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Eighth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page and content
(35 pages)Expand subtree Report
(14 pages)Expand subtree Tabular digests of the marriage returns, referred to in the report
(85 pages)Expand subtree Tables of the rates of marriage, of birth, and of mortality, &c
(17 pages)Expand subtree London population tables
(332 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 1) Abstracts of marriages in each of the seven years, 1839-45
(Pages 2-3) Abstracts of in the four quarters of the years 1839-45
(Pages 4-19) Abstracts of in the year 1845, 111 divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 20-21) Abstracts of births in each of the seven years, 1839-45
(Page 22) Abstracts of births in the four quarters of the years 1839-45
(Pages 23-30) Abstracts of births in the four quarters of 1845 in divisions, counties and districts of England
(Pages 31-38) Abstracts of illegitimate births in four quarters of the year 1845
(Pages 39-43) Abstracts of twin births in four quarters of the year 1845
(Page 43) Abstracts of triple births in four quarters of the year 1845
(Page 43) Abstracts of quadruple births in four quarters of the year 1845
(Pages 44-45) Abstracts of deaths in each of the eight years, 1838-45
(Pages 46-47) Abstracts of deaths in four quarters of the years 1838-45
(Pages 48-56) Abstracts of deaths in four quarters of 1845, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 57-83)Expand subtree Abstracts of births in the six years 1839-44, and deaths at different ages in the seven years, 1838-44, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 84-253)Expand subtree Abstracts of births in each of the six years 1839-44, and deaths at different ages in each of the seven years 1838-44, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 254-281)Expand subtree Abstracts of births and of deaths at different ages in the year 1845, in divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 282-283) Abstracts of deaths in the six years 1839-44, at different ages under one year
(Pages 284-287) France movement of the population in the several departments and chief towns during the year 1844
(Page 288) Sweden population, deaths and annual mortality per cent at different ages, 1821-40
(Page 288) Stockholm population, deaths and annual mortality per cent at different ages, 1821-40
(Page 289) Mr, Farr's letter to the registrar-general
(Page 290) The Northampton table of mortality, observations on
(Page 291) Tables showing the numbers dying at each age by true and false tables
(Page 292) Summary view of the alterations in Dr. Price's table
(Page 293) Comparative table of premiums, &c
(Page 294) Population, deaths, and mortality per cent., All Saints, Northampton
(Page 294) Summary view of the true and two false Northampton tables
(Page 295) Comparative tables of premiums, &c
(Pages 295-296) Examples of the application of life tables to the purposes of insurance
(Page 296) Comparative table of premiums, &c
(Page 297) Comparative table of annual life premiums to insure 100
(Page 297) Comparative table of premiums to insure 100 in the event of a life failing in the following year
(Pages 297-325)Expand subtree Northampton historical sketch of, from the beginning of the 10th century
(Pages 326-330) Table of meteorology for the years 1841-47, with remarks, by James Glaisher, Esq., of the royal observatory, Greenwich