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Population abstracts, England and Wales, Vol. III, 1871

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-xi) Title and contents
(81 pages)Expand subtree Summary tables
(618 pages)Contract subtree England and Wales-Abstracts
(Pages 1-40)Expand subtree Division 1. London: Including parts of Middlesex, Surrey and Kent
(Pages 41-106)Expand subtree Division 2
(Pages 107-172)Contract subtree Division 3
(Pages 109-116)Expand subtree Tables of ages
(Pages 117-124)Expand subtree Tables of civil or conjugal condition
(Pages 125-161)Contract subtree Tables of occupation
(Pages 125-126) 10. Occupations of males and females under 20, and 20 years of age and upwards, in the South-Midland counties in classes, orders, and sub-orders
(Pages 127-130) 11. Occupations of males at different periods of age in the registration counties of Middlesex (Extra-Metropolitan) and Hertford
(Pages 131-133) 12. Occupations of females at different periods of age in the registration counties of Middlesex (Extra-Metropolitan) and Hertford
(Pages 134-136) 13. Occupations of males at different periods of age in the registration counties of Buckingham and Oxford
(Pages 137-139) 14. Occupations of females at different periods of age in the registration counties of Buckingham and Oxford
(Pages 140-142) 15. Occupations of males at different periods of age in the registration counties of Northampton and Huntingdon
(Pages 143-145) 16. Occupations of females at different periods of age in the registration counties of Northampton and Huntingdon
(Pages 146-148) 17. Occupations of males at different periods of age in the registration counties of Bedford and Cambridge
(Pages 149-151) 18. Occupations of females at different periods of age in the registration counties of Bedford and Cambridge
(Pages 152-155) 19. Occupations of males and females aged 20 years and upwards in superintendent registrars' districts, arranged in classes and orders
(Pages 156-158) 20. Occupations of males 20 years of age and upwards, in the principal towns
(Pages 159-161) 21. Occupations of females 20 years of age and upwards, in the principal towns
(Pages 162-164)Expand subtree Tables of birth-places
(Pages 165-167)Expand subtree Tables relating to foreigners
(Pages 168-172)Expand subtree Tables relating to the blind, deaf-and-dumb, and inmates of workhouses &c
(Pages 173-218)Expand subtree Division 4
(Pages 219-280)Expand subtree Division 5
(Pages 281-350)Expand subtree Division 6
(Pages 351-404)Expand subtree Division 7
(Pages 405-446)Expand subtree Division 8
(Pages 447-498)Expand subtree Division 9
(Pages 499-550)Expand subtree Division 10
(Pages 551-618)Expand subtree Division 11
(30 pages)Expand subtree Islands in the British Seas. Abstracts