the poor, and number of paupers relieved in four parishes, 1838-44
(Page 313) Progress of the population of Northampton, 1084-1841
(Page 315) Houses and population of the four parishes in the borough of Northampton, at each census, 1801-41
(Page 316) Mortality at all ages, in Northampton in 40 years, 1741-80
(Page 316) Rent of houses in Northampton
(Pages 320-324)Contract subtree All Saints, Northampton
(Page 321) Comparative table of the rate of mortality per cent. at different ages
(Page 322) Annual mortality per cent. at different ages in the parishes of All Saints and St. Peter, &c
(Page 322) Annual mortality per cent. at several ages amongst shoemakers in All Saints
(Pages 323-324) Tables of the population at different ages in All Saints, Northampton, showing the numbers born in and out of the county
(Pages 324-325) The Northampton table of mortality, observations on
(Pages 326-348)Contract subtree Northampton; from the Doomsday book
(Page 328) Specimen of one of the Northampton bills of mortality
(Pages 329-331) Extract from a letter of the late Mr. Cornfield, registrar, Northampton
(Pages 332-333) Northampton tables of mortality, living and decrements, at each age
(Pages 334-336) Population, births, and deaths at different ages in All Saints Northampton
(Pages 337-339) Correct and incorrect Northampton tables contrasted in their applications to the purposes of life insurance
(Pages 340-341) The true Northampton life table
(Pages 342-345) The true Northampton logarithms of the several columns
(Pages 346-347) False Northampton table, agreeing with Dr. Price's in common use
(Page 348) Life table in decennial and other periods, All Saint's parish
(Pages 349-356) Table of meteorology for the years 1841-47, with remarks, by James Glaisher, Esq., of the royal observatory, Greenwich
(11 pages)Contract subtree Indexes
(Pages 357-362) Index to the eighth report
(Pages 363-366) Alphabetical list of districts, with the numbers at which they stand in the report
(1 errata) Errata