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Twenty-fourth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-4) Title page & contents
(44 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages i-ii) Marriages, births, and deaths; their numbers and proportions to the population, during the year 1861
(Pages iii-viii)Expand subtree Marriages in 1861. Number celebrated according and not according to the rites of the Established Church
(Pages ix-xii) Births in 1861. Birth-rate; sex; seasons; children born in and out of wedlock
(Pages xii-xiii) Deaths in 1861. Death-rate; sex; seasons
(Pages xiii-xxxv)Contract subtree Summary of the quarterly reports, 1861
(Pages xiii-xviii) First quarter, ending March 31st
(Pages xviii-xxii) Second quarter, ending June 30th
(Pages xxii-xxv) Third quarter, ending September 30th
(Pages xxvi-xxxv) Fourth quarter, ending December 31st
(Pages xxxv-xxxviii) Health of London in 1861
(Pages xxxviii-xl) Great Britain; population, marriages, births, and deaths
(Pages xxxix-xli) Deaths in the British army at home and abroad
(Pages xxxix-xli) Marriages, births, deaths in England and France
(Pages xli-xlii) Births and deaths of English subjects at sea; mortality of merchant seamen
(Pages xliii-xliv) Progress of registration. Aggregate number of names on the registers, and the annual number of searches for registers at the central office
(172 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts
(38 pages)Expand subtree Occasional tables
(22 pages)Expand subtree Appendix: Letter to the registrar-general on the causes of death in England in 1861, by William Farr, Esq., M. D., D. C. L., F. R. S
(Pages 233-236) Index of districts, referring by numbers to the several tables of abstracts