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Preliminary report, Northern Ireland, 1937

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-v) Title page, preface & contents
(Page vi) Explanatory notes an definitions of terms used in this report
(5 pages)Expand subtree Part I. Statistical notes
(15 pages)Contract subtree Part II. Tables
(Page 6) Table 1. Population, 1821-1937 (Northern Ireland)
(Page 6) Table 2. Population, 1841-1937 (Co. and C. B. s)
(Pages 7-9) Table 3. Population, 1926, 1937 (Co., C. B. s and M. Bs, U. D. s and R. D. s, wards of C. E. Bs)
(Page 10) Table 4. Population, 1926, 1937 (Towns created under the towns improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, and towns of 1, 000 population and upwards having no legally defined boundaries)
(Page 11) Table 5. Houses, 1841-1937 (Northern Ireland)
(Page 11) Table 6. Houses, 1926, 1937 (Co., C. B. s, urban and rural aggregates)
(Pages 12-14) Table 7. Population in private houses, 1926, 1937 (Co., C. B. s and M. B. s, U. D. s and R. D. s, wards of C. B. s
(Page 15) Table 8. Population in private houses, 1926, 1937 (Towns created under the towns improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, and towns of 1, 000 population and upwards having no legally defined boundaries)
(Page 16) Table 9. Single room tenements, each occupied by two or more persons, 1926, 1937 (C. B. s and wards)
(Page 16) Table 10. Single room tenements, each occupied by two or more persons, 1926, 1937 (C. B. s)
(Pages 17-18) Table 11. Persons born outside Northern Ireland and resident in Northern Ireland for less than 10 years (Co., C. B. s and M. B. s, U. D. s and R. D. s, wards of C. B. s)
(Pages 19-20) Table 12. Population, parliamentary electors, and members of parliament (Parliamentary constituencies)