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General report, Ireland, 1851

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title and table of contents
(59 pages)Expand subtree General report of commissioners
(76 pages)Contract subtree Appendix to report
(Pages lxii-lxix) Table I. Showing by provinces, counties, and towns, the numbers in the general tables reduced to proportions per cent.; the rural and civic districts being given both separately and combined
(Pages lxx-lxxi) II. Showing the classification of the army serving in Ireland on the 30th March, 1851
(Pages lxxii-ciii)Contract subtree Emigration
(Pages lxxii-lxxvii) III. to VIII. Showing the number and ages of persons who emigrated from the several counties in Ireland during each year, from 1st May, 1851, to 31st December, 1855
(Pages lxxviii-lxxxvii) IX. to XIII. Showing the number of emigrants from each county, and the ports at which they embarked, during each year, from the 1st of May, 1851, to 31st December, 1855
(Pages lxxxviii-xci) XIV. Showing the number of emigrants during each month, from 1st May, 1851, to 31st December, 1855, and the ports at which they embarked
(Page xc) XV. Showing the number of emigrants from each county during each year, from 1st May, 1851, to 31st December, 1855
(Page xci) XVI. Showing the number of emigrants from each Port, from 1st May, 1851, to 31st December, 1855
(Pages xcii-ci) XVII. Showing the occupations of the persons who emigrated from Ireland, from 1st May, 1851, to 31st December, 1855
(Page cii) XVIII. Showing the number of Irish who emigrated from the United Kingdom, from 30th June, 1841, to 31st March, 1851, and the countries to which they were bound
(Pages cii-ciii) XIX. Showing the number of Irish who emigrated from the United Kingdom, from 1st January, 1851, to 31st December, 1855, and the countries to which they were bound
(Pages cv-cxxxvi)Expand subtree Copies of forms used in taking the census of 1851, copies of circulars, and of instructions to superintendents and enumerators
(622 pages)Expand subtree County tables
(18 pages)Expand subtree Summary of Ireland
(30 pages)Expand subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Pages 667-676) Index to names of places in the general, tables
(1 errata) Errata