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Seventy-fifth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-vi) Title page & contents
(2 pages)Expand subtree Introductory remarks
(105 pages)Expand subtree Review by Dr. Stevenson of the vital statistics of the year
(109 pages)Expand subtree Tables
(503 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 110-131)Expand subtree Marriages
(Pages 132-162) Estimated population, births (legitimate and illegitimate), birth-rate, deaths, death-rate (crude and standardized), standardizing factor, infant mortality and natural increase in each administrative area
(Pages 163-174) Enumerated population (adjusted for institutions) and calculated deaths used in calculating standardizing factors in each administrative area
(Pages 175-609)Contract subtree Deaths
(Page 175) By sex, and for females by condition as to marriage, at each year of age
(Pages 176-189)Expand subtree By sex and age
(Pages 190-291)Expand subtree From various causes by sex and age
(Pages 292-309) In each quarter of the year, distinguishing sex and cause, in different classes of area
(Pages 310-328) In various classes of institutions, distinguishing sex, cause, and class of institution, and for certain causes, age also, in different classes of area
(Pages 329-453)Expand subtree By sex and short list of causes and ages
(Pages 454-552)Expand subtree By sex and short list of causes in administrative areas
(Pages 553-571)Expand subtree Violent deaths
(Pages 572-609) Secondary causes of deaths allocated to titles 20-38
(Pages 610-611) Enumerated population (adjusted for institutions) and calculated deaths used in calculating standardizing factors in each administrative area