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Population tables. England and Wales. Vol. I. Index, 1861

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-ii) Title and contents
(Pages iii-vi) Indices
(Pages vii-viii) Introductory note
(26 pages)Expand subtree Summary tables
(190 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts. Part I. Houses and population in 1861 of the several counties, hundreds, lieutenancy sub-divisions, cities, boroughs, and towns, and of each parish or place separately assessed for the relief of the poor
(554 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts: Part II. Registration and poor law divisions: Areas, houses and population, in 1851 and 1861, of superintendent registrars' districts and poor law unions; of district parishes and ecclesiastical districts; inmates of public institutions; persons on board shipping; births, deaths, and marriages, 1851-1860, &c
(6 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts: Part iii. Islands in the British Seas
(Page 746) Contents
(Page 747) Areas houses and number of inhabitants, 1851, 1861, in the Islands in the British Seas, summary
(Page 747)Expand subtree Isle of Man
(Page 748)Expand subtree Jersey
(Page 748) Births and deaths returned in the 10 years 1851 to 1860
(Page 748) Returns of births and deaths which have occurred in the Island of Jersey during the 10 years 1851 to 1860
(Page 749)Expand subtree Guernsey and adjacent Islands
(Page 750)Expand subtree Towns of the Islands in the British Seas
(Page 750)Expand subtree Persons on board vessels in the Islands in the British Seas
(159 pages)Expand subtree Index to the names of places
(Page 910) Corrections and additions