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Thirty-fifth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(118 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page v) General review of facts for the year
(Pages v-vi) Registration of births; causes of deficiency in
(Page vi) Causes of death; proportion uncertified by qualified practitioners
(Page vii) Emigration from the United Kingdom, 1863-72
(Pages vi-vii) Increase of population, 1871-72, and influence of emigration thereon
(Pages vii-viii) Meteorology at Greenwich; prices of wheat, meat and potatoes; and pauperism
(Pages ix-xv) Marriages. Number celebrated according and not according to the rites of the Established Church; conditions of persons married; ages of persons married; marriages of minors; signatures of marriage registers; educational condition of different counties, as shown by the signatures of marriage registers; buildings registered for the solemnization of marriages; certified places of worship; designations of religious bodies
(Pages xv-xvii) Births. Number registered; sex; children born in and out of wedlock, and proportions of illegitimate births in various counties; seasons
(Pages xviii-xxi)Expand subtree Deaths. Number registered; death-rate; sex; age; mortality of males and females at various ages; seasons; locality; death-rate in urban and rural districts; deaths in public institutions
(Page xxi) Progress of registration. Aggregate number of names on the registers, particulars as to the alphabetical index to the names, and number of searches in the registers and of certificates granted at the central office
(Pages xxi-xxii) United Kingdom. Population, emigration, marriage, birth, and death rates
(Page xxii) The army. Strength and mortality of the army at home and abroad
(Pages xxii-xxiii) The navy. Strength and mortality of the navy at the different stations
(Pages xxiii-xxiv) Births and deaths of British subjects at sea; marine register book; mortality from diseases and injuries in the merchant service compared with that in the royal navy
(Page xxiv) Wills. Calendars of grants of probate and administration kept at the general register office; numbers and values of probates and
(Pages xxiv-xxvii) Sub-districts of England and Wales; area and population
(Pages xxvii-xxix) Foreign states. Population, marriage, birth, and death rates
(Pages xxx-xlviii)Expand subtree Summary of the quarterly reports
(Pages xlix-lvi) Health of London and of other large cities
(Pages lvii-lix) Meteorology; remarks by James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(Pages lxi-cxxii)Expand subtree Preliminary tables
(216 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts
(38 pages)Expand subtree Appendix
(30 pages)Expand subtree Indices