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Occupations by birthplace, infirmities, fertility, Scotland, 1911

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-ii) Title page & contents
(Pages iii-iv) Introductory letter
(5 pages)Expand subtree Section A. Occupations of persons born in England and Wales, and Ireland
(8 pages)Expand subtree Section B. Foreigners nationalities, ages, occupations, &c
(Page xvi) Section C. Colonials
(Page xvi) Section D. Naturalised British subjects
(9 pages)Expand subtree Section E. The infirm
(30 pages)Contract subtree Section F. Fertility of marriage
(Page xxvii) Table K. Probability of fertility after varying sterile periods  Download table
(Page xxviii) Table L. Probability of fertility in marriages which for three years have been sterile  Download table
(Page xxx) Table M. Observed probability, for each age of wife, of complete family exceeding a specified number of children  Download table
(Page xxxi) Table N. Observed probability for each age of wife, of family being limited to a specified number of children  Download table
(Page xxxii) Table O. Influence of one year's delay of marriage on average number of children  Download table
(Page 1) Marriage fertility since 1861
(Page xxxiv) Table P. Number of children per 100 marriages, by date of marriages and ages of wives  Download table
(Page xxxvii) Table Q. Mortality in families of working mothers  Download table
(Pages xl-xlii) Appendix I. Correlations, regressions, &c, calculated by multiple linear regression method
(Pages xliii-li)Contract subtree Appendix II. Memorandum by Mr George Rae, B. Sc., on fertility tables constructed by a multiple non-linear regression method
(Page xliv) No original table title  Download table
(Page xlviii) No original table title  Download table
(290 pages)Expand subtree Abstract tables