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General report, Ireland, 1881

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-xv) Title page & contents
(80 pages)Contract subtree General report
(Pages 1-3)Expand subtree Introduction
(Pages 3-15)Contract subtree I. Area, houses, and population
(Pages 3-6)Expand subtree Territorial divisions
(Page 6) Configuration, soil, climate, and race
(Page 6) Decrease in population since 1841
(Page 6) Area, houses, and population enumerated at previous and present censuses
(Page 6) Persons to an acre
(Pages 6-7) Persons to an acre; distinguishing rural and civic districts
(Page 7) Houses and house accommodation
(Pages 7-8) Number of families to each house, rural and civic districts
(Page 8) Valuation
(Page 8) Population in each county
(Page 8) Density of population in each county
(Pages 8-9) Per-centage of increase or decrease of population in each county
(Page 9) Per-centage of decrease of population in each province
(Page 9) Per-centage of inhabited houses in each province
(Page 9) Poor law unions and registration or union counties
(Page 9) Petty sessions districts
(Page 9) Constabulary
(Pages 9-10) Parliamentary and municipal boroughs and towns
(Page 10) Cities, &c, with over 50000 inhabitants
(Page 10) Cities, &c, with 20000, but less than 50000 inhabitants
(Page 10) Towns, &c, with 10000, but less than 20000 inhabitants
(Page 10) Towns, &c, with 5000, but less than 10000 inhabitants
(Page 10) Towns, &c, containing 2000, but not exceeding 5000 inhabitants
(Pages 10-11) Towns, &c, with local government, but not containing 2000 inhabitants
(Page 11) Dublin Metropolitan police district
(Page 11) Dublin Metropolitan registration district
(Pages 11-12)Contract subtree Special inquiry regarding agricultural holdings, and the population thereon
(Page 11) Classification of holdings adopted
(Pages 11-12) Mode of collecting the information on the subject
(Page 12) Distribution of certain classes of holdings in the several provinces
(Page 12) Differences in value of holdings under 30 acres, in various parts of the country
(Page 12) Distribution of population on agricultural holdings
(Page 12) House accommodation on agricultural holdings
(Pages 12-15)Expand subtree Agricultural statistics
(Page 15) Shipping
(Pages 15-16)Expand subtree II. Ages of the people
(Pages 17-19)Expand subtree III. Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 19-25)Expand subtree IV. Occupations of tie people
(Pages 25-26)Expand subtree V. Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 26-27)Expand subtree VI. Foreigners
(Pages 27-49)Expand subtree VII. The sick and infirm
(Pages 50-53)Expand subtree VIII. Public institutions
(Pages 53-61)Expand subtree IX. Religious profession of the people
(Pages 61-73)Expand subtree X. Religious profession and education of the people
(Pages 73-74)Expand subtree XI. Irish speaking population
(Pages 74-76)Expand subtree XII. Emigration
(Pages 76-77)Expand subtree XIII. Miscellaneous tables
(Page 77)Expand subtree XIV Maps and diagrams
(Pages 77-79)Expand subtree Conclusion
(32 pages)Expand subtree Maps and diagrams
(286 pages)Expand subtree General report tables
(42 pages)Expand subtree Appendix