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Preliminary report, Northern Ireland, 1926

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages 1-2) Title page and contents
(Pages i-iii) Part I. Introduction
(Pages 1-5) Part II. Statistical notes
(11 pages)Contract subtree Part III. Tables
(Page 7) I. Northern Ireland: Population, 1841-1926
(Page 7) II. Counties: Population, 1841-1926
(Pages 8-10)Contract subtree III. Population, 1911 and 1926; and acreage
(Pages 8-9) (A). Counties, county boroughs, urban districts, and rural districts
(Page 10) (B). Towns created under the towns improvement (Ireland) act, 1854, and towns of 1, 000 population and upwards having no legally defined boundaries
(Page 10) IV. Parliamentary constituencies: Population and electors
(Page 11) V. Population, 1901, 1911, and 1926: Counties, county boroughs, urban districts, rural districts, and wards of county boroughs, arranged in order of increase or decrease in the period 1911-1926
(Pages 13-14)Contract subtree VI. Persons per acre, habitable buildings, and accommodation
(Pages 13-14) (A). Counties, county boroughs, urban districts, and rural districts and wards of county boroughs
(Page 14) (B). Towns created under the towns improvement (Ireland) act, 1854, and towns of 1, 000 population and upwards having no legally defined boundaries
(Page 15) VII. Counties: Habitable buildings, 1911 and 1926
(Page 15) VIII. Northern Ireland: Habitable buildings, accommodation and families, 1841-1926
(Page 16)Contract subtree IX. County boroughs: Families dwelling in tenements of one room, divided into
(Page 16) (A). Families which include persons of opposite sex, aged 15 years or over, who are not husband and wife
(Page 16) (B). Families which do not include such persons
(Page 17) X. County boroughs: Tenements of one room, and distribution of persons therein, 1911 and 1926
(Page 17) XI. Counties: Persons aged 70 years and over, 1841-1926
(Page 18) Publications of the government of Northern Ireland