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Population tables, Scotland, Vol. II, 1871

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-x) Title page & contents
(38 pages)Expand subtree Report
(90 pages)Contract subtree Births, marriages, and deaths during the ten years 1861-1870
(Pages xlix-lii) Preliminary remarks on the population, and on its division into groups of districts
(Page lii) Proportion of children in the populations of the groups of districts almost identical, though the birth-rate was so extremely different
(Pages lii-liv) Connection between density of population and the proportion of births, deaths, and marriages
(Page liv) Vitality of the populations in the different groups of districts, as shown by the death-rates in each
(Page liv) Vitality of the populations in the different groups of districts, as shown by the marriage and birth-rates
(Pages lv-lvii)Expand subtree Births in Scotland
(Pages lvii-lxiii)Contract subtree Illegitimate births
(Pages lvii-lviii) Number and proportion of illegitimate births in Scotland, its groups of districts, counties, etc
(Page lviii) Facts which show that illegitimacy in Scotland is different from that on continent of Europe
(Page lviii) Proportion of males to females in the illegitimate births
(Pages lviii-lx) Illegitimacy confined to Lower and industrial classes
(Page lx) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and the want of education
(Pages lx-lxi) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and the existence of bothies on farms
(Pages lxi-lxii) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and a high proportion of females in the population
(Pages lxii-lxiii) No traceable connection between a high rate of illegitimacy and insufficient house accommodation
(Page lxiii) Causes of illegitimacy have yet to be further investigated
(Pages lxiii-lxviii)Expand subtree Ages of mothers bearing children
(Pages lxviii-lxxiv)Expand subtree Number of children born to each woman
(Pages lxxiv-lxxxix)Expand subtree Marriages in Scotland
(Pages lxxxix-cii)Expand subtree Deaths in Scotland
(Pages cii-cxi)Expand subtree Diseases which caused the mortality
(Pages cxi-cxxix)Expand subtree Geographical distribution of disease in Scotland
(Pages cxxix-cxxxvii)Expand subtree Influence of season and weather on the mortality
(48 pages)Expand subtree Tables appended to the report
(9 pages)Expand subtree Diagrams
(582 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts
(32 pages)Expand subtree Indices