Open subtreeCensus Close subtreeRegistrar General   
      Open subtree 1836-1840
      Open subtree 1841-1850
      Open subtree 1851-1860
      Open subtree 1861-1870
      Open subtree 1871-1880
      Open subtree 1881-1890
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Seventy-eighth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-vi) Title page & contents
(2 pages)Expand subtree Introductory remarks
(54 pages)Contract subtree Review by Dr. Stevenson of the vital statistics of the year
(Pages ix-xi)Expand subtree Population
(Pages xi-xiv)Expand subtree Marriages
(Pages xiv-xvi)Expand subtree Births
(Pages xxiii-xxiv)Expand subtree Causes of death
(Page xxiv)Expand subtree Enteric fever
(Page xxiv) Small-pox
(Pages xxiv-xxv)Contract subtree Measles
(Pages xxiv-xxv) Trend of mortality
(Page xxv) Mortality in administrative areas
(Page xxv)Expand subtree Scarlet fever
(Page xxvi)Expand subtree Whooping cough
(Page xxvi)Expand subtree Diphtheria and croup
(Page xxvi)Expand subtree Influenza
(Page xxvi) Vaccinia
(Pages xxvi-xxviii)Expand subtree Tuberculosis
(Pages xxix-xxx)Expand subtree Tuberculous meningitis
(Page xxx)Expand subtree Tuberculosis of the peritoneum and intestines
(Page xxx)Expand subtree Other tuberculous diseases
(Pages xxxvi-xxxvii)Expand subtree Tumours (not returned as malignant)
(Page xxxviii) Poliomyelitis
(Pages xxxix-xl)Expand subtree Cerebro-spinal fever
(Pages xl-xli)Expand subtree Posterior basal meningitis
(Pages xli-xliii)Expand subtree Pneumonia
(Pages xliii-xlvi)Expand subtree The puerperal state
(Pages xlvi-xlviii)Expand subtree Anaesthetics
(Pages xlix-l)Expand subtree Ill-defined causes of death
(Pages l-lix)Expand subtree Certification of causes of death
(Page lix)Expand subtree Deaths in institutions for the sick or infirm
(Pages lix-lxi)Expand subtree United Kingdom
(Page lxi) Births and deaths at sea
(Page lxi) Progress of registration
(Pages lxi-lxii) Offences against the registration acts
(Page lxii) Searches and certificates
(Pages lxiii-lxviii) Meteorology of the year 1915
(82 pages)Expand subtree Tables
(434 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts