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Population tables. England and Wales. Vol. II. Part 2, 1861

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Page 261) Contents
(76 pages)Contract subtree Division iv. Eastern: Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk
(Pages 265-272)Expand subtree Tables of ages
(Pages 272-277)Expand subtree Tables of civil or conjugal condition
(Pages 278-331)Contract subtree Tables of occupations
(Pages 278-279) 10. Occupations of males and females under 20, and 20 years of age and upwards, in the Eastern counties in classes, orders, and sub-orders
(Pages 280-283) 11. Occupations of males at different periods of age in the registration counties of Essex and Suffolk
(Pages 284-286) 12. Occupations of females at different periods of age in the registration counties of Essex and Suffolk
(Pages 287-289) 13 Occupations of males at different periods of age in the registration county of Norfolk
(Pages 290-313) 14. Occupations of females at different periods of age in the registration county of Norfolk
(Pages 314-317) 15. Occupations of males aged 20 years and upwards in districts
(Pages 318-320) 16. Occupations of females aged 20 years and upwards in districts
(Page 321) 17. Occupations of males under 20, and 20 years of age and upwards, in the principal towns
(Pages 322-331) 18. Occupations of females under 20, and 20 years of age and upwards, in the principal towns
(Pages 332-334)Expand subtree Tables of birth-places
(Pages 335-336)Expand subtree Tables relating to foreigners
(Pages 336-338)Expand subtree Tables relating to the blind, the deaf-and-dumb, and inmates of workhouses, &c
(96 pages)Expand subtree Division v. South-Western: Wilts, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset
(104 pages)Expand subtree Division vi. West-Midland: Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Stafford, Worcester, Warwick
(72 pages)Expand subtree Division vii. North-Midland: Leicester, Rutland, Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby
(58 pages)Expand subtree Division viii. North-Western: Cheshire, Lancashire
(78 pages)Expand subtree Division ix. York: Yorkshire
(66 pages)Expand subtree Division x. Northern: Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland
(90 pages)Expand subtree Division xi. Welsh: Monmouthshire, Wales
(28 pages)Expand subtree Islands in the British Seas
(Pages 931-937) Index to registration counties, superintendant registrars districts, and principal towns
(Pages 938-939) Index to the classified arrangement of the occupations of the people
(Page 940) Corrections and additions