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Fifteenth annual report of registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages, Scotland

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-4) Title page & contents
(Pages 5-6) Report of the registrar-general to the secretary of state for the home department
(34 pages)Contract subtree Report to the registrar-general, by Dr Stark
(Pages 9-19)Expand subtree Scotland
(Pages 19-37)Expand subtree Eight principal towns
(Pages 37-39)Expand subtree Vaccination in Scotland 1868
(15 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 41) Births registered in Scotland during each month of the year 1869, pursuant to the act 17 and 18 Vict. Cap. 80
(Page 42) Deaths registered in Scotland during each month of the year 1869
(Page 43) Marriages registered in Scotland during each month of the year 1869
(Page 44) Vaccination in Scotland for the year 1868, pursuant to the act 26 and 27 Vict. Cap. 108
(Page 45) Summary of the deaths from all causes at four periods of life in the eight towns during the year 1869
(Pages 46-49) Deaths from all causes at four periods of life in each of the eight principal towns of Scotland during the year 1869
(Page 50) Births in the eight principal towns of Scotland during each month of the years 1863 to 1869 inclusive, distinguishing the sexes
(Page 51) Illegitimate births in the eight towns during each month of the years 1863 to 1869 inclusive
(Page 51) Marriages in the eight towns during each month of the years 1860 to 1869 inclusive
(Page 52) Deaths in the eight principal towns of Scotland during each month of the years 1863 to 1869 inclusive, distinguishing the sexes
(Page 53) Meteorology of the eight principal towns of Scotland during each month of the year 1869
(Pages 54-55) Births, deaths, and marriages registered during 1869 in the town and landward portions respectively of all the burghal districts of Scotland
(Pages 56-60) Appendix: Extracts from registrars' notes relative to the working of the vaccination act